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America's Forgotten Pin-Up Girl

America's Forgotten Pin-Up Girl
Word of the day: Zaftig /zäftig/ adjective: (of a woman) Having a full, rounded figure; plump. Meet Hilda, the creation of illustrator Duane Bryers and pin-up art’s best kept secret. Voluptuous in all the right places, a little clumsy but not at all shy about her figure, Hilda was one of the only atypical plus-sized pin-up queens to grace the pages of American calendars from the 1950s up until the early 1980s, and achieved moderate notoriety in the 1960s. “She’s a creation out of my head. Despite being one of history’s longest running calendar queens alongside the likes of Marilyn Monroe, even the most dedicated vintage enthusiasts probably won’t have come across Hilda before. “[Duane Bryers] had the chops to have been one of the greatest pin-up artists in America, but possibly his lust for ample-sized women prevented that,” admits the online gallery curator and Hilda collector, Les Toil. Of the moment he first discovered the lost Hilda watercolour illustrations, Les recalls:

Le corps des femmes devenues mères mis en lumière dans un livre PHOTOGRAPHIE – Après son accouchement, Jade Beall en a eu marre des femmes trop minces et trop retouchées considérées comme parfaites. Elle a donc décidé de publier en ligne une série d'autoportraits dénudés post-partum et a découvert qu'elle n'était pas la seule à considérer les vrais corps comme étant splendides. Tout a commencé lorsqu'une photo sur sa page Facebook a été "likée" et partagée plusieurs milliers de fois. C'est à ce moment qu'elle s'est rendu compte qu'elle avait peut être mis le doigt sur quelque chose. Et comment! Des centaines de mères lui ont alors écrit dans l'espoir d'être, elles aussi, photographiées "comme elles sont". Les clichés de ces femmes (Beall en a réalisé plus de 50 à ce jour), accompagnés de leur histoire respective, seront publiés dans A Beautiful Body ("Un corps magnifique", en français) - un livre que la photographe compte éditer grâce au financement solidaire qu'est le crowdfunding et l'aide de volontaires. Manque de confiance en soi

10 Freaking Creepy Japanese Urban Legends Japan, believe it or not, is a very, very dark and scary place… A lot of Japanese urban legends basically say this: Don’t ever freakin’ travel alone. They also have a fascination with the bathroom. Is it because we let loose in it? 1. Kuchisake-onna (Slit-mouthed woman) is a woman that walks around alone at night wearing a surgical mask. WRONG. This is from Wikipedia: The woman will stop the child and ask, “Am I pretty?” Honestly though, who lets their kid walk around at night? 2. According to some old story, a young schoolgirl was cut in half by an oncoming train after she had fallen in the tracks. There’s a version of this story that I heard a long time ago: There was this boy who was walking home alone, it was getting dark, and he was in an unfamiliar part of the town, so he started to pick up his pace. 3. If you’ve never been to a Japanese school bathroom or a Korean school bathroom, feel lucky. Aka Manto is a ghost that haunts the last stall in the bathroom. 4. 5. 6. Weird. 7. 8. 9.

Help Remedies I don't know what the back of my head looks like I don't know who wrote Poor Richard's Almanack/what time it is I need to buy a gift for someone I don't know which fork to use I don't want to clean up my mess I can't chew gum because I have braces I want to buy help®'s products I want my cat to be a cover model I don't know if I am depressed/colorblind I am worried about my penis size I don't know what to do for my birthday I want to learn another language I want to buy help® elsewhere I want to buy help® shirts I don't know what soda to drink Although I appreciate your sharing this webpage with your friends, family, and co-workers via social networks, I would appreciate it even more if you shared this webpage with my ex girlfriend who broke up with me because she thought I was a loser who was never really going to amount to anything. Send email this page a requestreturn to share

The Marilyn Meme Originally posted at Shameless. Marilyn Monroe is often held up as the antidote to the idea that only thin can be beautiful. “Marilyn was a size 10/12/14,” goes a common refrain (though sizing basically means nothing these days, so what does that even prove?). There have been a couple Marilyn Monroe memes floating around Facebook in the past couple months, and both are troubling. The focus is on Marilyn’s curves, and how her swimsuit clad body is different from what movie stars look like today (oh, the tyranny of the “Best Beach Bodies!” In the first photo, Marilyn is compared to another woman in a bikini, who is much thinner. The second is the same photo of Marilyn, this time alone in the Motivational Poster style. I want very much for us to stop thinking that there is only one body type that is acceptable.

22 Websites that are Beautiful and Useful Here at WDL, we like to keep you inspired by showing you beautifully designed websites every week with our web design inspirational lists. Today we decided to go a different route, and instead of picking a single “theme” of examples, we gathered examples of websites that are inspiring and useful for web designers. We gathered different tools and skill sharing websites to show you so you can be inspired and also discover a nice tool/service. From free lessons to learn how to code to monthly memberships to help you to learn more about design, in this post you will find here 22 examples of inspiring and useful websites. responsify Responsify is a browser based tool, which allows you to create your own responsive template. iconmonstr Free simple icons for your next project. Lore Instructors, extend your classroom online with discussions, gradebook, and more. Codeacademy Codecademy is the easiest way to learn how to code. Skillshare Learn anything from anyone, anywhere. Pokki Work & Turn Symbolset Lore

raven & beast boy I don't want to be a 'natural beauty' Photo: Getty Images. Posed by model. It must be nice to be a “natural beauty.” To be gorgeous without effort or even interest. It’s hard to escape the concept of natural beauty. I was disturbed. But we are always talking about girls’ appearances, actually. Advertisement It sets up a strange dynamic. Being beautiful in track pants is a major accomplishment. Being beautiful without makeup is a triumph. Being beautiful early in the morning, while exhaustedly walking the dog or slogging miserably to work—success!! A few months ago, in the New York Times Room For Debate session on makeup, a man proudly trumpeted his wife’s ability to look super hot without even putting makeup on! Now imagine a woman who’s gotten “work done.” We women often put a lot of effort into, and pay a lot of money to attempt to “look natural.” It can all seem a little ridiculous, when you lean back from it for a second and squint. And goddamnit, we need to let girls do this.

