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Design Thinking Network

Design Thinking Network

Innovation Through Design Thinking 03/16/2006 12:00 PM WongTimothy Brown, CEO, IDEODescription: Not so long ago, Tim Brown recounts, designers belonged to a "priesthood." Given an assignment, a designer would disappear into a back room, "bring the result out under a black sheet and present it to the client." Brown and his colleagues at IDEO, the company that brought us the first Apple Macintosh mouse, couldn't have traveled farther from this notion. At IDEO, a "design thinker" must not only be intensely collaborative, but "empathic, as well as have a craft to making things real in the world." Since design flavors virtually all of our experiences, from products to services to spaces, a design thinker must explore a "landscape of innovation" that has to do with people, their needs, technology and business. Brown dips into three central "buckets" in the process of creating a new design: inspiration, ideation and implementation. credit MIT World -- special events and lectures license MIT TechTV

BLUEHAIRED Sismo Design : Design thinking, studio de design SISMO, méthodologie, dialogue Dès nos premières collaborations, il nous est apparu qu'un des éléments clés de la réussite d'un projet en design était de faciliter le dialogue entre ses différents acteurs. Les équipes pluridisciplinaires ont besoin d’un langage commun. Dans le champ du design industriel hier, et dans l’accompagnement de l’innovation aujourd'hui, les différents acteurs clés peuvent se révéler particulièrement nombreux (marketing, business, process, innovation, super-usagers, etc.).... Forts de cette conviction, nous avons développé nous même des outils de dialogue 100% visuels. Le plus utilisé d'entre eux est le Carré Magique. Il permet de définir en amont la cartographie du projet et de décider ensemble quel rôle va y tenir le design. Aujourd’hui, nos outils sont devenus incontournables pour nos clients.

Design Thinking | Thoughts by Tim Brown Design Thinking for Educators Toolkit The Design Thinking for Educators Toolkit contains the process and methods of design adapted for the context of K–12 education. It offers new ways for educators to be intentional and collaborative as they design solutions for their schools, empowering educators to create impactful solutions for complex challenges. Teachers all over the globe are using it to create new solutions for their classrooms, schools and communities—using empathy to help develop curriculum, engaging students in helping to design their spaces and working with each other to create new tools and processes for school-based challenges. At IDEO, we’ve been using similar processes, methods and tools for years in tackling some dauntingly complex challenges. Visit the Design Thinking Toolkit for Educators site for stories, case studies, process outlines, engagement opportunities, and more.

Design Thinking for Social Innovation Designers have traditionally focused on enhancing the look and functionality of products. Recently, they have begun using design techniques to tackle more complex problems, such as finding ways to provide low-cost healthcare throughout the world. Businesses were the first to embrace this new approach—called design thinking—and nonprofits are beginning to adopt it too. In an area outside Hyderabad, India, between the suburbs and the countryside, a young woman—we’ll call her Shanti—fetches water daily from the always-open local borehole that is about 300 feet from her home. Shanti has many reasons not to use the water from the Naandi treatment center, but they’re not the reasons one might think. Although Shanti can walk to the facility, she can’t carry the 5-gallon jerrican that the facility requires her to use. The community treatment center was designed to produce clean and potable water, and it succeeded very well at doing just that. Design Thinking at Work The Origin of Design Thinking

Introduction to Design Thinking By Gerd Waloszek, SAP AG, SAP User Experience – September 1, 2012 Design Thinking is one of the more recent buzz words in the design community. In this introductory article, I will investigate what Design Thinking is, what its main characteristics are, and take a look at the process and the methods associated with it. What Is Design Thinking? First, I will outline what Design Thinking is all about. A Design Methodology Basically, Design Thinking is a design methodology. A Problem-Solving Approach or Process Design Thinking can be regarded as a problem solving method or, by some definitions, a process for the resolution of problems (but see below for the differences between methods and process). As a solution-based approach to solving problems, Design Thinking is particularly useful for addressing so-called "wicked" problems. The resulting problem resolution is regarded as creative, fluid, and open, and also as the search for an improved future result (this is in line with Herbert A. Process

Design Thinking... What is That? To promote its new Athleisure Makeup line, Tarte partnered with social media "fitfluencers" to push the concept that "sporty is the new sexy." The campaign, titled Hustle & Glow, includes a beautifully produced video in which a woman wakes up in her spacious Malibu mansion and heads to the bathroom for a full beauty routine in preparation to . . . go on a solo run. The video was met with wide appreciation from Tarte fans (and nearly 80,000 YouTube views), with many saying it inspired them to get out there and look good on the asphalt (or sand). As athleisure becomes more than just a fashion trend, it’s extended into new, unexpected categories. In other words, yoga pants for your face. "These are high-maintenance products with a low-maintenance routine," says Tarte CMO Candace Craig Bulishak. Birchbox, the beauty e-tailer and subscription service, also noticed that their customers were among the women embracing the athleisure trend, says PR director Jenna Hilzenrath. More Than A Fad

Design Thinking Barcelona Design Thinking « Roger Martin Most companies today have innovation envy. They yearn to come up with a game-changing innovation like Apple’s iPod, or create an entirely new category like Facebook. Many make genuine efforts to be innovative-they spend on R&D, bring in creative designers, hire innovation consultants. But they get disappointing results. Why? To innovate and win, companies need design thinking. Martin shows how leading companies such as Procter & Gamble, Cirque du Soleil, RIM, and others use design thinking to push knowledge through the stages in ways that produce breakthrough innovations and competitive advantage. Filled with deep insights and fresh perspectives, The Design of Business reveals the true foundation of successful, profitable innovation. FORMAT: Hardcover PUBLISHER: Harvard Business School Press PUBLISH DATE: November 2009 ISBN: 1422177807 PAGES: 256
