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18 remarkable tricks to make your food last longer

18 remarkable tricks to make your food last longer
Saving money on your food shop doesn't stop at the supermarket. Allow your hard earned pennies to go even further by reading up on these simple yet effective tips that'll extend the life of your grub for longer. That way, your keeping money in your pocket AND saving trips to the supermarket. What's not to love? Sign up to for free brownies, popcorn and flapjacks - and that's just the start... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Once something goes rotten in your fridge or cupboard, bin it. 8. 9. 10. Swirl berries in a mixture of one part vinegar to 10 parts water. 11. 12. Take advantage of reductions at the supermarket by sticking them in the freezer. 13. 14.Reduce unpopped kernels by cooking popcorn in a bowl topped with a plate. 15. 16. 17. 18. Best before dates are about quality, not safety.

10 More Transformational and Spiritual Aphorisms Recently, I posted an article showcasing 10 Transformational and Spiritual Aphorisms where sages, thinkers, luminaries, and awakened individuals put into words thought-patterns that resonate with the truth of a more objective Reality than that which is constructed by the cultures in which we grow up in and are influenced by. Looking around us, we can see that there is a lack of true leadership (or very little authentic leadership, in more realistic terms) within the forefront of societies and cultures we all find ourselves in. When there is a lack of true motivational and inspirational leadership, we have to look to those profound visionaries and awakened individuals of times past to gather growth-encouraging insights that will help us in our self-growth and enlightenment. Aphorism 1 You should be an island to yourself, a refuge to yourself, not dependent on any other but taking refuge in the truth and none other than the truth. - The Digha Nikaya Aphorism 2 -Carlos Castaneda Aphorism 3

43 Simple Ways To Simplify Your Life Post written by Sherri Kruger. Follow me on Twitter. Simplicity. How can we make things simpler, more streamlined, or more efficient? Is this all just hype or is there actually something to this simplicity thing? Reducing complexity in my life has reduced stress, increased free time, and top priorities are actually top priorities. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. There are countless ways to simplify your life, these are but a few.

Preserve Your Budget by Freezing Foods -- Savings Experiment Experts show you how to properly store and freeze food for extra savings. When you want to preserve leftovers, freezing is a great option. However, the key to stretching your savings is knowing how to properly store your food. Here are some tips on how to stretch your dollars. First, forget the plastic wrap. Instead, invest in plastic containers. For liquids, Ziploc plastic bags are key. With these tips, your leftovers will stay fresh longer, and you can keep saving your money, instead of spending it. 10 ortaggi da comprare una sola volta e coltivare per sempre Coltivare a partire dagli scarti. Ecco un'ottima idea per avere a disposizione nuovi ortaggi praticamente a costo zero. Vi basterà conservare le parti di scarto adatte di lattuga, cipolle e porri, oppure alcune foglie di basilico, o ancora la base di un gambo di sedano per dare inizio al vostro orto, anche in vaso, in modo semplice e conveniente, come insegna la permacultura. Ecco alcuni esperimenti da provare subito. 1) Lattuga Dopo aver acquistato un cespo di lattuga, potrete provare a coltivarlo a partire dagli scarti. Leggi anche: Come coltivare la lattuga a partire dagli scarti 2) Cipollotti Dal nostro Forum ecco una fantastica idea per coltivare i cipollotti in un barattolo, a partire dagli scarti. Leggi anche: Coltivare i cipollotti in un barattolo 3) Sedano Un altro ortaggio molto utilizzato in cucina che è possibile coltivare a partire dagli scarti è il sedano. Leggi anche: Come coltivare il sedano in vaso partendo dal gambo 4) Cipolle 5) Aglio 6) Zenzero 7) Patate 8) Basilico 9) Porri

Photography Quotes: 44 Awesome Quotes by Photographers If you love photography, then you’re going to love these quotes. They are all by famous photographers, except a couple, but they are all about photography. I didn’t want to just post the text so I turned them into something more visually appealing. Anyway, hope you enjoy these them! “Sometimes I just arrive just when God’s ready to have someone click the shutter.” – Ansel Adams “You don’t take a photograph, you make it.” – Ansel Adams “Twelve significant photographsin any one year is a good crop.” – Ansel Adams “A good photograph is knowing where to stand.” – Ansel Adams “Photography is a major force in explaining man to man.” – Edward Steichen “A good snapshot keeps a moment from running away.” – Eudora Welty “I love photography, and I love the art of photography.” – Helen Mirren “Photography is an immediate reaction, drawing is a mediation.” – Henri Cartier Bresson “The pictures are there, and you just take them.” – Robert Capa “Today everything exists to end in a photograph.” – Susan Sontag

25 Homemade Beauty Tips 1. Old Buttons Repurpose spare buttons by using them to keep pairs of earrings together: Most buttons have at least two holes in them, so simply place an earring in each opening to neatly store when not wearing. Photo: Jupiter Images 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Diatomaceous Earth (food grade) At Wholesale Prices 18 Food Replacement Hacks that Make Healthy Eating Easy | Swanson Health Products I'll admit it. I think it's difficult to eat healthy all of the time. I do pretty well most of the time, but the best technique by far that I've used to be sure that I'm eating healthy meals regularly is to simply replace unhealthy ingredients with something healthier. I don't mean replacing it in your recipe... I mean trying to replace it in your kitchen or pantry. I know that these aren't all perfect replacements that work in every single recipe, but in general, I've found them to be healthier options that work in a lot of recipes. If unhealthy ingredients aren't around, you don't use them. 18 Healthy Food Replacement Hacks that Make Healthy Eating Easy

Earthscapes: Sand Drawings by Andres Amador Earthscapes: Sand Drawings by Andres Amador Large-scale ephemeral drawings on sand that disappears when the tide rises. Nothing else is on my mind when I’m doing my artwork. You can’t hear the cars. The city washes away. See also Tony Plant's work. 50 Things You Should Stop Buying & Start Making As a society, we have become over-reliant on “ready made” products. We have lost the ability to make things from scratch. Rather than blend up some peanuts to make delicious, tasty and fresh peanut butter, we’ll spend many dollars on a jar from the store that contains artificial preservatives, unnecessary packaging and that simply lines the pockets of huge, unethical multinational corporations. Aside from foods, you can also make your own personal care products, beauty and make up products, cleaning products and home accessories that taste, work or look better than store bought, without the harmful chemicals and toxins and free from excessive, earth damaging packaging. Foods Homemade Ketchup – This ketchup won’t brake the bank, tastes better than the real deal and contains no added sugar – so it’s nutritionally good for the whole family. Peanut Butter – It is so simple to make this pantry staple it would be silly to buy it. Want to learn more about making your own foods? Next Page >>>

How to To Make Your Food Taste Awesome | Easy Food Posted by admin on Aug 19, 2012 in Food Preparation | 211 comments In case you are not skilled with the food recipes and preparation, listed bellow are some of the easy food tips to make your meals delicious easy way. No matter you prepare breakfast, dinner or just a snack, the easy food tips are here to make your food even more attractive and awesome. Idea by Janice Kamide Images Source BuzzFeed Here Are 21 Food Tricks That Totally Change Everything – The Awesome Daily - Your daily dose of awesome Making food can sometimes be boring – but we found 21 food tricks that will turn any meal into an awesome experience ! 1 : Awesome cheesy bread with a twist – this is delicious 2 : Your own flavored ice-cream cookie ! – just use a hot knife to cut a piece of the ice-cream and stick it between two cookies – genius ! 3 : Having a party ? 4 : Use muffin liners to stop the bugs from touching your drink 5 : You know when you eat a popsicle it melts on your fingers and gets sticky ? 6 : The most important meal of the day just got better ! 7 : Ice coffee , level = insane ! 8 : Upgrade your pancakes with a slice of bacon 9 : Use the pants hanger that no one ever use to close off bags of food 10 : Melted banana split with whip-cream ? 11 : Ever wondered how to make a swirly cake ? 12 : Ohhh so thats how its done 13 : Electric knife to cut out korn fast and easy 15 : Easiest trick in the book – but no one ever does it 16 : Cinnamon rolls with bacon , i repeat , cinnamon rolls with bacon Your welcome !

Anxiety and Avoidance Anxiety: We worry. A gallery of contributors count the ways. Shortly after 9/11, I wrote an editorial in the American Journal of Psychiatry with Jack Gorman, a psychiatrist with whom I was collaborating. Many people seemed to be coping with the extraordinary events of the terror attacks by staying close to home and avoiding going back out in the world. This was not unexpected since avoidance is a well-known form of coping with traumatic events. I had spent much of my career studying how the rat brain learns to respond to cues associated with danger. JooHee Yoon Exposure therapy is commonly used to treat fears in people, but as with rats, the effects are fragile. By 2001 we had already started a new line of work involving a variation on this theme. Why did the rat learn this response? We viewed this learned response where the rat takes control of the stress as a form of active coping. Yes, our rats were performing avoidance responses. A New Pathway
