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A Map of Education Technology Through 2040 [#Infographic]

A Map of Education Technology Through 2040 [#Infographic]
What will education look like in the future? Considering that 10 years ago very few students carried smartphones, and tablets didn’t even exist, it’s impossible to look 20 or 30 years into the future. It is likely, however, that cloud-based technology will be the foundation for educational technology and that remote, online learning will continue to grow at a faster pace. Will the developing world catch up with the developed world? According to his recent column in the Guardian, education consultant and head of ICT at Kingston Grammar School Matt Britland believes that the cloud will solve many of the problems facing today’s educators: The future is about access, anywhere learning and collaboration, both locally and globally. The infographic below, designed by Michell Zappa of Envisioning Tech, examines a few other technologies that could play an important role over the next 30 years: Check it out and let us know what you think the future looks like. Click for a larger image.

KS1/2 Maths - Goodbye SATs, Hello Assessment 1 This programme looks at how teachers assess progress. Aston Tower, Birmingham, serves the inner city. Here, Year 2 teachers, Melanie Grant and Vanessa Clarke are anxious about how they can accurately build up a picture of children's skills at the end of Key Stage 1. They've worked with maths consultant, Val Worcester, to design active assessment opportunities. Looking at shape, Melanie encourages discussion with a small number of children. In calculation, a group throws bean bags at printed numbers. In capacity, the children play in water to find out how much juice they need to fill 30 party cups, one for each child. Read a review of this video on the Teacher Training Resource Bank site. Part of the series: Reading Aloud with Michael Rosen

Veille et Analyses de l'ifé Dossier de veille de l'IFÉ : Les technologies numériques dans l'enseignement supérieur, entre défis et opportunités n°78, octobre 2012 Auteur(s) : Endrizzi Laure Télécharger la version intégrale du dossier (version PDF) Résumé : Les technologies numériques constituent-elles un levier pour la modernisation de l'enseignement supérieur et en particulier pour la rénovation de la pédagogie ? Abstract : Digital technologies in higher education: challenges and opportunities To what extent have digital technologies helped to modernize higher education and promote instructional reform? Autre version disponible Pour citer ce dossier : Endrizzi Laure (2012). Vous pouvez faire part de vos réactions à ce Dossier, suggérer des pistes complémentaires ou demander des précisions, en laissant un commentaire sous l'article correspondant dans le blog : ' Éduveille'

National College online network On 1 April, the National College merged with the Teaching Agency to become the National College for Teaching and Leadership. The new agency has two key aims: improving the quality of the workforce; and helping schools to help each other to improve. Find out more about the new agency. We can help you to develop as a leader and achieve your career goals. Whether you're taking on your first leadership role or are an experienced and successful school or children's centre leader, we have something for you. We also offer professional development for chairs of governors and school business managers. Professional development opportunities One of the most powerful ways of achieving improvement is through collaboration and we offer many opportunities for school and early years leaders to provide and receive support. Find out about becoming a teaching school or being designated as a national, local or specialist leader of education. Support for schools and early years

L’innovation éducative : une question économique L’éducation paraît partout en crise. Les plus grandes écoles se posent des questions non seulement sur l’avenir de l’éducation, mais également sur comment apprendre à l’heure des nouvelles technologies. Comme si leur intégration nécessitait de reposer en profondeur la question de l’apprentissage dans une société qui nous semble toujours plus complexe. Pourtant, les résultats de l’informatisation à l’école n’ont pas été forcément ceux attendus : comme le soulignait l’année dernière Matt Richtel dans sa série pour le New York Times. Là où il s’est installé, le numérique n’a pas eu d’effet majeur sur les résultats scolaires des élèves. Quand la question économique prime sur la réponse éducative Nicholas Negroponte, le fondateur du Media Lab du MIT et le promoteur du programme OLPC allait récemment, dans une tribune pour la Technology Review jusqu’à défendre l’apprentissage sans école. La radicalité du propos de Nicolas Negroponte s’explique peut-être par l’échec relatif de l’OLPC.
