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Outbreak of Human Salmonella Typhimurium Infections Associated with Contact with Water Frogs CDC is collaborating with public health officials in many states to investigate a multistate outbreak of human Salmonella serotype Typhimurium infections due to contact with water frogs including African Dwarf Frogs. Water frogs commonly live in aquariums or fish tanks. Amphibians such as frogs and reptiles such as turtles, are recognized as a source of human Salmonella infections. In the course of routine assessment, a number of cases with the same strain have been identified over many months. As of 12pm EST on December 7, 2009, 48 individuals infected with the outbreak strain of Salmonella Typhimurium have been reported from 25 states. Among the persons with reported dates available, illnesses began between June 24, 2009 and November 14, 2009. Investigation of the Outbreak Advice to Consumers Watch for symptoms of Salmonella infection, such as diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps. Placement and maintenance of habitats Do not bathe animals or their habitats in your kitchen sink.

HERMAN Projekt zakłada stworzenie prac graficznych i wideo na bazie przeprowadzonej złożonej analizy w której naukowcy pomogą w badaniach nad formą kultur bakteryjnych, które znajdują się w zaczynie ciasta “herman” – swoistym ?łańcuszku szczęścia?. Zaczyn jest przekazywany najczęściej między ?gospodyniami domowymi? tworząc swoistą więź i kulturę sąsiedzko-kobiecą. Analiza będzie dotyczyła nie tylko flory bakteryjnej, która powstaje w wyniku wymiany zaczynu ciasta, ale także wymiaru kulturowego takiej wymiany. Dla tego chciałbym nakłonić do projektu grupę sąsiadów z kamienicy, lub bloku mieszkalnego do uczestnictwa w tym projekcie. Podstawowym środkiem będzie wykorzystanie narzędzi teoretycznych: kulturoznawczych i praktycznych: badawczych. Efektem końcowym będzie stworzenie nowego rodzaju więzi w społeczności w której będzie realizowany projekt, a także realizacja konkretnych dzieł: cyklu filmów inspirowanych obrazami i strukturami pozyskanymi w czasie badań.

Discover World - Zasady rekrutacji Prebiotics in Ancient Diet While modern studies continue to expand our knowledge of the health benefits of prebiotics, virtually nothing is known of their use among ancient populations. Drawing on select ethnographic and archaeological data, examples of prebiotic use in ancient diet is presented. By utilizing well-documented cooking facilities found throughout the archaeological record of North America used to cook inulin-bearing plants as a proxy, prebiotic consumption is documented in Europe and the Mediterranean possibly as early as 40,000 years ago. Data is further provided to suggest that early members of the genus had ample ecological opportunity to include prebiotic underground storage organs found throughout the arid African savannah into diet as early as 2.5 million years ago. This cursory view into the nutritional past of our ancestors reveals that prebiotics were likely consumed in quantities higher than seen among modern humans.
