Wiki Loves Monuments 2015, ecco i vincitori nazionali Anche nel 2015, per il quarto anno consecutivo, Wikimedia Italia ha promosso «Wiki Loves Monuments» (, invitando tutti i cittadini a immortalare il patrimonio culturale italiano. Come previsto dal regolamento, tutte le fotografie sono rilasciate dai partecipanti con licenza libera e pubblicate su Wikimedia Commons, il grande database multimediale di Wikipedia. Le istituzioni, pubbliche e private, possono aderire, autorizzando la pubblicazione delle immagini dei monumenti di loro proprietà su Wikipedia. Il concorso sui è svolto dal primo al 30 settembre 2015. Tra le dieci foto Italiane quella che si è aggiudicata il primo premio è una veduta del Casone Serilla delle Valli di Comacchio. Un bianco e nero che, si legge nella motivazione, contribuisce a «recuperare l’estetica di una cultura antica». A cura di Silvia Morosi (Foto “Casone Serilla” by Vanni Lazzari - Own work.
Sankey Diagrams | A Sankey diagram says more than 1000 pie charts Simulator The GLEAM Simulator system consists of the GLEAM Server and the GLEAMviz Client application. The GLEAM Server uses GLEAM as the engine to perform the simulations. This server runs on high-performance computers managed by the GLEAM project. The GLEAMviz Client is a desktop application through which users interact with the GLEAM Server. You can install and test a public version of the GLEAMviz desktop application on your computer today! The GLEAMviz desktop application is the main interface through which users interact with the GLEAM engine. Simulation Builder Before putting the GLEAM engine to work, you must first define the epidemic model and configure the simulation scenario. Simulation Manager Once defined, simulations can be submitted to the GLEAM engine that then performs the complicated statistical calculations. Visualisation and analysis GLEAMviz offers three types of visualization. The following movie demonstrates the animated visualisation of the epidemic spreading over time.
Write or Die by Dr Wicked | Putting the 'Prod' in Productivity Shake your ideas For Windows and Mac For Mac Oracy in the Classroom: Strategies for Effective Talk "What makes me enjoy talking the most," explains Milo, a Year 3 student, "is that everybody’s listened to you, and you’re part of the world, and you feel respected and important." Oracy -- the ability to speak well -- is a core pedagogy at School 21, a London-based public school. "Speaking is a huge priority," stresses Amy Gaunt, a Year 3 teacher. "It's one of the biggest indicators of success later in life. It's important in terms of their employability as they get older. It's important in terms of wellbeing. Oracy is taught during assemblies and wellbeing classes, but "it's embedded into every single lesson," says Gaunt. From forming different groupings to using talking points, learn how you can integrate strategies for effective talk in your classroom. Embedding Oracy Into Your Classroom (It's Already Happening) The first step in embedding oracy into your classroom is accepting that it already happens -- your students talk a lot, and you can leverage that, suggests Gaunt. © School 21 Art
Buchveröffentlichung: In 5 Schritten erfolgreich starten Ein Buch zu schreiben ist herrlich und der Moment, in welchem aus Ideen und Gedanken endlich ein fertiges Buch wird, ist unbeschreiblich. Das war bei jedem einzelnen meiner insgesamt 9 Bücher so und wird auch bei meinem neuen Buch so sein. Denn Buch Nummer 10 ist bereits in Arbeit. Neben dem eigentlichen Schreibprozess und der Recherchearbeit, zumindest für Fach- und Sachbücher, ist es jedoch wichtig, Struktur in sein Buchprojekt zu bringen. Keine Angst, das muss kein seitenlanges Konzept sein, aber es gibt nun einmal so viele Dinge zu berücksichtigen, dass es ratsam ist, sich rechtzeitig einen Überblick zu verschaffen. 1. Ich habe bereits mit zahlreichen Selfpublishingautorinnen- und Autoren gesprochen. Was ist dein Ziel? • Ich möchte meinen Lebensunterhalt mit dem Bucherlös bestreiten. • Ich möchte etwas nebenher verdienen. • Ich möchte mit dem Buch aufklären. • Ich möchte Bestätigung als Autorin erfahren. • Ich möchte damit bekannt(er) werden und mir einen Namen machen. 2. 3.
Mathematical modelling of infectious disease Mathematical models can project how infectious diseases progress to show the likely outcome of an epidemic and help inform public health interventions. Models use some basic assumptions and mathematics to find parameters for various infectious diseases and use those parameters to calculate the effects of possible interventions, like mass vaccination programmes. History[edit] Concepts[edit] R0, the basic reproduction number The average number of other individuals each infected individual will infect in a population that has no immunity to the disease. The proportion of the population who are susceptible to the disease (neither immune nor infected). The average age at which the disease is contracted in a given population. The average life expectancy in a given population. Assumptions[edit] Models are only as good as the assumptions on which they are based. Endemic steady state[edit] But the mathematical definition of the endemic steady state can be rearranged to give: Research topics include:
Bestseller Society - a Writers Conference in a Box - free online mind mapping software Il modello SAMR Il Modello "SAMR", acronimo di Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition, è un quadro teorico di riferimento che ha l'obiettivo di facilitare l'azione di integrazione delle nuove tecnologie nella didattica. Il Modello è costruito intorno all'idea che l'integrazione permette di sviluppare ambienti di apprendimento, gestire compiti e costruire percorsi didattici molto più efficaci e del tutto inediti rispetto a quelli tradizionali. Il Modello consente di identificare quattro livelli di integrazione delle tecnologie nel processo di insegnamento/apprendimento: (Substitution) Sostituzione(Augmentation) Sviluppo (Modification) Modifica (Redefinition) Ridefinizione Si tratta di un Modello teorico sviluppato nel 2010 da Ruben Puentedura (fondatore di Hyppasus) che identifica 4 diversi livelli dell'introduzione delle tecnologie digitali nella didattica a loro volta suddivise in fasi di Miglioramento (le prime due) e di Trasformazione (le seconde due). Intervista al Prof.
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