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The Elegant Icon Font

The Elegant Icon Font
We have set out to create the most beautiful, elegant and complete icon font on the web…for free! We have been struggling to find the best icon font to use in our own projects, so we decided to create our own instead. This font will be used in our themes, and we will continue to update the collection to satisfy the needs our designs. Download The Icons Why Icon Fonts Are Awesome Icon fonts are great because they are flexible and fast loading. Complete Set and Unicode Reference Guide Complete List Of Class Names By Nick Roach I am the founder and CEO here at Elegant Themes.

Aroma Icon Set Advertisement Today we are delighted to release another freebie for our design community. There are many free icon sets out there, and there are quite many commercial ones as well. Download the Collection for Free! The elements contained in this collection are free for personal and commercial use. Behind the Design As always, here are some insights from the designer: “This set was started out in January 2011, so the whole design process took me nearly a year to finish. Thank you, Oliver Twardowski. (il) (vf) It's done. Leave a Comment Yay!

10 Websites With Creative Moving Elements Designers spend countless hours making careful color, typography, and layout choices, but despite those worthy efforts, nothing draws the eye as powerfully and dependably as motion. Proven evolutionary and behavioral psychology demonstrates our instinctual draw to visible elements that move and change. Despite vast technological advances, the human mind still works as it always has — with a visual penchant for dynamism and motion. With this reliable principle in mind, why shouldn’t we add some animation to our web design and Internet marketing efforts? Adding animation to your design is a great way to make it stand apart and command attention. Blue Acorn Clean web design is perfect platform for adding animation, no matter how big or small the animation is. Universeries If you want to add animation to your web design, make sure that it serves a clear purpose and isn’t just there as a superficial addition. Flip-Universum Quechua Blacknegative Denise Chandler Kikk Festival Metal Junk Wondros

Silk Icons “Silk” is a smooth, free icon set, containing over 700 16-by-16 pixel icons in strokably-soft PNG format. Containing a large variety of icons, you're sure to find something that tickles your fancy. And all for a low low price of $0.00. You can't say fairer than that. Current version: 1.3. View all icons (.png file, 1Mb) Download License I also love to hear of my work being used, feel encouraged to send an email with a link or screenshot of the icons in their new home to mjames at gmail dot com. The icons can also be used under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (Hi Debian folks!) As an author, I would appreciate a reference to my authorship of the Silk icon set contents within a readme file or equivalent documentation for the software which includes the set or a subset of the icons contained within. Sightings Do you use this set? Donate People have expressed a wish to donate a little money.

Du zoning au mockup, itinéraire d'une maquette web Du zoning au mockup, itinéraire d’une maquette web, en passant par le moodboard, le wireframe, les style tiles et le prototype… Il n’est pas toujours évident de s’y retrouver dans le vocabulaire, nouveau et souvent anglophone, de la conception web. Nous sommes nombreux [**] à avoir déjà vécu une situation d’incompréhension à cause de ce vocabulaire. Les termes « zoning » et « mock-up », en particulier, ont des significations différentes selon les personnes [**] et prêtent au quiproquo, quand ils ne sont pas carrément considérés comme synonymes de « wireframe »… Pour mieux s’y retrouver, commençons par mettre les bons mots sur les choses. sketch / croquis La première chose que l’on fait, c’est de jeter des idées sur papier, sous la forme de croquis.Outils : papier et crayons, Sneakpeekit, InterfaceSketch Le sketch est trop peu utilisé : vous êtes peu nombreux à crayonner régulièrement et près de la moitié [**] à ne jamais faire de croquis ! Conception ergonomique zoning prototype

Addictive Flavour Open Iconic, a free and open icon set Displaying Open Iconic's SVGs are a snap. Just treat them like your typical image and away you go! Pro tip: Don't forget the alt attribute. SVG Sprite Open Iconic also comes in a SVG sprite which allows you to display all the icons in the set with a single request. Tip: To make your icons easily style able, we suggest adding a general class to the <svg> tag and a unique class name for each different icon in the <use> tag. <head> ... Sizing icons only needs basic CSS. Coloring icons is even easier. Font Icon fonts are a great fallback for SVG—and our font is pretty great. Head Body Bootstrap Font Use Bootstrap? Foundation Font Iconic also works for Foundation and functions just like Foundation's icon font.

The ultimate guide to email design While a lot of online communication has moved to social media, email is still a very important part of any online marketing campaign. And when we think of marketing emails, what generally comes to mind is HTML email, rather than plain text. Designing for email is much like designing a simple webpage, but there are some key differences you need to take into consideration. People often get emails at an overwhelming rate, and not always when it’s convenient for them to look at them. But as long as you keep that in mind—that you have only an instant to catch your reader’s attention—you’ll have a much easier and smoother experience in designing effective emails. Mobile or bust So many people are accessing email from a mobile device these days (nearly half of all emails are opened in mobile apps), that it’s become pretty pointless to spend a bunch of time designing beautiful emails that don’t display properly on such devices. There are two ways to go about designing for mobile. Responsive design
