LearningApps - interactive and multimedia learning blocks Less Is More: The Secret of Being Essential Sidebars:Math Teachers Set New PrioritiesMathematics PortfoliosQuestions for Shaping School CurriculumAn Exhibition that Combines Performance with MemoryThe Art of remembering is the art of thinking...Topics that Generate UnderstandingOf course, intellectual learning includes...Definitions of a Good ThinkerGetting Students to do More with Less in Humanities Curriculum Cutting things out of the overcrowded curriculum presents our only chance for getting students to go deeper, think harder, push past complacency to the habits of mind Essential schools hold dear. But what goes and what stays? And who decides? PRETTY MUCH EVERYBODY agrees: "Less Is More" is the toughest of the Coalition's Nine Common Principles to explain and to live by. What does it mean? Merely because the maxim is so catchy, people are apt to use "Less Is More" to serve whatever purposes they like, including as a deliberately misleading attack on Essential School ideas. Less 'Stuff,' More Thought Deciding What to Cut
Créer chasses au trésor, énigmes, jeu de piste, enquête mystère… sur tablette ou smartphone | Un jeu historique sur tablette réalisé par des CE2 CM1 Au cours de l'année scolaire 2013-2014, l'école Saint Michel de Rennes a mis en place un projet pédagogique innovant. Les élèves de CE2-CM1 ont utilisé la plateforme GuidiGO pour créer un parcours historique ludique à travers leur ville et le publier sur tablettes. Ce projet collectif a fait appel à des compétences pluri-disciplinaires : recherches historiques, rédaction, dessin, enregistrement audio, utilisation de l'informatique, travail d'orientation… Aidés de leur professeur et des historiens de l'association Men Ha Houarn, les enfants se sont impliqués dans ce travail créatif avec beaucoup de sérieux et d'enthousiasme tout au long des 2 mois qu'a duré le projet. Destiné aux 7/10 ans, le parcours ludique est désormais accessible à tous. Création collaborative de parcours et jeux culturels en ligne Projet : Angles de vue un projet scolaire de co-création de parcours et jeux culturels sur tablettes et ordinateurs. Voir démo :
Four Strategies to Spark Curiosity via Student Questioning British archaeologist Mary Leakey described her own learning as being "compelled by curiosity." Curiosity is the name we give to the state of having unanswered questions. And unanswered questions, by their nature, help us maintain a learning mindset. Strategy One: Equip Students to Ask Questions At its essence, curiosity is asking questions and pursuing answers. We often ask students if they have any questions, but we rarely teach them how to ask advantageous questions. Strategy Two: Provide a Launch Pad Even if students have mastered the full range of question forming, it is difficult to inquire about topics with which they have no familiarity. Strategy Three: Cast a Wide Net During the information gathering phase of learning, the brain does its best work in an active and receptive state. Keep the search active by praising student efforts to discover novelty. Strategy Four: Avoid Cutting the Search Short References 1Puriefoy, W.D. (2011).
12 Puzzle and Quiz Creation tools for teachers There are many different sites on the internet that allow you to create your own puzzles and games to use either directly in class, or which can be linked to/embedded into your VLE. I’ve been doing some trawling ahead of a training session I am running soon, and here are a few of the best ones that I’ve found. There are others out there, but the focus specifically for my session was KS4 and 5, so these links are aimed at older students. If you have any other favourites, please add them to the comments! 1. Classtools Net Classtools is already one of my favourite websites, home of the Countdown Timer and Random Word Picker. 2. Content generator’s templates allow anyone to generate their own e-Learning quizzes, games and applications through our custom software – no coding required. 3. SuperTeacherTools.com is dedicated to providing technology tools for teaching that are quick and easy to download, learn, and start using in your classroom. 4. 5. 6. 7. Also worth a look:
Boundary Bay BC, CA Weather Detailed 5 & 7 Day Long Range Forecast Adverse and Severe Weather Watches and Warnings Regional Marine Warnings In Effect Near Boundary Bay BC STRONG WIND WARNING IN EFFECT, Haro StraitSTRONG WIND WARNING IN EFFECT, Howe SoundGALE WARNING IN EFFECT, Juan de Fuca Strait - east entranceSTRONG WIND WARNING IN EFFECT, Juan de Fuca Strait - west entranceGALE WARNING IN EFFECT, Juan de Fuca Strait - central straitSTRONG WIND WARNING IN EFFECT, Strait of Georgia - north of NanaimoSTRONG WIND WARNING IN EFFECT, Strait of Georgia - south of Nanaimo Please Visit Environment Canada's Marine Weather Section For More Details, More Marine Weather And The Latest Information. The image above contains regional watches and warnings throughout . Snow Storm & Blizzard Map Forecast Though this is an American metric, we thought we would share it with you because it includes central to lower Canada (sorry Arctic) in their snow forecasts. Canada Earthquake Watch - Last 6 Earthquakes Earthquake M=1.8 - 60 km SW of Sandspit, BC World Earthquake Watch
Games generator-Super Teacher Tools The Tragic Irony of Fahrenheit 451 Fahrenheit 451 Essays The Tragic Irony of Fahrenheit 451 " 'Happiness is important. Fun is everything. And yet I kept sitting there saying to myself, I'm not happy, I'm not happy.' " (70). Fahrenheit 451 is one of the most famous of Ray Bradbury's novels. The ideal of this future man is to be happy. " 'What do we want in this country, above all? that right? people say. them fun? " 'We have mobilized a million men. At the beginning of the book, Montag appears happy. After the house is burned, Montag begins to walk home and is met by a young girl named Clarisse McClellan. He then goes into his house and enters the bedroom. "He felt his smile slide away, melt, fold over and down on itself like a tallow skin, like the stuff of a fantastic candle burning too long and now collapsing and now blown out. not happy. true state of affairs. He has finally become aware of his unhappiness. At this same time, he perceives he has an unhappy marriage. " 'We must all be alike. constitution says, but everyone made equal.
blubbr - Play & create video trivia games Studynotes: Fahrenheit 451: Summary: Part 1 (II) Part 1 (II) Montag goes into his own dark house, still thinking about Clarisse's question. When he opens his bedroom door, everything is cold and quiet. As usual, his wife, Mildred, is asleep in bed, with a pair of tiny radios -- called "Seashells" -- in her ears. In this cold room, Montag feels his smile disappearing. Montag accidentally kicks a small object, which rolls away under the bed. Two emergency medical workers, who Montag has never seen before, come to pump out Mildred's stomach and give her a blood transfusion. After the medical technicians leave, Montag stare out the window, to Clarisse's lit-up house, and wishes he could go over and talk to them -- he even wanders out onto the lawn. In the morning, Montag tries to talk to her about what happened the night before. In the late afternoon, as Montag is getting ready for work, he stands in his hallway, looking thoughtfully up at the ventilation shaft above the door. Montag cannot answer.
Fahrenheit 451: Part 3 (Burning Bright) | LitCharts.com Montag advises Faber on how to eliminate Montag's scent from the house by burning things, wiping others with alcohol, and turning on the sprinklers in the yard. Montag takes a suitcase with Faber's old clothes, bids farewell, and leaves the house, heading toward the river. On the way he's able to track the Hound's approach by looking at TVs through the windows of houses. Since everyone's TV is tuned to the chase, Montag is able to be both fugitive and audience at the same time.
Great Schools for Students with Learning Disabilities At one time, students with learning disabilities (LDs) were seen as unlikely candidates for college success. Today there is greater understanding of these challenges to learning, and students affected by LDs are thriving in the college classroom. Learn about ten schools that provide excellent education programs for students with LDs. 1. Landmark College started in 1985 with programs for students with dyslexia. 2. Another institution that provides academic programs exclusively for students with LDs, Beacon College offers both associate and bachelor's degree options. 3. Marist is a small private institution in Poughkeepsie, New York, that has a long legacy of meeting the needs of students with LDs. 4. American University's Learning Services Program is designed to help freshman students successfully make the transition from high school to college. 5. The University of Denver features the nationally recognized Learning Effectiveness Program that serves over 200 students. 6. 7. 8. 9.
No Student Left Untested by Diane Ravitch Last week, the New York State Education Department and the teachers’ unions reached an agreement to allow the state to use student test scores to evaluate teachers. The pact was brought to a conclusion after Governor Andrew Cuomo warned the parties that if they didn’t come to an agreement quickly, he would impose his own solution (though he did not explain what that would be). He further told school districts that they would lose future state aid if they didn’t promptly implement the agreement after it was released to the public. The new evaluation system pretends to be balanced, but it is not. But one sentence in the agreement shows what matters most: “Teachers rated ineffective on student performance based on objective assessments must be rated ineffective overall.” The New York press treated the agreement as a major breakthrough that would lead to dramatic improvement in the schools. The consequences of these policies will not be pretty. Of course, teachers should be evaluated.