Hormonal effects of soy in premenopausal women and men. [J Nutr. 2002 World of Food Science: Volume 14 - Education | The World of Food Science Volume 14: Education in Food Science and Technology This issue of The World of Food Science provides a brief synopsis of some aspects of food science and technology education discussed at the 16th World Congress of Food Science and Technology held at Iguazzu Falls, Brazil in August 2012: EC’s Trackfast Project: Training Requirements and Careers…European Food Science and Technology EducationIUFoST Guidelines for Curricula in Food ScienceFood S&T Undergraduate and Graduate Curricula in Canada and the USAFood S&T Curricula in Africa: Meeting Africa’s New Challenges…IUFoST Activities in Distance Education. Commencing in this volume on Education are three short introductions to aspects of food drying prepared by Don Mercer, University of Guelph, Canada as part of a series of community education activities for his local area. Food Drying: Planning Ahead for SummerFood Drying – “DIY”Food Drying: Let the Dryer Beware
Tests Found High Benzene Contamination of Diet Soda - 79 Percent of Samples Above Drinking Water Limit Why a Stick of Chewing Gum is More Harmful To Your Health Than Anything You Eat People do not typically ingest gum, so they pay very little attention to its ingredients. The assumption is that if the gum is not swallowed, then the ingredients should not be a concern. However, the ingredients in gum travel into the blood stream faster and in higher concentrations than food ingredients, because they absorb directly through the walls of the mouth, and these ingredients do not undergo the normal filtration process of digestion. Gum is typically the most toxic product in supermarkets that is intended for internal use, and it is likely to kill any pet that eats it. Common Ingredients of Gum After looking at several different brands of chewing gum, we found that these were the most common ingredients: Titanium dioxide is so cancerous that external skin contact is enough to cause cancer. The "Sugar-Free" Sugar Alcohols Sorbitol, maltitol, and mannitol are sugar alcohols. Gum Base After much more research, we found one Chinese company who told us about their ingredients.
Tell Congress to Stop the Corporate Farm Bill Boondoggle! | Food Democracy Now Every 5 years, Congress passes a Food and Farm bill that dictates food and agriculture policy for decades to come. This is the single most important piece of legislation that determines what Americans, and many people around the world, eat on a daily basis. Today, voting on vital improvements to the House Farm Bill! This year, the House Ag Committee has called for $20.5 billion in cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), literally stealing food from the hungriest, most needy children and less fortunate while piling up giant agribusiness handouts left and right to factory farms and America's wealthiest GMO farmers. Please fill out the information below to make a call to your member of Congress and add your name to the list of reformers standing up for a healthy Food and Farm Bill! If you can't reach your Representative by entering your information below, please call the Congressional switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and leave a message with their Ag staffer.
When it comes to food, technology won’t save us Despite what Monsanto and a surprising number of science writers want you to think, GMOs aren’t the only high-tech game in town when it comes to food and agriculture. In fact, there are groups out there that are marrying technology and food that aren’t about inserting bacterial genes into plants and animals. One such group, the New York City-based company Food + Tech Connect, held its second annual Hack/Meat brainstorming/tinkering session last weekend. The event was designed to “develop technologies that help bridge the divide between pasture and plate.” About 250 techy types, investors, meat producers, and farmers gathered on the Stanford University campus for a weekend of coding and design. The winner was an intriguing concept called Farmstacker, which the developers describe as “an eHarmony or AirBnb” for farmers. Farmstacker was one of the few apps to come out of the hackathon that focused on producers rather than consumers. Cool, right?
$2.4M fund to develop products from bio-based feedstocks | MSU Research Thanks to a $1.09 million grant from the Michigan Strategic Fund, plus matching funds from Michigan State University (MSU), several bio-based MSU research projects will be fast-tracked for commercial development over the next three years. MSU recently received the funding from the Michigan Translational Research and Commercialization (“M-TRAC”) program as part of a state-wide initiative to invest in research areas that have shown promise in the laboratory, but need further development in order to become successful in a competitive market. With MSU’s matching funds, a total of $2.44 million will be focused on MSU biotechnology and bioprocessing innovations that have the potential to create superior value-added products and materials from agricultural-based feedstocks, such as: “The bio-based chemical industry is expected to grow to more than $450 billion by 2025,” says Richard Chylla, executive director of MSU Technologies.
Coalition of Immokalee Workers Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Hunger Portal This year´s annual State of Food Insecurity in the World report takes stock of progress made towards achieving the internationally established Millennium Development Goal (MDG1) and World Food Summit hunger targets and reflects on what needs to be done, as we transition to the new post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda. The report reviews progress made since 1990 for every country and region as well as for the world as a whole. Progress towards the MDG 1 target, however, is assessed not only by measuring undernourishment, or hunger, but also by a second indicator – the prevalence of underweight children under five yearsof age. Progress for the two indicators across regions and over time, is compared, providing insights into the complexity of food security. Overall progress not with standing, much work remains to be done to eradicate hunger and achieve food security across all its dimensions.
The Sad State Of School Lunch In The U.S. (PHOTOS) If you'd like to lose your appetite, take a look at this gallery of cafeteria lunches submitted by random high school students from across the country. Loading Slideshow Pike High School, INGrain Valley High School, MOAuburndale Senior High School, FLDr. Show Us Your School Lunch! 1 of 43 Hide Thumbnails The photos come to us from the youth nonprofit DoSomething.org, who have asked teens to share photos of their school lunches throughout the month of September. As demonstrated by the cringe-worthy images above, it's an effective campaign idea -- and the nonprofit plans to use the data gathered to create a "heat map" of school lunches in the U.S. Here are a few more facts about high school lunches: • According to the USDA a typical school lunch far exceeds the recommended 500 milligrams of sodium; some districts, in fact, serve lunches with more than 1,000 milligrams. • The USDA also reports that less than 1/3 of schools stay below the recommended standard for fat content in their meals.
HB2 Bromine Precursor – A New Antimicrobial Intervention - Birko Food Processing Plant Cleaning Chemicals, Sanitation Chemicals and Delivery Equipment Controlled lab tests have shown that hypobromous acid (generated from Enviro Tech’s liquid HB2 precursor) is effective in reducing E. coli O157:H7 and other problem pathogens by as much as 99.959% in a one-minute period and up to 99.999% over five minutes.This compares favorably with other popular antimicrobial interventions in current use. HB2 offers specific advantages over other sources of hypobromous acid in cost, ease of application and safety. This all-liquid source of hypobromous acid offers significant advantages over the other source of hypobromous acid, DBDMH. Enviro Tech received FDA FCN (Food Contact Notification) 000944 for use of hybobromous acid from HB2 and has received GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) notification for use in meat plants. Efficacy testing of HB2 against E. coli 0157:H7 in the presence of organic contamination (5% Fetal Bovine Serum), 1 and 5 minute contact times. Properties and Attributes: Summary of the Technology: Features and Benefits:
KSR2 Mutations Are Associated with Obesity, Insulin Resistance, and Impaired Cellular Fuel Oxidation