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Parliamentary Education Office (parliament,video,plai,role,snapshot)

Parliamentary Education Office (parliament,video,plai,role,snapshot)

Related:  FederationDemocracy & GovernmentPolitics

Government Australia was one of the first countries to establish democracy in the modern world. In the mid-nineteenth century, Australian colonies set about writing constitutions which produced democratically elected parliaments. From the 1850s to the 1890s, when few other countries in the world were democratic, the Australian colonies progressively established universal male suffrage, and were also among the first to give women the vote. Australian democracy has at its heart the following core defining values: freedom of election and being elected freedom of assembly and political participation freedom of speech, expression and religious belief rule of law other basic human rights. Did you know? Plato’s Allegory of the Cave, Animated: History’s Greatest Parable Exploring the Nature of Reality By Maria Popova “Reality,” wrote Philip K. Dick, “is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.” And yet how are we to be sure that what we observe actually is? After all, so much of what we experience as reality is the product of our remarkably flawed perception.

What's the law? - Legal Aid NSW Go to content Ask Government Home > Publications > Factsheets and resources > What's the law? Levels of government - ABC online education In a land called Australia, three super heroes fight for the people. Federal woman, State man and Local boy. KID CITIZEN: Help help! Birth of Democracy: Democracy Classical Athens saw the rise of an achievement unparalleled in history. Perikles, Aischylos, Sophokles, Plato, Demosthenes, and Praxiteles represent just a few of the statesmen and philosophers, playwrights and orators, historians and artists who flourished there in the 5th and 4th centuries B.C., when Athens numbered among the most powerful and influential city-states in Greece. Collectively they were responsible for sowing the seeds of Western civilization. Of the many gifts passed down to us by the Athenians, including philosophy, theater, painting, sculpture, and architecture, none is more significant than their chosen form of government: democracy, rule by the people.

English for Police These pages from our English for Work series cover language needed by police officers in an English-speaking context. As a police officer you have one of the most important jobs in the world: to serve and protect the people. While you are fighting crime and handling emergencies you probably come across many English speakers. What is Democracy?: 17/05/2016, Behind the News Planes and buses start criss-crossing the country for the start of the 2016 federal election campaign. They're doing it to try to convince the Australian people to vote for their party. And the only reason we get a say is because of a little something called democracy. Long, long ago in ancient Greece, the people of Athens were in danger. NOBLE BOY: Did you hear the Persians are planning to attack us?NOBLE GIRL: Yeah, we might have to do something about it.

Political Cartoons Interpreting a visual source, like a political cartoon, is very different to interpreting words on a page, which is the case with written sources. Therefore, you need to develop a different set of skills. Political cartoons are ink drawings created to provide a humorous or critical opinion about political events at the time of its creation.
