An Interview with Grant Wiggins: The Power of Backwards Design When Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe wrote Understanding by Design (UbD) they did what no other educator had ever accomplished. They unequivocally cast assessment in the central role of teaching and learning by making the forceful argument that testing should not be the afterthought of instruction, but the central point of instruction. After all, how do we know students have learned anything after we have taught them if we don't assess them on what we hope they have learned? As a result, I had a very encouraging chat with Dr. Edutopia: Dr. Grant Wiggins: Elementary teachers seem to do a much better job of this than secondary. Edutopia: What are some ways to get around that difficulty? Grant Wiggins: Some high school teachers use Socratic Seminars to provide students with feedback on their thinking and literacy -- similar to an athletic coach that has to stand on the sidelines while the athletes perform. Let's consider the Common Core sixth-grade content in fractions and decimals.
Problem-Based Lesson Search Engine | Robert Kaplinsky - Glenrock Consulting Skip to content Click here to receive email updates! Problem-Based Lesson Search Engine January 18, 2014 Share This If you think others need to see this, share it on one of the sites below by clicking on the button. This search engine searches all of the sites below to quickly help you find a problem-based lesson (also called 3-Act Task, mathematical modeling, or application problem): The links below are the pages that are being searched by the search engine: There must be many great sources of lessons that I am missing. If you think others need to see this, share it on one of the sites below by clicking on the button. Follow Me Keep the conversation going. 55 Comments Wow! Leave a Reply
Questioning My Metacognition | Trying to be a better teacher Puzzle! Slitherlink, Nurikabe, Heyawake, Sudoku... - run by Nikoli [] The Best Resources On Differentiating Instruction My colleague Katie Hull-Sypnieski is leading a February 1st Education Week Webinar on differentiating instruction, and I would strongly encourage people to participate. Katie’s the best teacher I’ve ever seen…. In addition, Katie and I have co-authored a piece for Education Week Teacher on the topic that will be appearing there soon (it’s appeared: The Five By Five Approach To Differentiation Success), and an upcoming post in my blog there will be talking about it, too (that two part series has also appeared). I also did a second two-part series in Ed Week on differentiation. Also, check out The Best “Fair Isn’t Equal” Visualizations. Given all that, a “The Best…” post was inevitable, and here it is. Here are my choices for The Best Resources On Differentiating Instruction: The Best Places To Get The “Same” Text Written For Different “Levels” Busting Myths about Differentiated Instruction is by Rick Wormeli. Reconcilable Differences? Deciding to Teach Them All is by Carol Ann Tomlinson.
1001 Math Problems Tasks, Units & Student Work - Common Core Library Keywords (optional) Enter keywords (e.g., K.OA.3, informational text, arguments, quadratic equations, etc.) Grade (select at least one) Subject (select one) NYC educators and national experts are developing Common Core-aligned tasks embedded in a unit of study to support schools in implementing the Citywide Instructional Expectations. Search a growing assortment of Common Core-aligned tasks, units and student work by keyword, grade level, subject area and Common Core Learning Standard. The components of the Common Core-aligned tasks with instructional supports include: Unit overview and task description Teacher-annotated student work representing a range of performance levels Rubrics used to assess student work Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles Other instructional support materials To learn more about the components of these tasks and units and for help navigating the interactive student work, watch our virtual training modules. NEW! To use the search facility enter your keywords, separated by spaces, in the box below. The engine will scan through the problem description, details, solution, and a set of topic keywords for every problem. You can further refine your search by requiring an exact match of every word in your list (AND) or any of your keywords (OR). You can also select the difficulty level of the problem, for which guidance is given below. Guidelines to level of difficulty: These problems require nothing more than a logical mind and a willingness to try things out on paper. Problems begin to require insights and mathematical tools. A good knowledge of school mathematics and/or some aspects of proof will be required. A comprehensive knowledge of school mathematics and advanced mathematical tools will be required. Please note on many problems that, although they start at a particular level of difficulty, the extensions may extend it considerably beyond its initial level of difficulty.
CSU NGSS community: Science and Literacy Learning Web Resources in STEM Education-Examples Created by CSU Faculty Dr. Ivan Cheng, Department of Secondary Education, CSU Northridge This site contains archived presentations by Ivan Cheng from recent California Mathematics Council (CMC) meetings. You will find information on how assessments under CCSS-M will shift, advice on teaching with a “non-Common Core” text book, and example activity sheets that support development of the mathematical practices required under CCSS-M. Click Here to view Dr. Responsive Teaching in Science Dr. Responsive Teaching refers to the practices of attending and responding to the substance of students' thinking. "Surveys Fail to Measure Grasp of Scientific Practice" Dr. Dr. There is debate in the science education literature about how best to improve students' understanding of the nature of science: Can an "immersion" experience in the process of doing science like scientists outperform explicit instruction on the nature of science? Dr. Chicago Lesson Study Group
1001 Visual Puzzles Mathematics K-5 · CCGPS Mathematics Grades K-5 · CCGPS Mathematics Glossary Third grade teachers working on unit revisions at GaDOE (June 2013) 2013-2014 CCGPS Mathematics Unit Frameworks Teacher and Student Editions of the 2013-2014 CCGPS Mathematics Unit Frameworks were posted on July 1, 2013, to GeorgiaStandards.Org and Learning Village. K-5 CCGPS Mathematics Overview The K-5 standards are organized using domains, overarching ideas that connect topics across the grades, clusters that illustrate progression of increasing complexity from grade to grade and standards which define what students should know and be able to do at each grade level. The K-5 standards are organized in the following domains: counting and cardinality; operations and algebraic thinking; number and operations in base ten; number and operations – fractions; measurement and data; and geometry. The focus in the K-5 standards is comparable to that seen in high-performing countries.
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