Fan pages Facebook : mode et engagement ne font pas recette Le classement réalisé par SocialBakers fait entrer dans la catégorie des fan pages de mode en langue française des secteurs assez différents (habillement sport dominé par Nike, casual porté par Kiabi et luxe mené par Hermès). Sur le mois de juillet 2013, la marque Bensimon, qui met son produit phare, la chaussure, au coeur de sa ligne éditoriale, domine le critère du like avec un score de 277 (vs 254 norme fanomètre top 20*). Sa stratégie consiste à mettre en avant des offres produit, des promotions, des événements (Summer Tour/Customisation) et des photos de vacances, mais le score de likes est principalement généré par une invitation faite à ses fans de liker (" Clic sur LIKE si tu as des Bensimon ! "). S'agissant des commentaires, les marques d'habillement sont très en deçà de la norme fanomètre top 20 (3,8 en moyenne vs 18). On se serait attendu à ce que la mode, au centre de nombreuses conversations, engendre des fan pages à fort niveau d'engagement.
Social media artwork template **Update 11-15-2013.Updated the Social media PSD with the new Google+ Layout. I had to delete the overlay-image since it did not align with the (much) shorter header image that Google plus now uses. Because of the re-occuring problem of fitting a new logo in to the 'square format' that most social media websites use for the avatar-image, I have made this easy to use photoshop template for you to check out what your logo will look like on various social media websites. It's a photoshop CC document, and with the Image assets generator you can live-export all the needed files to upload your avatar and cover art for all your social media websites to create a consistent look. I ran in to the problem of wondering what my logo would look like online, since it will appear in so many different sizes on various social media platforms. To get an idea of what it would look like I had created the basics of this template, for my personal use. This template can come in really handy when you: Features.
Twitter, le dessous des buzz Twitter s’est interrogé sur ce qui fait qu’une video devient virale ou pas. La firme s’est intéressée à trois phénomènes récents, aussi populaires que différents : Ryan Gosling won't eat his cereal, une série de clips postés sur Vine par @RyanWMcHenry qui met en scène l’acteur faisant la moue devant des céréales ; la reprise de « Space Oddity » (David Bowie) à plus de 400 kilomètres d'altitude par l’astronaute Chris Hadfield, depuis la Station spatiale Internationale (ISS) ; et la campagne Dove « Real Beauty » qui a permis à quelques femmes complexées de se faire croquer par un portraitiste du FBI et de se rendre compte de l’image négative qu’elles avaient d’elles-mêmes. Trois vidéos qui, en seulement quelques jours, ont connu d’étonnants pics de popularité. Existe-t-il une formule magique pour expliquer cette « viralité » ? Afin d'évaluer les vitesses de croissance de ces trois succès, l’équipe britannique de Twitter a décidé de les matérialiser sous forme de Dataviz.
How to choose a colour scheme for your logo design | Branding The human mind is highly responsive to visual stimuli, and colour is one of the major defining factors in that response. On both a conscious and subconscious level, colours convey meaning – not only in the natural world but also within the artifice of our culture. Graphic designers need to harness the power of colour psychology to bring resonance to their designs – and in no field is this more important than that of logo design. The use of colour can bring multiple layers of meaning, from primitive responses based on millions of years of evolved instinct to the complex associations we make based on learned assumptions. Companies can use these responses to underline and accent their branding messages. And your success as a logo designer will be boosted if you have a thorough understanding of colour psychology. What different colours mean Every colour, including black and white, has implications for logo design. Red implies passion, energy, danger or aggression; warmth and heat.
Un petit tour par l’art de la typographie à la main avec Lucas Barcellona Hello Vous le savez tous, nos imprimantes tracent de belles lettres, propres et nettes… Mais il est plus difficile de comprendre la technique de la calligraphie et notamment de la façon dont on écrit de belles lettres à la main avec un marqueur, une plume, un stylo, etc. À ce jeu là, Luca Barcellona est très fort Agé de 32 ans, Lucas a son propre studio à Milan, où il travaille comme graphiste freelance et calligraphe. Appréciant énormément ce savoir-faire vivant, je vous partage donc quelques vidéos et images de son travail. Aujourd’hui, ses lettres manuscrites sont utilisées par Nike, Mondadori, Dolce & Gabbana, Sony, Seat, ou encore Volvo… des marques qui se retournent donc vers la tradition pour proposer des produits de luxe ou même vintage. source Ces articles peuvent aussi vous intéresser:
The biggest mistakes logo designers make | Logo design Whether you’re a logo design novice with just a handful of clients or a creative director, there are certain pitfalls every designer should avoid when creating logos. And with so many now socially sharing and scrutinising your work, designers must be extra vigilant to avoid falling into these traps. Here we've provided a run-down of the most common 10 to avoid... You'll find all our logo design articles here 01. Slavishly following trends Choosing to design your logo based on current trends is likely to leave your logo looking dated and out-of-touch as soon as the trend dies out, not to mention making you look slightly amateur. Rather than choose the popular flavour of the month, think about what's more likely to have longevity for your brand. 02. Overdoing colours will not only make your design busy and confusing but also make it difficult to translate into monotone, which you’re likely to need at some point. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. Words: Natalie Brandweiner
La typographie et la photographie en WebDesign Beaucoup de designers utilisent la photographie dans leurs conceptions web. Utiliser de grandes photos pousse à une certaine simplicité et oblige le designer à exclure les éléments inutiles et se concentrer sur l’essentiel. En ajoutant une typographie forte mais simple dans le mélange, quelque chose de magique se produit. Typography rules and terms that every designer must know Typography is, quite simply, the art and technique of arranging type. It's central to the work and skills of a designer and is about much more than making the words legible. Your choice of typeface and how you make it work with your layout, grid, colour scheme, design theme and so on will make the difference between a good, bad and great design. There are lots of typography tutorials around to help you master the discipline. Choosing a font There's an astonishing array of paid-for and free fonts to choose from online. A typeface, like any form of design, is created by craftsmen over a substantial period of time, using the talent and experience they've been honing for many years. Here are some of the most important typographic considerations the professional designers needs to take into account. 01. All typefaces are not created equally. The height of each character is known as its 'x-height' (quite simply because it's based on the letter 'x'). 02. 03. 04. 05.
Winning With Google+ - How Ferrari, H&M, Cadbury & BMW Reach Millions More Customers More has been written about Google+ over the past 26 months than almost any other social media site. While Google+ has had its share of press, there are still many skeptics. In the face of the sheer amount of time consumers spend on Facebook and Twitter, how do brands solve the dilemma of where to spend their time and how to justify their presence on yet another social network? In the Internet Age, people seem to suffer from short-term memory loss. None of the mainstream social media platforms experienced overnight success. From cars to candy, big brands are proving that Google+ can be an important part of their digital marketing strategy. Social media success doesn’t happen overnight and without effort. Ferrari No one will argue that the Ferrari is one of the finest machines produced on the planet. Ferrari’s official Google+ page doesn’t disappoint either. Another finely engineered automotive import, BMW does a great job of cross-channel promotion. Cadbury
100 amazing Adobe Illustrator tutorials | Illustrator Since its release, Adobe's Illustrator has grown to become the designer's right-hand man when it comes to creating premier vector graphics and elements. There's so much you can do with it that it can be difficult to know where to start. Happily, we're here to round up the best Adobe Illustrator tutorials, covering everything from illustration to logo design, adding depth to your typography and much more, to help you get the most from this amazing app. Jump directly to a section using this handy category guide, or just get started browsing the whole list! With so many to choose from, you're sure to find a project to inspire you, whether you're using an older version of Illustrator or are signed up to the Creative Cloud. Adobe Illustrator for beginners: 11 top tips If you're just starting out with Illustrator, here's a fantastic guide to some of its tools. Setting up a new document In this video tutorial presented by Angie Taylor, you'll learn how to set up a new Illustrator document.
Le concept Inbound Marketing Mais qu'est-ce que l'inbound marketing ? C'est un marketing avec un aimant, pas avec un marteau. Un marketing qui capte et chouchoute ses prospects. L'inbound marketing est un marketing utile.Il s'agit d'attirer son coeur de cible à soi plutôt que d'aller le chercher. Les organisations qui se focalisent sur une stratégie d'inbound marketing génèrent un coût par lead 62% inférieur aux organisations qui utilisent des stratégies d'outbound marketing comme la radio, le display ou le street marketing par exemple. Trois grandes étapes constituent l'Inbound Marketing : 1 - Etre visible : il s'agit de créer du contenu en maîtrisant par exemple les techniques liées au blogging et au SEO tout en s'impliquant dans les médias sociaux. 2 - Convertir : il faudra générer des leads via des calls-to-action et des landing pages puis déployer des techniques de lead nurturing.3 - Analyser : reste à mesurer les performances des efforts marketing afin de prendre les meilleures décisions. La méthode d'analyse