SARCASM IN RELATIONSHIPS Sarcasm – a mocking or ironic remark (American Heritage Dictionary) Irony – the use of words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning (American Heritage Dictionary) Sarcasm is a large component of social interaction and conversation. Sarcasm is an indirect form of speech intentionally used to produce a particular dramatic effect on the listener (McDonald, 1999, p. 486). Many people relate sarcasm to irony, but there is a big difference between the two. The subject of sarcasm is complex because many factors are involved. Negative sarcasm, where positively worded utterances convey negative attitudes, is used frequently in everyday language. Sarcastic remarks, like this, are usually accompanied by exaggeration, and intensifiers may be used on the words that state the opposite of how one truly feels. Sarcasm has been found to be “morphologically simpler and more flexible to use than direct forms” (McDonald, 1999, 487). People have different views of sarcasm in relation to humor.
Get anyone to like you - Instantly - Guaranteed Get anyone to like you - Instantly - Guaranteed If you want people to like you, make them feel good about themselves. This golden rule of friendship works every time - guaranteed! The principle is straightforward. The simple communication techniques that follow will help you keep the focus of the conversation on the person you are talking to and make them feel good about themselves. The Big Three Our brains continually scan the environment for friend or foe signals. Eyebrow Flash The eyebrow flash is a quick up and down movement of the eyebrows. Head Tilt The head tilt is a slight tilt of the head to one side or the other. Smile A smile sends the message "I like you." Empathic Statements Empathic statements keep the focus on the other person. Example 1 George : I've been really busy this week. Tom : So you didn't have much free time in the last few days. Example 2 Tom : Free time has been at a premium in the last several days. Flattery Asking a Favor
The Personality Page Why Do Some People Learn Faster? &124; Wired Science&&124; - StumbleUpon The physicist Niels Bohr once defined an expert as “a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field.” Bohr’s quip summarizes one of the essential lessons of learning, which is that people learn how to get it right by getting it wrong again and again. Education isn’t magic. A new study, forthcoming in Psychological Science, and led by Jason Moser at Michigan State University, expands on this important concept. The Moser experiment is premised on the fact that there are two distinct reactions to mistakes, both of which can be reliably detected using electroenchephalography, or EEG. The second signal, which is known as error positivity (Pe), arrives anywhere between 100-500 milliseconds after the mistake and is associated with awareness. In this new paper, Moser et al. extends this research by looking at how beliefs about learning shape these mostly involuntary error-related signals in the brain, both of which appear in less than half a second.
7 Lessons From 7 Great Minds Have you ever wished you could go back in time and have a conversation with one of the greatest minds in history? Well, you can’t sorry, they’re dead. Unless of course you’re clairaudient, be my guest. But for the rest of us, we can still refer to the words they left behind. Even though these great teachers have passed on, their words still live, and in them their wisdom. I’ve made a list of seven what I believe are some of the greatest teachings by the world’s greatest minds. 1. “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” - Lawrence J. In order for us to achieve our dreams, we must have a vision of our goals. Action: Visualize a life of your wildest dreams. 2. “It was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person, “Always do what you are afraid to do.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson The best way to learn something is to dive right in to it. Action: You must define your fears in order to conquer them. 3. “All that we are is the result of what we have thought.
First rule of marketing It's hardly a secret that photos are often heavily retouched before publication, but it's relatively rare that a source image is available, allowing direct comparison with the final version. Here's a particularly blatant example. The image on the left is a studio photograph of Keira Knightley, taken for use in material promoting her recent film, 'King Arthur'. Some have expressed doubt that they really are the same image, or that only the head is the same, superimposed onto a different body. A few changes are uncontroversial: the image has been rotated through 4.3° to improve the overall composition. However, the main changes go beyond 'accentuating'. I'll let others decide on the aesthetics, ethics or even necessity of this manipulation.
Recursive Deep Models for Semantic Compositionality Over a Sentiment Treebank Deeply Moving: Deep Learning for Sentiment Analysis This website provides a live demo for predicting the sentiment of movie reviews. Most sentiment prediction systems work just by looking at words in isolation, giving positive points for positive words and negative points for negative words and then summing up these points. That way, the order of words is ignored and important information is lost. In constrast, our new deep learning model actually builds up a representation of whole sentences based on the sentence structure. This movie was actually neither that funny, nor super witty. The underlying technology of this demo is based on a new type of Recursive Neural Network that builds on top of grammatical structures. Paper Title and Abstract Recursive Deep Models for Semantic Compositionality Over a Sentiment Treebank Semantic word spaces have been very useful but cannot express the meaning of longer phrases in a principled way. Test the Recursive Neural Tensor Network in a live demo »
The official site of Bronnie Ware - shop A Little Something Song Available through iTunes. Song List: Beautiful DayLet's Make a DifferenceBendigo Street TimingLa La LaJust Because You're BloodLet it Come ThroughStuck Inside the SystemSwinging from a Rainbow Cuddling and SnugglingRuthie and PeteVanessa THE TOP FIVE REGRETS OF THE DYINGA Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing (2011/2012) Now available in bookstores worldwide and through: Hay House Australia Hay House International BRONNIE'S WARES Positive and cheerful clothing with quotes from Bronnie's songs and articles. Visit BRONNIE'S WARES for the full collection of quotes available on a wide variety of t-shirts, bumper stickers and tote bags. WordsSweet ThingNearly Home A Dark DayCalling Your Name TooHaving FunCrossing PathsWhat Do You KnowTreetops Let Yourself Be SurprisedFar AwayBeneath Australian SkiesDance Little Girl SONGWRITING FOR HEALING Bronnie's Combined Personal Growth and Songwriting Course Songwriting for Healing lesson plans.
50 Life Secrets and Tips Memorize something everyday.Not only will this leave your brain sharp and your memory functioning, you will also have a huge library of quotes to bust out at any moment. Poetry, sayings and philosophies are your best options.Constantly try to reduce your attachment to possessions.Those who are heavy-set with material desires will have a lot of trouble when their things are taken away from them or lost. Possessions do end up owning you, not the other way around. Become a person of minimal needs and you will be much more content.Develop an endless curiosity about this world.Become an explorer and view the world as your jungle. Read “Zen and the Art of Happiness” by Chris Prentiss.This book will give you the knowledge and instruction to be happy at all times regardless of the circumstances.