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Singing Changes Your Brain

Singing Changes Your Brain
When you sing, musical vibrations move through you, altering your physical and emotional landscape. Group singing, for those who have done it, is the most exhilarating and transformative of all. It takes something incredibly intimate, a sound that begins inside you, shares it with a roomful of people and it comes back as something even more thrilling: harmony. So it’s not surprising that group singing is on the rise. As the popularity of group singing grows, science has been hard at work trying to explain why it has such a calming yet energizing effect on people. The elation may come from endorphins, a hormone released by singing, which is associated with feelings of pleasure. The benefits of singing regularly seem to be cumulative. It turns out you don’t even have to be a good singer to reap the rewards.

11 Reasons You Should Go Outside The Death of the Raw Food Diet “Cooked Food is Not a Sin” Uncle Jethro Raw The raw food diet, as a massive craze that took over the world for over ten years and convinced hundreds of thousands of people — possibly millions — to give up cooking and eat only fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds — is dead, my friends. It died a peaceful death this year. While it’s hard to say when the raw food diet craze officially expired, a good guess would be on April 23rd, 2013, at around 9:30 p.m. At that time, the last remaining raw food guru who claimed to eat a 100% raw food diet without lying about it decided it was time to live a little. The History of the Raw Food Movement The concept of eating raw food is not new. If we go back to the Ancient world, we’ll find that the Greeks and Romans were ahead of their time in that regard. Throughout the ages, the word “vegetarian” was practically synonymous with “high raw diet.” In ancient times, there was no tofu, noodles or other vegetarian-labeled fares. Sylvester Graham (1794-1851) Dr.

Customer Reviews: The 80/10/10 Diet How Much Protein Do You Really Need? The Official Position Of The International Society Of Sports Nutrition. The Official Position Of The International Society of Sports Nutrition. The following seven points related to the intake of protein for healthy, exercising individuals constitute the position stand of the Society. They have been approved by the Research Committee of the Society. Vast research supports the contention that individuals engaged in regular exercise training require more dietary protein than sedentary individuals. High Protein Intakes Are Not Detrimental To KidneyFunction Or Bone Metabolism In Healthy, Active Persons. Protein Intake Recommendations Controversy has existed over the safety and effectiveness of protein intake above that currently recommended. The current recommended level of protein intake (0.8 g/kg/day) is estimated to be sufficient to meet the need of nearly all (97.5%) healthy men and women age 19 years and older. Protein recommendations are based upon nitrogen balance assessment and amino acid tracer studies. Safety Of Protein Intakes Higher Than RDA The U.S.

So Apparently, We've Been Eating Apples All Wrong [VIDEO] | Foodbeast This is the story of how I found out the right way to eat an apple, essentially learning that my mother has yet again failed me in every day eating and drinking routines. First it was dispensing Tic Tacs, using ketchup cups, eating cupcakes, then shucking a strawberry, then drinking soda, then streamlining Chinese food, and now this? It all happened early yesterday morning -- I ran up to the fridge in our office just a few short skips away from my desk, pulled an apple from the fruit drawer, and chomped on it as I returned to my seat. Upon the first crunch, my desk-mate Geoff looked up from his computer, and said the inevitable phrase that eventually led to me writing this post: "Dude, you're eating that apple all wrong." Screw Geoff. It's an apple. I peeked out from behind my computer, intent on finding out what miraculous shred of wisdom our content director was set to spew out of his mouth. In between bites, Geoff managed, "See, eating it from the sides is wasteful. Conclusion?

Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) Dosing The below doses are based on scientific research, publications, traditional use, or expert opinion. Many herbs and supplements have not been thoroughly tested, and safety and effectiveness may not be proven. Brands may be made differently, with variable ingredients, even within the same brand. The below doses may not apply to all products. Adults (over 18 years old) The time of day that melatonin is taken is important. For age-related macular degeneration (vision loss with age), three milligrams of melatonin have been taken by mouth nightly at bedtime for six months. To improve body temperature regulation in the elderly, 1.5 milligrams of melatonin has been taken by mouth nightly for two weeks. For Alzheimer's disease or cognitive decline, melatonin has been taken by mouth in doses of 1-10 milligrams daily for 10 days up to 35 months. For asthma, three milligrams of melatonin has been taken by mouth for four weeks. Children (under 18 years old)

Your gut is telling you what to eat — and you're not listening When I was growing up, my parents cooked at home a lot. The food was usually pretty plain and healthy: lots of vegetables and fruits, grilled or sautéed meats, bean soups. My mom and dad generally avoided restaurants. "The food always makes us sick," they'd say, referring to their perception that eating out was usually followed by indigestion and discomfort. As a kid, I didn't really understand their problem. This week, I learned there's actually a whole field of study dedicated to the post-meal malaise they were describing: It turns out the scientific term for "food hangover" is "negative post-ingestive feedback" — or the body telling you that you've done it a disservice with the food you just ate. "Feedback can range along a continuum from satiety (satisfying) to surfeit to malaise including nausea," explained Fred Provenza, a professor emeritus at Utah State University who's spent his life studying, among other things, nutritional wisdom in animals. Our food is lying to us

Sleep Hacking Part 3: Fall Asleep Fast with Biochemistry This is the third article in a series about how to hack your sleep so that you can fall sleep more easily, and recuperate more in less time while staying healthy based on my years of self-experimenting, research, and biohacking. Sleep hacking – getting more efficient sleep in less time – can be complex, but you don’t need to do everything possible to get a significant improvement in your sleep productivity. For type A entrepreneurs with too much on their plates (people like me), getting sleepy is a challenge. If you lie down and you’re not tired, you could waste a half hour or more just falling to sleep. That’s time when you aren’t working, recovering, or spending time with your friends and family. It used to be one for me. In this post, we’re going to cover one of the aspects of hacking insomnia – the falling asleep part, leaving the staying asleep tricks for another post. Fall Asleep: Food, Supplements, Drugs Fat – have a high fat snack before bed.
