German Words and Phrases
1. Basic Phrases Ich is not actually pronounced ikh, unless you are speaking a northern dialect of German. If you are speaking a southern dialect, then it is more like ish. There is no equivalent sound in English. In standard German, it is somewhere between ish and ikh. 2. Highlighted vowels do not exist in English. Notice that words spelled with ö and ü can be pronounced with a long or short vowel, so determining the pronunciation based on the spelling is not possible. German Consonants There are a few German consonants that do not exist in English, and some consonant combinations that are not common in English. In addition, the sounds [b], [d], and [g] lose their voicing at the end of a syllable, so they are pronounced as their voiceless counterparts [p], [t], and [k], respectively. Stress Stress generally falls on the first syllable of the word, except in words borrowed from other languages, where the stress falls on the last syllable (especially with French words.) 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 5. 6.
Übungen Grammatik
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Film ab! – Kurzfilme im Unterricht - Kurzfilme - Goethe-Institut
D 2011, Farbe, 8 Minuten, ohne Dialog, Animationsfilm Regie, Drehbuch, Animation: Kyra Buschor, Cynthia CollinsMusik: Maryna AksenovProduktion: Philipp Wolf, C. Cramer-Clausbruch, Eva Steegmayer, Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg Der Sensenmann ist den ganzen Tag damit beschäftigt, den Menschen das Leben zu nehmen. 19. Die Filme eignen sich für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene gleichermaßen. Idealerweise erhalten Sie vom Goethe-Institut die DVDs, hier sind alle Filme enthalten. Und noch ein Hinweis in eigener Sache: Wir haben die Filme so ausgesucht, dass sie weltweit einsetzbar sind. Die DVDs „Film ab! Die DVDS können nur außerhalb von Deutschland ausgeliehen werden, eine Bestellungen aus Deutschland ist aus lizenzrechtlichen Gründen leider nicht möglich. Filme sind urheberrechtlich geschützt, daher ist ein Verkauf oder Vertrieb der DVD durch das Goethe-Institut leider nicht möglich.
Learn German by watching movies and TV series with German subtitles
German language > Movies in German with German subtitles Add movie to this section On this page you will find a list of movies in German that you may use to learn and improve your German. You will not find links to download movies here, but instead there is some unique information that will help you a great deal in your studies of German language - it's our user reviews that will help you choose the best movies that suit your level. near the movie title. which level of German is necessary in order to understand the movie: intermediate or advanced, how fast the tempo of speech is, whether the movie contains some specific vocabulary (slang, medical terms, etc.). I invite YOU to write such review for your favorite German movie. If you see a little sign near the movie title, that means that this movie has a vocabulary list compiled by one of our users. Animated movies are indicated by a little penguin Automatic search for German subtitles for movies and TV series in German on
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