40 Must-See Photos From The Past
The phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words” was coined by American newspaper editor Arthur Brisbane in 1911. It’s a simple notion that applies to many aspects of our lives, but especially to historical photography. Sometimes, one simple picture can tell you more about history than any story you might read or any document you might analyze. [Read more...] These photographs all tell stories about the historical figures or events that they represent. Once taken simply to document their present, they now help us witness the past. Perhaps the wars, poverty, fights for freedom and little miracles of the past have lessons for us that we can use today? (via sobadsogood) Woman With A Gas-Resistant Pram, England, 1938 Unpacking the head of the Statue of Liberty, 1885 Elvis in the Army, 1958 Animals being used as part of medical therapy, 1956 Testing of new bulletproof vests, 1923 Charlie Chaplin at age 27, 1916 Hindenburg Disaster, May 6, 1937 Circus hippo pulling a cart, 1924
How Chicken Is Killing the Planet - World Change Cafe
Earlier this month, while you were busy sneaking out of your empty office, hoping nobody would notice your starting the holiday weekend early, the USDA was also doing something it was hoping nobody would notice. It was green-lighting the sale of Chinese processed American chicken. As Politico explained, “U.S. officials have given the thumbs-up to four Chinese poultry plants, paving the way for the country to send processed chicken to American markets.” But while, “at first, China will only be able to process chicken that has been slaughtered in the U.S. or other certified countries,” that should not be a comfort to fans of the McNugget, Campbell’s chicken soup, or any other processed chicken product. To start, that a chicken was born and bred on U.S. soil is no guarantee of its quality. Don’t be comforted by the fact that chicken was processed in the U.S. either. But Big Chicken doesn’t just exploit the animals – the environment and its employees suffer as well. Re-posted from AlterNet.
10 Most Fattening Foods in the World | SmarterTravel
You might think that the United States, with its super-sized portions, absurdly high obesity rate, and uniquely American innovations like the Doritos Locos Taco, is home to the world's most fattening foods. But you'd be wrong! Our national dishes have nothing on these artery-clogging bad boys from around the world. Here are 10 of the most decadent foods you'll find in other countries. Acaraje, Brazil You know what's really not great for you? Churros, Spain Forget your boring breakfast of Special K and skim milk. Poutine, Canada On its own, the humble potato is a relatively healthy starch. And that's just the traditional version. Khachapuri, Georgia Eating off a plate is so boring. Nutella Crepes, France Just one serving (2 tablespoons) of sweet, chocolaty Nutella spread has 200 calories (110 of which are from fat). Aligot, France You know the stereotype that French women don't get fat? Deep-Fried Mars Bars, Scotland Jalebi, India Sure, plain ol' fried dough is unhealthy on its own. Ramen, Japan
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Convergence Alimentaire
20 Food Hacks That Will Make You Fat
If you are a big foodie then these food hacks below will certainly make you fat. Have a look and enjoy: 1. Make Spirals of Hot Dogs or Sausages Image via: ididafunny , we are not foodies 2. Image via: imgur 3. Image via: mommy mishmash 4. Image via: ben and jerrys 5. Image via: fool proof living , paulaandchlo , book of errant pages 6. Image via: serious eats 7. Image via: table spoon 8. Image via: uktv 9. Image via: table spoon 10. Image via: williams-sonoma , brit 11. Image via: traceys culinary adventures 12. Image via: tatertotsandjello 13. Image via: imgur 14. Image via: I can teach my child 15. Image via: imgur 16. Image via: acid cow 17. Image via: food-hacks , omgtsn 18. Image via: keep0smiling 19. Image via: funny junk 20. Image via: snack hacks
(98) Timeline Photos
Un des meilleurs tours que j'ai vu
Voici un des meilleurs tours que j’ai vu dans ma vie! Des gars trafiquent tous les robinets de la maison d’un ami en branchant des barils de bière à la tuyauterie. Gageons que plusieurs personnes aimeraient se faire faire ce tour! Imaginez ça, vous ouvrez le robinet et c’est de la bière qui coule, le rêve tout gars non? Version courte: Version longue:
Cake Wrecks