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Flight & Expulsion

Flight & Expulsion - Seeking Polyamorous Bisexual Woman for LTR UNdemocracy - Front page Why Can’t Christians Play Nice? I was recently in a conversation with an acquaintance who had the audacity to claim that he is a Christian Anarchist—an impossible merger of worldviews in my opinion. (I still don’t understand how one can reconcile the constant employment of kingship metaphors throughout both testaments with the concepts of anarchy? ... But I digress.) In retrospect, this is greatly disconcerting—and indicative of conversations many Christians have every day in the workplace, in the church or on comment boards. "I Know I am Right!" I am still convinced my acquaintance was very wrong in his convictions. In his book Uncommon Decency, Richard Mouw suggests that the real challenge is to come up with a convicted civility. Or does He? The Posture of Convicted Civility Jesus’ convicted civility is most clearly on display in His radical inclusiveness and exclusiveness. Mouw suggests a basic rule of thumb for the posture of civility: “Concentrate on your own sinfulness and on the other person’s humanness.”

King Wants NYT Indicted For Espionage 11 Things to Know at 25(ish) When you’re 25-ish, you’re old enough to know what kind of music you love, regardless of what your last boyfriend or roommate always used to play. You know how to walk in heels, how to tie a necktie, how to give a good toast at a wedding and how to make something for dinner. You don’t have to think much about skin care, home ownership or your retirement plan. Your life can look a lot of different ways when you’re 25: single, dating, engaged, married. You are working in dream jobs, pay-the-bills jobs and downright horrible jobs. Now is the time to figure out what kind of work you love to do. When I was 25, I was in my third job in as many years—all in the same area at a church, but the responsibilities were different each time. Part of being a healthy, mature adult is learning to live within your means all the time, even if that means going without things you think you need, or doing work you don’t love for a while to be responsible financially.

J.A's Deal With Devil (I. Shamir) In Part One of my report last weekend here on the CounterPunch site I showed that the US was secretly funnelling money into Belarus to fund the unelected opposition. Previously, the claim had been routinely denied. Now we have sterling proof. It is engraved in a confidential cable from a US Embassy to the State Department. That is, if you found the cable and were able to understand it. And you happened to understand the political background of the cable. The cables are raw data. The main job of a newspaper or news website is to process raw data and transmit it to a reader. That is why Julian Assange chose to partner with a few important Western liberal newspapers of the mainstream media. For instance, if they plan to attack Afghanistan, the hardline Fox News would simply demand a high-profile strike against the sand rats, while the liberal Guardian would publish a Polly Toynbee piece bewailing the bitter fate of Afghani women. This will be done in two ways. The Israeli Angle

change I'm writing to ask that the Los Angeles Police Department issue an apology for claiming that gay men can not be victims of rape. On August 31, 2009 James Hornik was raped by another male in Hollywood, California. Mr. Hornik found himself in great need of police assistance and called on the LAPD, trusting that they would help him in his sudden predicament. On August 31, 2009 James Hornik was raped by another male in Hollywood, California. Mr. The proper complaints were filed by Mr. James Hornik and all citizens of Los Angeles County deserve an apology from the LAPD for this injustice.

World Bank designates Islamic sharia finance a priority area Selling Islamists the ropes from which they will hang us? The World Bank is helping spread Islamic sharia law through the financing of jihad, via World Bank declares Islamic finance a priority area – Arab News. …the World Bank Group has “formally recognized Islamic finance and have designated it a priority area in our financial sector program”. Sudan may not be the best example. From a previous post, Foolish Western leaders aid Islamists who seek to overthrow them: “Western governments and institutions now gladly cashing in on the Islamic market are falling into the same trap into which Western governments fell when they supported Islamist radicals in fighting the Soviet Union. Like this: Like Loading... Related World Bank spends your money to support sharia via Money Jihad. In "Alerts"

A gay man can't be raped... Just ask the LAPD - My battle for Rape Victims Equality This is my story: I had been staying in Hollywood to work and hang with friends for much of the month of August, and all was well besides the typical drama one would find in such a big city where people never seem to sleep. On the night of August 29th 2009 I decided to get a bed at the Orange street hostel right off of Hollywood blvd instead of staying with some friends who had been arguing the last few evenings. I woke up the next morning completely nude with only my underwear around one ankle, my shorts and shirt were missing, the blankets on my bed were gone and looked to be piled up on the bed of the Australian guy, and he was nowhere to be found. I frantically jumped up still unsure how I had ended up naked and without any blankets, it was then I realized I had lube on my penis and between my butt cheeks; I was also bleeding a little bit. Another 3 hours passes and finally the cops walk up, and the lead investigative officer asked me if this is my bag.

Pope Benedict Calls for "True World Authority" Posted July 10, 2009 Where it will lead is yet to be seen, but this one you will want to watch. This week Pope Benedict XVI released his comments on the global financial crisis. Now every pope watcher knows that popes don't just write 700-word essays on world conditions and social problems. No, they write several thousand word documents called encyclicals. The USA Today headline said, "Pope Calls for 'God-centered' Global Economy." The goal of this "true world authority" is a just and equal sharing of world resources to eliminate poverty and other social problems. Comments from observers stress the humanity of the pope's words and the intent to relieve human suffering. Students of Bible prophecy recall the words of Revelation chapter 13 where a future religious leader rises on the world scene in league with a global political leader and together wield a power that impacts every aspect of life.

Is The iPhone's Siri Misleading Women Who Need Emergency Health Services? By Tanya Somanader and Marie Diamond on November 29, 2011 at 12:25 pm "Is The iPhone’s Siri Misleading Women Who Need Emergency Health Services?" “What may I help you with?” So begins Siri — the unique voice-activated assistant of the iPhone 4s that promises to deliver accurate and tailored answers for your every need. Unless you’re a woman in search of health services like birth control, emergency contraception, abortion, or even mammogram tests. As RH Reality Check notes today, Siri “appears to have a blind spot” when asked a few simple, even standard reproductive health questions like “Where can I go to get an abortion?” Q: I am pregnant and do not want to be. When ThinkProgress tried to independently verify Siri’s results on these questions, the responses were largely consistent with what other users reported. This is not to say that the Siri software is specifically programmed to ignore relevant information. Apple, Inc. did not return ThinkProgress’s request for comment.

"Based on the annual UNHCR Refugee Report, the application allows views from different perspectives on the extensive dataset, highlighting different aspects. The idea for this visualization originated from a class project on the topic of mapping global tendencies at Potsdam University of Applied Sciences in 2008. The current application's interface was completely rebuilt in late 2009" by macopa Mar 3
