Christopher Columbus Awards » Christopher Columbus Awards Home Page sci . Bungee Jump Dare-deviled eggs! Design an eggy bungee jump and save the egg. Did it work or would you like homefries to go with those scrambled eggs? wrote: We put a 4' ladder by a stack of chairs and suspended a pair of nylons between them. wrote: It took some working, but I did it! wrote: I did everything in the rules I had and it came out to be successful!!! wrote: i did it. it was so cool except fo the part tha was not so cool. it ixploeded all over me. wrote: Well I guess I did something wrong because nothing happened. wrote: it ixsplodide all over my friend and she was green wrote: i jumed high and my mom did not care that was so cool wrote: it was fantastic and it exploded wrote: I did it but the egg cracked. wrote: I did it and it never cracked because I put a cushion under it so the egg wouldnt crack. wrote: I tried it and it cracked!!! wrote: The egg cracked. wrote: It was good at first but then, when I looked at the egg it was craked! wrote: I tried it and it didn't work I kept trying until we were out of eggs.
Great Tools To Teach about Human Body in 3D Technology has radically transformed the way education is being delivered. It has also revolutionized the way students learn and created new learning styles that never existed before ( mobile learning, flipped learning, virtual learning, simulated learning, to mention but some ). Much of the human knowledge is now online and anyone with the right tools can access and use it .This democratization of knowledge has definitely improved the quality of education and increased the rates of all kinds of literacies from the digital literacy to the critical one. One of the best examples of how technology revolutionized education is manifested in the field of biology and science. There are now several web tools to help teachers carry out those " dirty " experiments that used to be done in labs now they can be done virtually and in a simulated environment way better than the real one. 1- Zygote Body 2- Med Tropolis 3- Get Body Smart 4- Inner Body 5- Body Maps 6- The Biodigital Human
Free Science Experiments - Experiment of the Week Archives Below we have a list of fun and educational science experiments that can be conducted in the classroom or at home. Most will use simple to find household items. Always be sure to read through experiments completely prior to trying them. Many of these experiments should have adult supervision. - Try to understand how inertia effects a candle flame. - In this experiment, you will see the effects Bernoulli's Principle on resisting gravity. - An explaination of why we get Brain Freeze when we eat cold things like ice cream. - In this experiment, we use red cabbage juice as a Acid/Base indicator. - This fun activity will explore the pull of gravity, as you race it to catch falling coins. - An experiment that shows how heat and cold effect air molecules and resulting air pressure. - Explore how vibration creates sound using a simple comb and wax paper. - What causes the sound when people crack their knuckles? - Ever place a rug on carpet, only to have it move out-of-place over time?
Mrs. Deringer - Life - Scientific Method Here are the Steps to the Scientific Method Problem: Is the question you are trying to solve. It is always written as a QUESTION and therefore ends with a question mark. (?) Background Information: Collect information about the question. Conduct research. This will help you make a hypothesis. Hypothesis: An educated guess, you have made according to the background information you have collected through research. Materials: All the supplies you need to set up the experiment. Procedure: The steps you will follow to complete the experiment. Independent variable: The one thing that you are testing. Constants: All the things that you keep the same between the experimental and control group. Observations: The information you collect by conducting the experiment. Conclusion:A possible answer to the problem.
The Krebs Cycle The Krebs Cycle [ previous song / next song ] melody and lyrics by Lynda Jones; adapted by Do Peterson and Greg Crowther Greg: geek vocals, keyboard | Lori: lead vocals | Do: bass, hyper-dramatic vocals, keyboard, acoustic and electric guitar, drum programming | Kirk L. Van Scoyoc: banjo Acetyl CoA combines with oxaloacetic acid | To create a citric acid. The Science Spot Applied Mechanics Interest Area Log In|Create an Account All Results All Results Ask an Expert Blog Careers Project Ideas Resources Home Project Ideas Project Guide Ask An Expert Blog Careers Teachers Parents Students Support for Science Buddies provided by: Mechanical Engineering Project Ideas Please ensure you have JavaScript enabled in your browser. 34 Project Ideas You can find this page online at: You may print and distribute up to 200 copies of this document annually, at no charge, for personal and classroom educational use. About Us Sponsors Partners Academic Outreach Partnerships Contact Us Work for Us Privacy Policy Image Credits My Science Buddies Student Resources Parent Resources Teacher Resources Careers in Science Newsroom Blog Site Map Science Fair Project Guide Engineering Design Project Guide Advanced Project Guide Science Fair Project Ideas Ask an Expert
Expeditions to the Seafloor Physics teacher Newton's laws are difficult both for teachers and students at all levels. 1–3 This is still the case despite a long history of critique of the laws as presented in the classroom. For example, more than 50 years ago Eisenbud 4 and Weinstock 5 proposed reformulations of the laws that put them on a sounder, more logically consistent base than is presented in many textbooks without resorting to “intuitional or anthropomorphic contrivances.” 5 In 1990, Arnold Arons 6 wrote that “the Law of Inertia and the concept of force have, historically, been two of the most formidable stumbling blocks for students.” One might imagine, therefore, that by 2012 remedial strategies would have resolved these difficulties, but there is little evidence that the problem has been satisfactorily addressed.