The Brotherhood of Satan The Brotherhood has existed from the earliest of times under many different names. Originally, we have been called the Brotherhood of Darkness & Shadows. We are a Brotherhood of the Serpent and we are the very first known Secret Society. The lineage of the Brotherhood in its present incarnation comes from a Highly Secretive Satanic movement that was called among the Dark Elders, the Dark Brotherhood or more simply "The Brotherhood" . We owe allegiance to no one, nor do we seek acceptance from any other existing Satanist Organization or persons that claim to be Satanists. Our very roots are Ancient in origin returning back to the early dark Pagan Demon Worshipping Cultures. Comment from a Brotherhood member..." Comment from another Brotherhood member..." The Brotherhood of Satan is made up of those most dedicated to Satan and those that truly hold the Wisdom of Satan within their Souls. Comment from another Brotherhood member..." Comment from another Brotherhood member..." BOS PDF Library
Isis Unveiled by H. P. Blavatsky, homepage. Theosophy source book. A Master-Key to the Mysteries of Ancient and Modern Science and Theology By H. P. Blavatsky Blavatsky's first major work on theosophy, examining religion and science in the light of Western and Oriental ancient wisdom and occult and spiritualistic phenomena. Theosophical University Press Online Edition (print version also available). DETAILED CONTENTS, VOLUME 1 and VOLUME 2 PREFACE (pages v - viii) BEFORE THE VEIL (pages ix - xlv) Dogmatic assumptions of modern science and theology / The Platonic philosophy affords the only middle ground / Review of the ancient philosophical systems / A Syriac manuscript on Simon Magus / Glossary of terms used in this book Volume First: THE "INFALLIBILITY" OF MODERN SCIENCE. CHAPTER 1: OLD THINGS WITH NEW NAMES (pages 1 - 38) CHAPTER 2: PHENOMENA AND FORCES (pages 39 - 73) CHAPTER 3: BLIND LEADERS OF THE BLIND (pages 74 - 99) CHAPTER 4: THEORIES RESPECTING PSYCHIC PHENOMENA (pages 100 - 125) CHAPTER 5: THE ETHER, OR "ASTRAL LIGHT" (pages 126 - 162) Mrs.
Secret Doctrine Commentary - Appendix on Dreams Secret Doctrine Commentary (Transactions of the Blavatsky Lodge) by H. P. Blavatsky APPENDIX on DREAMS. Meetings held at 17, Lansdowne Road, London, W., on December 20th and 27th, 1888; Mr. [The following is the Summary of the teachings during several meetings which preceded the Transactions of the "Blavatsky Lodge of the T. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. But if we admit the existence of a higher or permanent Ego in us — which Ego must not be confused with what we call the "Higher Self," we can comprehend that what we often regard as dreams, generally accepted as idle fancies, are, in truth, stray pages torn out from the life and experiences of the inner man, and the dim recollection of which at the moment of awakening becomes more or less distorted by our physical memory. We might well compare the real Ego to a prisoner, and the physical personality to the gaoler of his prison. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q. A. Q.
Types of Satanism - LaVeyan Satanism, Theistic Satanism and Luciferianism Luciferians Many see Luciferianism as another branch of Satanism (and generally a theistic branch, although there are some who see Lucifer as symbolic rather than an actual being). However, Luciferians see themselves as a separate religion. Luciferians use the term "Lucifer" in its literal sense: "lightbringer" in Latin. He does not, however, present his gifts to everyone. Luciferians also stress the balance of light and dark and that each depends upon the other. The Key to Theosophy by H. P. Blavatsky Theosophical University Press Online Edition Being a Clear Exposition, in the Form of Question and Answer, of the ETHICS, SCIENCE, AND PHILOSOPHY for the Study of which The Theosophical Society has been Founded. Originally published 1889. Theosophical University Press electronic version ISBN 1-55700-046-8 (print version also available). For ease of searching, no diacritical marks appear in this electronic version of the text. Dedicated by "H. The Meaning of the Name The Policy of the Theosophical Society The Wisdom-Religion Esoteric in all Ages Theosophy is not Buddhism What the Modern Theosophical Society is not Theosophists and Members of the "T. The Objects of the Society The Common Origin of Man Our other Objects On the Sacredness of the Pledge On Self-Improvement The Abstract and the Concrete On God and Prayer Is it Necessary to Pray? The Physical and the Spiritual Man Our Eternal Reward and Punishment; and on Nirvana On the Various "Principles" in Man Duty The Relations of the T.
Blavatsky Net Theosophy - original Theosophy text - focus on Madame Blavatsky OZ: Liber LXXVII "the law of the strong: this is our law and the joy of the world." —AL. II. 21 "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." —AL. "thou hast no right but to do thy will. "Every man and every woman is a star." There is no god but man. 1. to live in the way that he wills to do: to work as he will: to play as he will: to rest as he will: to die when and how he will. 2. to drink what he will: to dwell where he will: to move as he will on the face of the earth. 3. to speak what he will: to write what he will: to draw, paint, carve, etch, mould, build as he will: to dress as he will. 4. "take your fill and will of love as ye will, when, where, and with whom ye will." 5. "the slaves shall serve." "Love is the law, love under will."
The Mystery Schools by Grace F. Knoche Theosophical University Press Online Edition by Grace F. Knoche A Sunrise Library Book Second & Revised Edition copyright © 1999 by Theosophical University Press (print and PDF eBook versions also available). Contents Foreword Part 1 1. Part 2 7. Sources Grand Relief of Eleusis: Demeter, Triptolemos, and Persephone, 5th century BCE TUP Online Menu Theosophical University Press, publishing and distributing quality theosophical literature since 1886: PO Box C, Pasadena, CA 91109-7107 USA; email:; voice: (626) 798-3378. Seek this wisdom by doing service, by strong search, by questions, and by humility; the wise who see the truth will communicate it unto thee, and knowing which thou shalt never again fall into error. . . . Foreword A Mystery school is a university of the soul, a school for the study of the mysteries of the inner nature of man and of surrounding nature. That which can be discovered by the sincere student may be likened to our knowledge of the atom. Sources
Ύπατο Συμβούλιο των Ελλήνων Εθνικών The Libri of Aleister Crowley Aleister Crowley (Oct. 12, 1875–Dec. 1, 1947) – however one judges him – was a fascinating man who lived an amazing life. He is best known as being an infamous occultist and the scribe of The Book of the Law, which introduced Thelema to the world. Crowley was an influential member in several occult organizations, including the Golden Dawn, the A∴A∴, and Ordo Templi Orientis. He was a prolific writer and poet, a world traveler, mountaineer, chess master, artist, yogi, social provocateur, drug addict and sexual libertine. The press loved to demonize him and dubbed Crowley “The wickedest man in the world.” — From “Aleister Crowley” on Thelemapedia See also: Θέλημα – Thelema There are so many documents on the site related to the Thelema of Aleister Crowley that it can sometimes be difficult to know where to start, so here are a few first steps Centres of Pestilence Commentaries on Liber AL vel Legis, The Book of the Law, by various authors Aleister Crowley Books Aleister Crowley books at Amazon
Fundamentals of the Esoteric Philosophy Theosophical University Press Online Edition By G. de Purucker First Edition copyright ©1932; Second Revised Edition copyright ©1979 by Theosophical University Press (print version also available). NOTE: Each diagram in the book is a separate file in this same directory, with the same name as the file in which it appears with the addition of a lower-case letter (a, b, etc.). Contents Foreword Chapter 1. Chapter 24. TUP Online Menu Theosophical University Press, publishing and distributing quality theosophical literature since 1886: PO Box C, Pasadena, CA 91109-7107 USA; e-mail:; voice: (626) 798-3378. Foreword In 1924 Katherine Tingley inaugurated within the esoteric body of the Theosophical Society a series of studies in The Secret Doctrine by H. It was in this atmosphere of reverence for truth and for the lightbringers of mankind that G. de Purucker elucidated the spiritual principles upon which the "secret doctrine" of the ages rests. Contents
Western Philosophy - Mind Map