Cafe Astrology Astrology Signs, Horoscopes, Love
Welcome to HyperGrammar electronic grammar course at the University of Ottawa's Writing Centre. This course covers approximately the same ground as our English department's ENG 1320 Grammar course. The content of HyperGrammar is the result of the collaborative work of the four instructors who were teaching the course in Fall 1993: Heather MacFadyen, David Megginson, Frances Peck, and Dorothy Turner. David Megginson was then responsible for editing the grammar and exercises and for converting them to SGML. This package is designed to allow users a great deal of freedom and creativity as they read about grammar. This package is currently under construction! Please read the Copyright and Terms of Use before you begin using HyperGrammar, and note that we provide NO WARRANTY of the accuracy or fitness for use of the information in this package. * This site uses the Oxford dictionary spelling. We do not offer any writing help by e-mail. No permission is required to link to this site.
Maya Calendar & 2012 Studies
This page will provide basic introductory material, as well as critique-reviews of new books on 2012 and the Mayan calendar. It will also share ongoing dialogues I have with professional Maya scholars, which are often revealing on a number of different fronts. ***See the "Late Breaking Discoveries and Dialgoues" section below*** It is important to be grounded in a good understanding of various Mesoamerican traditions, including astronomy, folklore, iconography, mythology, religion, calendrics, and science. Basic introductions to the Mayan calendar systems, including how the tzolkin, haab, Venus cycle, eclipse calendar, year-bearers, Calendar Round and Long Count operate, were published in my early books Journey to the Mayan Underworld (Four Ahau Press, 1989), Mirror in the Sky (Four Ahau Press, 1991), 7 Wind (1993), and Tzolkin: Visionary Perspectives and Calendar Studies (Four Ahau Press, 1992, reprinted with Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, 1994). July 28. Mayan Elders and 2012
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