The Top 25 Psychedelic Videos of All Time | The Daily Psychedelic Video To see places 50-26 of the list please click here 2 years ago, when the idea was born to set up a website dedicated to curating one psychedelic video every day, we were still skeptical about how long one could continue, and afraid that after a month or two we’d run out of psychedelic videos to post. Today, in the second year anniversary of daily psychedelic video posts, with more than 700 psychedelic videos on the site, it seems clear that there are many more psychedelic videos out there than any of us would have dared to imagine. Psychedelic videos are not a thing of the past. In fact it is clear that more psychedelic videos are being produced these days than ever before by professional workers and independent artists alike, aided by ever improving computer technology and by the increased ability to share these videos on the web. While we have a number of classic 1960s videos on the list, most of the psychedelic videos that appear on it are from the past 10 years. 25. (Original Post) 24.
20 visualisations de données en Motion design - motion_design L'art de la visualisation de données progresse de plus en plus vite. Chaque semaine de nouvelles infographies ou webdesigns font leur apparition sur la toile. Mais que devient la vidéo dans tout ça? Découvrez le dans la suite de l'article. La visualisation de données par le motion design La création d'infographie prend un essor avec le flux d'informations que l'on reçoit chaque jour, les designers ont eu la bonne idée de jouer avec ce flux afin de le représenter graphiquement, soit à l'aide de sites web, d'infographies ou d'animations. Pour l'utilisation de la vidéo, on arrive à des résultats d'une grande qualité. Découvrez des à présent notre sélection spécialisée dans la visualisation de données par le motion design ! The World Is Obsessed With Facebook Energy & Dynamic Braking JESS3 x Economist: Women's Economic Opportunity Japan - The Strange Country (Japanese ver.) Performance Enhancement Dreaming in numbers Mobile Year in Review 2010 7 milliards, National Geographic Magazine
Lost Generation Poem (with people) I'm God - Yong Afternoon Animation: Kaleidoscope Ft. The Italian National Team Of Gymnastics The perfect way to space out on a Tuesday afternoon, KALEIDOSCOPE by Freddy brings viewers through an abstract paradise of runs, kicks, and jumps courtesy of the Italian National Team of Gymnastics. Created by DLV BBDO and production team abstract:groove, the collective, paired with Director Luigi Pane, experimented with the kaleidoscope effect for dramatic results. Working with 4 thaumascopes of different sizes and shapes, the biggest 9 meters long with a triangular opening of 2.5 meters, and the smallest 1.5 meters in length with a square opening of 60 centimeters, the team worked extensively to achieve the graphic patterns above. By studying small scale models and then going into CGI simulations, all the above effects were obtained in camera without the use of post-production. Just as interesting as the techniques used were the performers enlisted: The Italian National Team of Rhythmic Gymnastic 'le Farfalle', choreographed by their trainer Emanuela Maccarani.
Concept Artist YONG 특별한 설명이 필요없을 것 같은 "엘프" 컨셉아트 일러스트레이션입니다. 캐릭터를 자주 또, 자신있게 그리는 편은 아니라서 완성에 이르기까지 애를 많이 먹었습니다. 캐릭터 즉, 인간이라는 소재는 사람들에게 너무나도 친숙하고 익숙한 만큼 아주 작은 어색함도 사람들은 금방 알아차리고 맙니다. 그래서 매우 섬세한 표현력과 관찰력이 요구되죠. 배경작업은 상대적으로 훨씬 더 큰 스케일과 분위기를 표현하는 것에 집중하기 때문에 섬세함 보다는 전체적인 조화와 구성을 중요시하는 것이고요. 확실히 두 분야는 표현에 있어서 뚜렷한 차이가 있습니다. 저는 당연하게도 배경을 전문으로 많이 다루어왔었기 때문에 캐릭터를 표현할 땐 약간 불편하다고 해야할까요? 어쨌든, 고생은 했지만, 역시나 완성을 했다는 것은 기분 좋은 일입니다. [작업과정] [디테일] 제 블로그를 방문해 주시는 분들 중에 컨셉아티스트 취준생이 많은 것으로 압니다. 그래서 오늘은 면접과 관련된 약간의 팁을 말씀드릴까 합니다. 저 같은 경우는 업계에서 오래 일하다보니 아트디렉터나 원화팀장 같은 관리자 경험이 많은 편입니다. 그러다보니 자연스럽게 컨셉아티스트들의 면접관으로도 많이 참여했었죠. 그런 경험을 바탕으로 써나갈 내용이기 때문에 조금은 신뢰하셔도 좋을 것 같아요. 일단, 취준생이 면접을 보러 왔다는 것은 포트폴리오 자체는 합격점을 받았다는 뜻이 되겠죠. 이제 중요한 것은 면접에서의 태도와 마인드, 면접자의 비주얼? 면접관들이 바라는 면접자의 모습 중에 중요한 것은 자신감과 호감입니다. 지나치게 긴장해서 굳어 있거나 말을 어눌하게 하고 얼버무리거나 하는 것들은 자신감이 결여된 것처럼 보여지기 쉽고 면접관들로부터 호감을 사기도 어렵습니다. 자신감 넘치고 지적인 사람은 누구에게나 호감을 사기 마련이죠. 평소에 어떻게 행동하고 말을 하던지를 떠나서 면접 날 만큼은 강한 자신감과 똘똘함을 어필할 필요가 있습니다. 가끔 이런 식의 얘기를 하시는 분들이 있어요. "뭐든 시켜만 주시면 열심히 하겠습니다." 솔직히 말씀드리면, 전혀 신뢰가 가지 않습니다. 많은 도움이 됩니다. 화이팅~!
Mesmerising video created using kaleidoscopes & gymnasts Production studio abstract:groove and advertising agency DLV BBDO have created a mesmerising promotional film for sports clothing brand Freddy by using a clever combination of kaleidoscopes and gymnasts. No post-production was used to create the kaleidoscopic effects seen in the film. Instead, abstract:groove designed and built four thaumascopes varying in shape and size in order to capture the footage. Gymnasts from the Italian National Team of Rhythmic Gymnastic "le Farfalle" then performed within the thaumascopes for abstract:groove to capture on camera. Prior to filming, abstract:groove studied small scale models and then simulated the movements in CGI to determine how well they work.
{YA²} Fanart of Laputa, Castle in the sky - full view here Fujimoto by Yaphleen I haven’t updated this on DeviantArt because it’s an unfinished drawing. Traditionnal and digital (photoshop Cs3) 450+ followers on tumblr and 1500+ on Deviantart, thank you very much ! Hauru by Yaphleen 「 & Microscopic Time-lapse Video of Snowflakes Le vidéaste russe Vyacheslav Ivanov a réalisé une vidéo en time-lapse d’un flocon de neige qui se forme. Sur une musique d’Aphex Twin, « Snowtime » montre au microscope les détails délicats de la formation de la figure hexagonale d’un flocon, qui n’est jamais identique aux autres. La vidéo est à découvrir dans la suite.
Talk Details - Ever wonder what happens to an astronaut's heart rate as he lands on the moon for the first time? Jay Walker is curator and chairman of TEDMED, a global community of people from every field who focus on unlocking imagination in service of health and medicine. TEDMED is the sole independent licensee of world-famous TED organization, whose online talks have been watched more than a billion times. Jay is a serial entrepreneur – a founder of three companies each with more than 50 million customers. Jay is best known as the founder of Priceline, which has grown into a business with a $50 billion market cap, second only to Apple computer on the S&P as the company with the highest 10-year compounded growth rate. A noted expert on imagination, Jay created and curates one of the world’s great private libraries – The Library of The History of Human Imagination. Jay is also an active member of The President’s Circle of the National Academies, The Atlantic Council, and the non-profit TED.