GIS, Maps, and Cartography at › GIS Lounge Open Data Essentials This section of the toolkit provides a summary of the essential elements of open government data, starting with its definition and covering issues from open data portals, applications that use open data, the benefits of open data, open data policy declarations, learning resources and technical assistance resources for open data. The toolkit provides links to many examples of these. What is Open Data? Data is open if it satisfies both conditions below: Go to top Examples of Open Data Portals In this section you can find links to a few open data portals. Open Data Benefits There are many benefits from opening data. Open Data Applications Machine readibility and an open license allow data to be re-used, which is the main reason for opening data. Open Data Policies Many governments have made public policy statements regarding open data. Open Data Learning Resources If you want to learn more about open data you can refer to these materials. Technical Assistance for Open Data
"Policy Steps Toward a Full-Speed Global Economy" By Christine Lagarde, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund By Christine Lagarde Managing Director, International Monetary Fund Brookings Institution Washington DC, June 4, 2013 As prepared for delivery Introduction Good afternoon. It is always a pleasure to come to Brookings, one of the most influential research institutions in this country. Let me thank the members of the Board and the Council for inviting me today. Today, I would like to give you a snapshot of global economic trends. How has the picture changed since then? We are, however, also seeing some glimpses of more somber trends. So we could be entering a softer patch. We can do better than the current three-speed solution. 1. I will begin with the first speed group, which comprises, essentially, the emerging markets and developing countries. In a world of too much bad news, we do not hear enough about this good news. Of course, we must not get too carried away on a wave of optimism. These countries need to implement policies to protect what they have accomplished—and stay strong. 2.
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Sweet Search Bebauungsplan-Entwurf Wellingsbüttel 17 Plangebiet Das Plangebiet liegt zwischen Wellingsbüttler Weg, Alsterstieg und Friedrich-Kirsten-Straße im Süden sowie der Alster im Norden. Planungsziel Das Plagebiet wurde aus dem Bebauungsplanverfahren Wellingsbüttel 16 herausgetrennt, um im Plangebiet angesichts beabsichtigter einzelner Änderungen der Plankonzeption eine weitere öffentliche Auslegung durchzuführen. Durch die Aufstellung des Bebauungsplans Wellingsbüttel 17 sollen insbesondere die planungsrechtlichen Voraussetzungen für den Erhalt der vorherrschenden städtebaulichen Struktur, mit den auf Gartengrundstücken freistehenden Wohnhäusern geschaffen werden. Neubauten sollen sich zukünftig vom Bauvolumen und der Anzahl der Wohnungen je Gebäude in die vorhandene erhaltenswerte Baustruktur einfügen. Die nördlich der Friedrich-Kirsten-Straße gelegenen öffentlichen Flächen werden bis zu der Alster entsprechend ihrem Bestand als Waldflächen festgesetzt. Veränderungssperre Ansprechpartner
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