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Wireframe Showcase - Home
via Ad Packs Notism Hannes Upload your design layouts, add interactions via hotspots, link screens and discuss your creative… view details 0

Sketchy Wireframes Introduction When it comes to user interface documentation, wireframes have long been the tool of choice. However, using traditional diagramming tools like Visio, OmniGraffle, and InDesign, most wireframes today look the same as their ancestors did from a decade ago – assembled with rigid, computer-drawn boxes, lines and text. While these artifacts have served us well, they can also be slow to produce, burdened with unnecessary detail and give a false impression of “completion.” To compensate for the drawbacks of traditional wireframes, many practitioners put aside the computer in favor of simple pencil sketches or whiteboard drawings. This speeds up the ideation process, but doesn’t always produce presentable or maintainable documentation.

Eric Meyer on CSS: Downloads Files for Download Readers have two options: to download the files for each project as they work on them, or to download the entire set of 10 project files in a single archive. The archives are available in ZIP, Gzip, and StuffIt formats. Visit the individual project pages for more information related to each project, such as new details regarding the techniques shown or any errata. Note that the following archives contain for each project: The "base project file" used by the reader to follow along with the project as it evolves, saving changes and previewing them in a Web browserThe files used to generate the figuresAny other files referred to in the text A Beginner's Guide to Wireframing Wireframing is an important step in any screen design process. It primarily allows you to define the information hierarchy of your design, making it easier for you to plan the layout according to how you want your user to process the information. If you've yet to use wireframing, it's time to get your feet wet.

Eric Meyer on CSS: Downloads Files for Download Readers have two options: to download the files for each project as they work on them, or to download the entire set of 13 project files in a single archive. The archives are available in both ZIP and StuffIt formats. The 20 best wireframing tools Wireframe tools make the process of knowing how to create an app or website fundamentally easier, by visually stripping the product down and enabling all involved to focus purely on functions and user interactivity. Clients need to understand how your proposed app or website will work. But simply explaining to them verbally or in writing leaves the vast majority of functions down to their imagination – which isn't helpful for you or your client, and leaves a lot of room of error. Wireframe tools can be extremely helpful in squaring that circle. Get 15% off Creative Cloud with our exclusive offer

Charte graphique La charte graphique est un document de travail qui contient l'ensemble des règles fondamentales d'utilisation des signes graphiques qui constituent l'identité graphique d'une organisation, d'un projet, d'une entreprise. Le terme vient du latin charta qui signifie "papier" et qui en français a pris le sens de "loi, règle fondamentale". But et intérêts de la charte graphique Le but de la charte graphique est de conserver une cohérence graphique dans les réalisations graphiques d'une même organisation, projet ou entreprise quels que soient les différents intervenants de la production (graphiste, directeur artistique...). L'intérêt de réaliser une charte graphique est double : L'identité graphique reste intacte quelles que soient les réalisations graphiques, afin que l'organisation, le projet ou l'entreprise (qui sont une somme d'individualités) parle "d'une seule voix".
