INDEXA - Annuaire Internet des professionnels et des entreprises untitled World Public Library Association MixxMaker: The Mix Tape Goes Online - AppScout A lot of services allow you to create custom playlists and share them with your friends, but not so many of them allow your friends to hear the music in your playlist. MixxMaker is a service that gives you a place to create virtual mix tapes, load them up with music depending on the theme or your mood, and then post them for passive viewing on Facebook. If your friends are Facebook members and have you listed as a friend, they can listen to your playlists, give you feedback, and even add music to the mix. MixxMaker wants to take the mix tape online and breathe new life into the idea. You can create playlists of music that you already own using the service, and title it based on a theme or a mood. You then choose a theme for your playlist--music that should be your theme song, for example--and then assemble your playlist. The next step is to share it with others, and this is where MixxMaker's real strengths lie. MixxMaker walks the fair-use line very carefully.
I’ve stood around too long’ Central Kings students wear pink to send bullies a messageBy IAN FAIRCLOUGH Central Kings Rural High School students David Shepherd and Travis Price CAMBRIDGE — Two students at Central Kings Rural High School fought back against bullying recently, unleashing a sea of pink after a new student was harassed and threatened when he showed up wearing a pink shirt. The Grade 9 student arrived for the first day of school last Wednesday and was set upon by a group of six to 10 older students who mocked him, called him a homosexual for wearing pink and threatened to beat him up. The next day, Grade 12 students David Shepherd and Travis Price decided something had to be done about bullying. "It’s my last year. They used the Internet to encourage people to wear pink and bought 75 pink tank tops for male students to wear. "I made sure there was a shirt for him," David said. They also brought a pink basketball to school as well as pink material for headbands and arm bands.
Les bases de données gratuites Près de 20 ans après sa création, le répertoire de bases de Données grAtuites Disponibles sur Internet ferme ses portes. Crée en 1996 Dadi, produit pionnier et phare de l’URFIST de Lyon, a eu pour objectif de recenser les ressources libres disponibles sur le Web à une époque où ce dernier faisait ses premiers pas, sans moteurs de recherches. Jean Pierre Lardy, alors co-responsable de l’Urfist de Lyon et enseignant chercheur en physique, a imaginé puis animé Dadi pendant une quinzaine d’années, dans le but de donner à voir les ressources du web invisible en libre accès utiles au monde académique. Son impact rayonnera dans les pays francophones comme la Belgique et le Canada. Les évolutions technologiques du Web ainsi que les usages dominants des internautes laissent maintenant derrière eux les annuaires. La Bibliothèque Nationale de France a réalisé un archivage régulier de Dadi. Merci à tous ceux qui ont alimenté Dadi, contribué à sa notoriété et permis sa longévité.
Lindsay Lohan - Celebrities at Lindsay Lohan was born in The Bronx and grew up in Merrick and Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island in New York . she is the eldest child of Michael and Dina ( ne Sullivan ) Lohan, both former actors. she has three younger siblings: brother Michael had a role as " Lost Boy at Camp " in (1998), sister Aliana is an aspiring model and actress, and brother Dakota ( Cody ) has modeled fashions. Lindsay is 3/4 Irish and 1/4 Italian heritage and was raised as a Catholic . she originally pronounced her name but later settled on ; in 2005, Lohan explained to a audience that she had decided to use as her middle name because it sounded more professional. Lindsay 's family was financially comfortable from its inception; her father had inherited his family's pasta business, which he later sold to trade in futures (briefly becoming President of New York Futures Traders ). More recently, he worked as an investment banker, securing funding for independent films.
Think Progress » Scholastic backtracks on demand that author change book’s lesbian parents to a heterosexual couple. By Amanda Terkel on October 28, 2009 at 11:43 am "Scholastic backtracks on demand that author change book’s lesbian parents to a heterosexual couple." Lauren Myracle’s new book “Luv Ya Bunches” focuses on four girls and is meant to depict the “the lasting friendships” that blossom out of “the shifting alliances and rivalries that shape school days.” But Scholastic, the world’s largest publisher of children’s books, initially refused to carry “Luv Ya Bunches” because one of the characters had lesbian parents: The company sent a letter to Myracle’s editor asking the author to omit certain words such as “geez,” “crap,” “sucks,” and “God” (as in, “oh my God”) and to alter its plotline to include a heterosexual couple. reports that after thousands of people contacted Scholastic to complain, the publisher has decided to offer the book in its spring book fairs.
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Kurt Vonnegut explains drama I was at a Kurt Vonnegut talk in New York a few years ago. Talking about writing, life, and everything. He explained why people have such a need for drama in their life. He said, “People have been hearing fantastic stories since time began. The problem is, they think life is supposed to be like the stories. Let's look at a few examples.” He drew an empty grid on the board, like this: Time moves from left to right. He said, “Let's look at a very common story arc. It starts with her awful life with evil stepsisters, scrubbing the fireplace. “People LOVE that story! He wiped the board clean and said, “Now let's look at another popular story arc: the disaster.” It's an ordinary day in an ordinary town. But the problem is, life is really like this... Our lives drifts along with normal things happening. “But because we grew up surrounded by big dramatic story arcs in books and movies, we think our lives are supposed to be filled with huge ups and downs! That's why people invent fights.