XHTML Character Entity Reference This page contains the 252 allowed entities in HTML 4 and XHTML 1.0, as outlined in section 24 of the official HTML 4 specifications, published by the W3C. If you find it helpful we'd really appreciate a social share! Each entity is contained within a small box that contains four lines: The first line shows how the entity will be displayed on your webpage. The second line contains the entity reference, in the form &entity_name; (i.e. an ampersand, the entity name, and then a semi-colon). If you move your mouse over a character entity, a third and fourth line will appear. The fourth line contains the unicode representation of the entity. To view the textual description for an entity (i.e. it's real name), simply rest your mouse over the box to reveal a tooltip that displays the name, or click on the link below labeled Show Entity Descriptions. The entities have been divided and color coded into the following logical categories for the purpose of orgainization. " u0022 & u0026 ampersand
Why you should crowdsource your new logo design A week or so ago, Forbes caused a little bit of a kerfluffle by calling the entire design community ‘snooty’ in an article called The Creativity of Crowds. For those who weren’t paying attention, that was a feature in the business magazine that touted the benefits of companies that offer design contests. something which they refer to as crowdsourcing, trying to soften the vibe of the term ‘spec’, or speculative, work, which is what designers generally call this practice. The article featured a nice profile of a really cool company – Chicago based Crowdspring – that boasts an awesome community of grannies and janitors and people that love kittens who are creating all sorts of awesome design stuff for small businesses. #1 – You get to choose from unoriginal ideas too. Designers, all of whom don’t understand that originality in logo design is such a antiquated concept, are always going on about copied work in design contests. #2 – There’s nothing wrong with copied logos.
Thirty Second Sell – What’s Your Website’s Elevator Pitch? | Build Internet! You have thirty seconds to tell me why your website matters, and what it can offer me. Go! Did you panic? What’s an elevator pitch? It’s a simple 30 second explanation of who you are and why you matter. This is just as important for your website/blog. Visitors are Customers It doesn’t matter if you run a web application or blog, visitors are the currency of any successful website. Build Internet is a web niche blog focused on web design, development, and business. It’s certainly not perfect, but it’s a good start. You’d be surprised how many web directories or other sites require a short description. Sell Results, Not Possibilities This is the major difference between pitches for investors, and pitches for web traffic. Visitors don’t care if you have the potential to write compelling content. The elevator pitch is a much more personalized form of marketing. Lessons from 140 Characters Twitter is a great exercise tool for building convincing elevator-esque pitches. The Cliffhanger is Good
Bad Astronomy Well now, this is an interesting discovery: astronomers have found what looks like a "super-Earth" – a planet more massive than Earth but still smaller than a gas giant – orbiting a nearby star at the right distance to have liquid water on it! Given that, it might – might – be Earthlike. This is pretty cool news. We’ve found planets like this before, but not very many! And it gets niftier: the planet has at least five siblings, all of which orbit its star closer than it does. Now let me be clear: this is a planet candidate; it has not yet been confirmed. The star is called HD 40307, and it’s a bit over 40 light years away (pretty close in galactic standards, but I wouldn’t want to walk there). Massive planets tug on their star harder, so they’re easier to find this way. In this case, HD 40307 was originally observed a little while back by HARPS, and three planets were found. We don’t know how big the planet is, unfortunately. That’s exciting because of the prospect for life.
Época NEGÓCIOS - EDT MATERIA IMPRIMIR - Vai um empréstimo? NEM PARECE BANCO_Giles Andrews, CEO do Zopa: ingleses usam o site para fugir do juro das instituições financeiras Escassez de crédito tem sido apontada como um dos piores efeitos da crise financeira mundial. Mas não para o site britânico Zopa.com, exemplo de entidade financeira que está se dando bem com a crise. O Zopa une pessoas com dinheiro em caixa a outras que precisam de empréstimos de até 25 mil libras, o equivalente a cerca de R$ 80 mil. Com juros até 30% inferiores aos cobrados pelos bancos, o site emprestou três vezes mais, entre janeiro e abril deste ano, em comparação com o mesmo período de 2008. Isso não significa uma oferta indiscriminada de empréstimos. Depois de se registrar no site, os participantes criam seu perfil detalhado, como acontece nas redes sociais. Cabe ao tomador do empréstimo escolher as melhores ofertas e, depois, fazer o pagamento mensal das parcelas.
Getting Clients to Embrace Fresh Ideas | Build Internet! The internet is full of brand new proof of concepts and ideas just waiting to be implemented on exciting new projects. Actually getting the approval to use these features is another story entirely. Some of the most interesting ideas turn out to be hard sells when putting them into to practice. So what’s a web designer to do when clients insist on stale ideas? Know Your (Actual) Audience Your client can mean the world to you, but the world is not your client. It’s not easy to tell a client that their idea isn’t going to work out, but unfortunately it’s sometimes a necessary part of the job. Three Facts of Client Work As a web designer, it’s important to make note of a three main points. The person funding the project may not always know what’s bestYou’ve been hired as the professionalThe Internet is a big place So what now? Don’t Get Discouraged Be careful about simply accepting a client’s disapproval without further questions. Does the client not like a design because of personal taste?
What is Induction Cooking? Crowdsourcing Scott Brown on the Art of the Elevator Pitch | Magazine Photograph: Leo Espinosa Got a sec? Then I’ve got one blockbuster of a column for you: It’s about how the “ elevator pitch ” evolved from sweaty-palmed business ritual—a form of white-collar panhandling perpetrated by pushy salespeople and desperate screenwriters—into the quintessence of the Big Idea. At the marketplace, the multiplex, the dinner table: Everybody talks in elevator pitches, tweets in elevator pitches, thinks in elevator pitches. And that’s fortunate, because wielded properly, the mighty Elevator Pitch could actually save us from the forces of fear, obfuscation, and delusion that savage our culture. You’re still reading, so I’ll consider you hooked. The phrase didn’t truly conquer the vernacular, though, until Web 1.0 . Today, the elevator pitch has outgrown its original industrial-age metaphor and expanded into mass culture. Maybe it’s time we learn what movie producers and angel investors have known for years: Glib is good. Email scottiswired@gmail.com .