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Settings Manager - Global Privacy Settings Panel

Settings Manager - Global Privacy Settings Panel
Note: The Settings Manager that you see above is not an image; it is the actual Settings Manager. Click the tabs to see different panels, and click the options in the panels to change your Adobe Flash Player settings. Use this panel to reset the privacy settings in Flash Player: If you select Always Deny and then confirm your selection, any website that tries to use your camera or microphone will be denied access. If you previously selected Remember in the Privacy Settings panel to permanently allow or deny access for one or more websites, selecting Always Ask or Always Deny has the effect of deselecting Remember for all those websites. After you select either Always Ask or Always Deny (or instead of doing so), you can specify privacy settings for individual websites that you have already visited. For an overview of issues relating to privacy, see What are privacy settings? Related:  Langues

Le jeu en classe de langue » idées Le temps, le temps, je cours toujours après! Mais avant de plonger la tête la première dans les préparatifs de la rentrée, je partage avec vous 5 jeux que je viens d’acheter à Liège, avec un court avis pour chacun, par ordre croissant de préférence. (Merci à Rodrigo et Francisco qui ont joué avec moi à tous les jeux, et qui me permettent donc de parler en meilleure connaissance de cause!). TakAttak (Si-trouille). Utile pour la classe de langue? Ouais, pourquoi pas? Un jeu de répliques plus ou moins cinglantes, où la capacité de réaction des joueurs est mise à rude épreuve. Pour en savoir plus sur le jeu: Detective Academy (Cocktail Games) Utile pour la classe de langue? Comme son nom ne l’indique pas, c’est un jeu où il faut trouver des mots à partir d’indices appartenant à des catégories imposées. Comment j’ai adopté un gnou (Le droit de perdre) Utile pour la classe de langue? Devino (Cocktail Games). Mindmaze.

Microsoft, Comcast, Yahoo: no zombie cookies here, Congress! Representatives Edward Markey (D-MA) and Joe Barton (R-TX) are probing the online privacy policies of major Web content providers, and the responses are in: leading website operators all assure Capitol Hill that they either use Flash cookies in a limited context, or they don't use them at all. But the replies from Microsoft, Verizon, Comcast, MySpace, Yahoo!, and six other companies don't seem to have made Markey, or even the more conservative Barton, very happy. "While the responses that Rep. Barton and I received cite privacy policies and opt-out choices to enable consumers to preserve their privacy, these policies can be complicated and laborious to navigate," Markey noted after disclosing the letters. "In some cases, a list of all third party affiliates is not readily accessible, keeping consumers in the dark." The inquiry was launched in response to a Wall Street Journal investigative piece on consumer Web tracking. Here's what these companies say they do or don't do. Microsoft Yahoo

Théâtralisation de contes et légendes du Québec – FLE/S | LMM Ce site est construit de façon à fournir une expérience de navigation à la fois conviviale et efficace. En page d’accueil, le projet de théâtralisation de contes et légendes du Québec est présenté en mettant l’accent sur les éléments suivants : objectifs ; contexte de réalisation : choix du théâtre, de la transmodalisation et du jeu ; public cible et principes qui guident la mise en œuvre de la plateforme. Le site est construit autour de trois capsules didactiques, qui se trouvent également en page d’accueil : Contes et légendes, Théâtre et Transmodalisation. Chaque capsule est élaborée autour des trois sections suivantes : - Vue d’ensemble : cette section permet de présenter de façon globale la thématique de la capsule en ciblant les principaux enjeux, objectifs et compétences à développer, en explicitant certains éléments théoriques et en proposant des jeux au formateur et aux apprenants pour s’approprier ces éléments. Les trois capsules sont présentées de façon indépendante.

How to Verify an Email Address - Ping It! Learn how you can easily verify any email address without even sending a test mail. You can ping the mail server to check the email. How do you verify if a given email address is real or fake? [*] Some web domains may have configured a catch-all email address meaning that messages addressed to a non-existent mailbox will not be returned to the sender but in most cases, such email messages will bounce. When you send an email to someone, the message goes to an SMTP server which then looks for the MX (Mail Exchange) records of the email recipient’s domain. For instance, when you send an email to, the mail server will try to find the MX records for the domain. Using a similar logic, we can verify an email address from the computer without actually sending a test message. Let say that we want to verify if the address exists or not? Step 1. Step 2. nslookup –type=mx This nslookup command will query name servers for that domain. Step 3.

Le jeu en classe de langue » Ressources pour la classe de FLE Plusieurs de ces réalisations sont des adaptations d’idées ou de matériel déjà existants. Je tâche d’indiquer dans la mesure du possible les sources originales. Merci d’en faire de même ! ♥ Ce symbole indique mes documents préféres. Supports ludiques Vous trouverez ici des supports permettant de mettre en place différentes activités ludiques dans la classe. Quelques pistes d’utilisation sont données, à vous de vous en inspirer ! Matériel de jeu Amorces pour un bilan. 15 amorces de phrases permettant de faire un bilan collectif d’un cours. Bobos d’ados (jeu d’expression écrite ou orale). ♥♥♥ 12 cartes originales pour jouer au jeu de Blablabla avec des ados. Version en español del juego de Blabla para adolescentes. Match de boxe argumentatif (jeu de rôles collectif). ♥♥♥ 8 cartes-situation qui sont autant de canevas pour un jeu de rôle collectif. Memorama du féminin/masculin. Récit multiplié. 8 cartes à tirer au sort pour faire raconter une même histoire en variant les points de vue. Couples.

FTC Backs a 'Do Not Track' System for Internet HOME - INCLUDE is a pan-European network operating in the field of language policy and practice for the active social inclusion of groups at risk of exclusion such as migrant communities. It strives for the exchange and dissemination of common guidelines, policy, good practice and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) resources, and aims at contributing to the advancement of a socially inclusive European society. The Network works on two levels: • At the Policy level: by promoting, lobbying and exchanging experiences and practices supporting active inclusion and social cohesion. • At the Practitioner level: by identifying, pooling and disseminating successful practices of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) aimed at migrant and other ‘at risk’ groups, making these practices accessible to language training institutions, learning providers, teachers, trainers, facilitators and other stakeholder

Flaws in Tor anonymity network spotlighted At the Chaos Computer Club Congress in Berlin, Germany on Monday, researchers from the University of Regensburg delivered a new warning about the Tor anonymizer network, a system aimed at hiding details of a computer user’s online activity from spying eyes. The attack doesn’t quite make a surfer’s activity an open book, but offers the ability for someone on the same local network—a Wi-Fi network provider, or an ISP working at law enforcement (or a regime’s) request, for example—to gain a potentially good idea of sites an anonymous surfer is viewing. “Developers have to be aware of this kind of attack, and develop countermeasures,” said Dominik Herrmann, a Regensburg PhD student studying profiling and fingerprinting attacks. The research, performed by a variety of collaborators in Germany working on anonymity measures, represents a warning for privacy-conscious users wary of spying eyes, whether behind Net-unfriendly borders or simply corporate firewalls.

Get Your TEFL Certification Online with ICAL TEFL Stanford Law's Ryan Calo on Privacy Harm and Education - Technorati Family Welcome to the (R)evolution, a new series that connects you to the people, trends, and ideas defining the future of business, culture, and media. There's a poignant observation by Gabriel García Márquez I'd like to share with you, “Everyone has three lives: a public life, a private life, and a secret life.” Which do you broadcast? The social web is not powered by technology as much as it is by people. While it is the responsibility of social networks and services to ensure that privacy settings are in our control, as well as easy to understand and manage, the consequences of our actions ultimately fall on us. Ryan Calo, runs the Consumer Privacy Project at Stanford Law School. he joins us on (R)evolution episode 14 to discuss privacy and his research on privacy harm and human interface design to move technology, and interaction, toward a more productive and collaborative social landscape. Location: The historic Fox Theater in Redwood City, California
