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Category: Arduino

My older son recently started school and needed his own desk for doing homework. I wanted to make something nicer than a simple tabletop with legs, and realized that I could also build in a bit of fun for when the homework is finished. Both my boys and I still had space travel on our minds from our summer trip to Kennedy Space Center. For this desk project, I decided to go with a NASA theme. The desk resides under my son's loft bed (which I also built), and stays closed until the homework is finished: When playtime begins, the lid flips up to reveal the Mission Control console: As I mentioned in the video, I painted the underside of the lid with magnetic primer. The programming of the console, which I posted to GitHub, has the Arduino and the Raspberry Pi working cooperatively. The EECOM panel contains four potentiometers that are each mapped to a 12-segment bargraph display. The CAPCOM panel has connections for the headset as well as volume controls.

Jaycar Electronics - Arduino Projects Tools, Components & Cable Power & Energy Ecotech Power and Lighting Kits, Science & Learning Audio & Video IT & Comms Security & Surveillance Auto & Outdoors Gadgets Techstore Specials Welcome to Jaycar's dedicated arduino page. Getting started with microcontrollers used to be complex and expensive. The code editor has an easy one-click “compile/upload” feature that uploads your programs via USB, so you don’t even need an ISP programmer. Free software, hundreds of examples, circuit diagrams, programs, all kinds of projects and tutorials are openly available on the Internet to support these interactive boards. Click here for more details and to purchase the Experimenter's Kit for Arduino (XC4262) featured in the video above. Click the links below for detailed steps on creating some interesting projects. Jaycar Online Temperature and Humidity Sensor Jaycar Water Flow Gauge

Arduino Tutorial - Learn electronics and microcontrollers using Arduino! So, I get two or three emails a day, all basically asking the same thing: "Where can I learn about electronics?" In general, most of these people have seen some of my projects and want to be able to build similar things. Unfortunately, I have never been able to point them to a good site that really takes the reader through a solid introduction to microcontrollers and basic electronics. I designed this tutorial course to accompany the Arduino starter pack sold at the Adafruit webshop. Follow these lessons for happiness and prosperity. Lesson 0 Pre-flight check...Is your Arduino and computer ready? Here are some recommended tools: If you need to get any soldering done, you may also want.... All of the content in the Arduino Tutorial is CC 2.5 Share-Alike Attrib. Love it? To some extent, the structure of the material borrows from: The impressively good "What's a microcontroller?" "Spooky Arduino" - Todbot's excellent (if fast-paced!)

Karl Herrick | Arduino Motion Detector As I have been traveling through Getting Started with Arduino I’ve been trying to take on the “tinkering” mentality described in chapter two titled, “The Arduino Way“. And as the text in the book states, “You should now experiment by looking at all the possible devices that have two contacts that close.” So I made a purposeful visit to Radio Shack to look for parts to hook up to it. What I came up with was a Parallax PIR Sensor. A top down view of the Arduino Motion Detector. The arduino, battery pack and a PIR motion sensor hooked up to a breadboard. The package didn’t include documentation for the sensor, but I was able to locate it on their website. The result was a little motion detector, that turned the LED on while it detected motion, and then turned off shortly after the motion stopped.

The World Famous Index of Arduino & Freeduino Knowledge
