Google launches Glass Dev Kit preview, shows off augmented reality apps Today Google launched the Glass Development Kit (GDK) "Sneak Preview," which will finally allow developers to make real, native apps for Google Glass. While there have previously been extremely limited Glass apps that used the Mirror API, developers now have full access to the hardware. Google Glass runs a heavily skinned version of Android 4.0.4, so Glass development is very similar to Android development. The GDK is downloaded through the Android SDK Manager, and Glass is just another target device in the Eclipse plugin. Developers have access to the Glass voice recognition within their app as an intent, but it looks like only Google can add "OK, Glass" commands to the main voice menu. Update: Documentation for the GDK has come out, and any developer can add a voice trigger to the "Ok Glass" menu. Google showed off a few of the first native Glass apps, and one of the coolest among them was Wordlens, a real-time, augmented-reality translation app.
Welcome to Leopoly | Technology | Suneris Our technology is a gel that instantly stops bleeding without the need to apply pressure. In a fraction of a second, the gel activates the body's own clotting process, producing a durable clot over the injured site. The gel adheres to the sides of the wound, allowing it to combat the high pressure of severely bleeding wounds. The gel quickly and safely achieves hemostasis. Once the gel has stopped the bleeding, it can either be easily removed or left in place to facilitate faster healing of the surrounding tissue. The gel comes with an accompanying spray that polymerizes the gel into a substance that looks, feels, and acts like surrounding tissue. Vuzix makes augmented reality eyewear more practical Vuzix, a company specializing in high-tech eyewear, has unveiled its new pair of augmented reality glasses. AR glasses are becoming quite popular in the technology field, especially as the capabilities of augmented reality become better understood. The technology has attracted significant interest from certain industries, such as construction and health care, because of how it can be used in a practical sense. Indeed, the practicality of AR is one of the things that Vuzix is promoting for its new high-tech eyewear. New glasses designed to use standard frames Vuzix has developed new computing technology, through its partnership with Nokia, which can be housed in standard eyeglass frames. Glasses could have a practical purpose Like other AR glasses, the offering from Vuzix is meant to superimpose digital displays over the real world. Vuzix has time to entice consumers Vuzix has yet to announce plans for the official release of its AR glasses, but the competition is currently relatively lax.
Bukito Portable 3D Printer | Deezmaker Contact: Diego Porqueras, President Deezmaker, 290 N. Hill Ave. #5, Pasadena, CA 91103 PASADENA, CA (June 30, 2013) Deezmaker has introduced its Bukito small, portable 3-D printer in an eye-catching Kickstarter campaign. Most 3-D printers require that users avoid bumping the machine during printing. Diego Porqueras, Deezmaker’s President, explained the placement of the machine in its product line this way: “The Bukito fills a key niche in the marketplace for anyone who may want to have a small, rugged printer that they can take with them on their adventures. The Bukito is the latest in a line of printer kits from Deezmaker that includes their workhorse Bukobot (an eight-inch-cube print area) as well as a dual extruder version Bukobot. Kickstarter link: ABOUT DEEZMAKER: Deezmaker manufactures 3-D printer kits which are sold online and at its Pasadena, California retail store.
心动了 世界首款天气预报功能机械手表 天气预报,手表 锋科技 智能手表概念如今炒得十分火热,但既然是电子产品,其内置电池总避免不了会发生电量被耗光的情况,导致用户无法查看时间或者查阅信息,尤其是出门在外的时候,不能及时了解天气信息同样也会令用户十分烦恼。 这是一款由 Breva 公司推出的机械手表,名为 Génie 01。其最大的亮点是配备了极为精密的高度计和气压计。在具备显示时间的同时,还能预报天气,为用户及时做好预防天气变化提供参考信息,让用户即使是在没有网络的情况下也能正确判断天气情况,非常的方便。 另外,Génie 01 作为机械手表,时间的精准性自然不必多说。 不仅如此, Génie 01 全球将只会发售 110 个,每个售价为 158,000 美元。 [文章纠错] 如需转载,需本站E-Mail授权.并注明“来源于威锋网”,未经授权转载,断章转载等行为,本站将追究法律责任!
Vuzix develops Google Glass-like smart glasses -- but with superior optics and standard eyeframes | VentureBeat | Gadgets | by Dean Takahashi What will be hot in consumer electronics and computing in 2014? Read our full coverage of International CES 2014 to find out. Vuzix is unveiling an optical technology for smart glasses today that it says will dramatically improve wearable technology — watch out, bulky Google Glass. Vuzix said that, in partnership with Nokia, it has developed wearable computing technology that can be used in standard eyeglass frames in the coming year. Above: Vuzix’s monocular version has a 30-degree field of view. Image Credit: Vuzix The Rochester, N.Y. “These smart glasses today all look like they came out of a science-fiction movie. Travers hopes the technology will be so much less bulky that it will be accepted more easily than Glass, which stands out because it is so bulky. Above: M100 monocle Vuzix has a working model dubbed M2000AR HMD, a monocle [pictured at top] for industrial purposes, that is available today. Above: Vuzix can display augmented reality images. Powered by VBProfiles
Alternate reality game An alternate reality game (ARG) is an interactive networked narrative that uses the real world as a platform and employs transmedia storytelling to deliver a story that may be altered by players' ideas or actions. The form is defined by intense player involvement with a story that takes place in real time and evolves according to players' responses. Subsequently, it is shaped by characters that are actively controlled by the game's designers, as opposed to being controlled by artificial intelligence as in a computer or console video game. Definition[edit] There is a great deal of debate surrounding the characteristics by which the term "alternate reality game" should be defined. Several experts, though, point to the use of transmedia, "the aggregate effect of multiple texts/media artifacts,"[2] as the defining attribute of ARGs. Unique terminology[edit] Among the terms essential to understand discussions about ARGs are: Computer/console/video games. Influences and precursors[edit]