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Restricted Data: The Nuclear Secrecy Blog

How Embarrassing Email Blunder Became Man's Great Success In the advertising world, producing a commercial that runs during the Super Bowl is like, well, winning the Super Bowl. When creative director Bill Cochran pitched an idea that Bridgestone Tires liked enough to air during the 2010 game, it was a career-defining moment. "It was huge," said Cochran. "To have something on the biggest stage for advertising meant the world to me." Watch the full story on the latest episode of "20/20" online HERE Cochran was soon to have another career-defining moment. "On something as juicy as a Super Bowl spot, it, it gets a little more cutthroat around here," admitted Cochran. Intending only to inspire his art director, Patrick Murray, Cochran sent out an email rating their competition. After sending the email Cochran went about his day until he got a phone call minutes later from a copywriter named Wendy Mayes." "Within moments, "said Cochran, "you could hear some cackles and laughter." READ: '20/20' Viewers Share Their Hilarious Email Mistake Stories

Off Source | Collectif de presse Meddle, Metal, and Mettle Charles J Guiteau In 1881, silk top hats and bow ties were the height of gentlemanly fashion, monocles were the preferred means of corrective vision, and the suggested greeting on newfangled telephone contraptions was a cheerful "ahoy-hoy". One June Saturday of that year, as the sweaty, swampy summer was just beginning to settle over Washington DC, a gentleman strolled into the US capital’s district jail on the banks of the Anacostia River. The visitor was well-dressed, about 40 years of age, slight of frame, and sunken of cheek. A weedy patch of gray-tinged whiskers sprouted from his chin, and his face was punctuated by a pair of dark, wide-set eyes which were predisposed to shiftiness. He was an attorney named Charles J Guiteau. Deputy Warden Russ eyeballed the man, as deputy wardens do, and explained that visitors were only allowed to tour on particular days. As a young man Guiteau traveled to Oneida, New York to join a Christian commune where his father had once resided.

FUKUSHIMA INFORMATIONS List of unusual deaths This is a list of unusual deaths. This list includes unique or extremely rare circumstances of death recorded throughout history, noted as being unusual by multiple sources. Some of the deaths are mythological or are considered to be unsubstantiated by contemporary researchers. Oxford Dictionaries defines the word "unusual" as "not habitually or commonly occurring or done" and "remarkable or interesting because different from or better than others. Some other articles also cover deaths that might be considered unusual or ironic, including List of entertainers who died during a performance, List of inventors killed by their own inventions, List of association footballers who died while playing, List of professional cyclists who died during a race and the List of political self-immolations. Antiquity[edit] Middle Ages[edit] Renaissance[edit] 18th century[edit] 19th century[edit] 20th century[edit] 1920s[edit] 1950s[edit] 1960s[edit] 1961: U.S. 1970s[edit] 1980s[edit] 1990s[edit]

Afghanistan / Pakistan | FRONTLINE Meet the New Head of the Pakistani Taliban November 7, 2013, 3:36 pm ET · by Sarah Moughty Watch rare video of Maulana Fazlullah, the mastermind behind the shooting of education activist Malala Yousafzai. Did NSA Surveillance Help Thwart Plotter of Mumbai Attack? June 12, 2013, 1:51 pm ET · by Sebastian Rotella ProPublica Officials have credited the program with helping to capture David Coleman Headley, but a closer examination shows the U.S. only caught up with him after a tip from British intelligence. Rape and Justice in Pakistan: Live Chat Transcript May 28, 2013, 9:56 pm ET · by Nathan Tobey Join our live chat about Outlawed in Pakistan on May 29 with filmmakers Habiba Nosheen and Hilke Schellmann, and The New York Times Pakistan Bureau Chief, Declan Walsh. The Stigma of Reporting a Rape in Pakistan May 28, 2013, 9:31 pm ET A rape survivor advocate explains why reporting an assault — and being bold enough to seek justice – can be so difficult in Pakistan. The Risks of Defending an “Outlaw”

Misao Fujimura Misao Fujimura Misao Fujimura’s suicide note Misao Fujimura (藤村 操, Fujimura Misao?, July 1886 – May 22, 1903) was a Japanese philosophy student and poet, largely remembered due to his farewell poem. Biography[edit] Fujimura was born in Hokkaidō. Fujimura became distraught when rejected by Tamiko, the eldest daughter of Kikuchi Dairoku, in favor of Tatsukichi Minobe, whom she later married. Poem[edit] The poem he wrote before his suicide read: For all the truth, all creation, all secrets of yore Can be told in an instant, by then they’re no more. Ah, The Unexplainable All worries unsettled, heartache unresolved… All questions unanswered, with death, shall be solved. We already teeter, this sheer cliff so high. To end is to start; to surrender is to know. Despair and depression, together they grow. References[edit] — Central Asia News — All Central Asia, All The Time Mind Control (The Mind Has No Firewall) Asian news hub providing the latest news and analysis from Asia
