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Earth Shots - Photo of the Day Contest

Earth Shots - Photo of the Day Contest

Rare Antique Posters and Prints For Sale Photography Techniques I often get questions about how I took one picture or another. Perhaps the most common is this one: "I'm a beginner, and it would really help me learn if you could tell me what camera settings you had when you took that picture." This is, perhaps, the worst possible question a student can ask, and conversely, it's the most irresponsible one a teacher can answer. This dispels the old saying that "there is no such thing as a stupid question." If you peel away the "technical" aspects to photography, the real meat of the craft can only be learned through exhaustive, repetitive experimentation. Indeed, this is how creativity is learned in other fields in the arts. But what about that "technique" thing? Below is a series of tutorials that cover various photography techniques, but as you may understand now, I am not a "paint by the numbers" sort of teacher. Click to recommend this page:

How to Photograph Sunsets Mask the Sun To reduce the overpowering effect of the sun, I waited till it was low in the sky (and thus dimmer) and I masked it behind Oceanside Pier. Without the bright sun, the film was free to record the lovely colors of the sky and high clouds. The pier is the subject and the palm trees frame the shot. Avoid the Sun Here the sun is setting to the left of the picture. Shoot After Sunset This shot of Santa Monica Pier was taken 30 minutes after sunset, when the high whispy clouds had turned red. Avoid The Sun The biggest problem with sunsets is the sun. There’s no easy way around this, so the trick is to either wait until the sun is on the horizon (when It’s dimmer), or photograph the sunset without the sun. Shoot The Sunset After Sunset The sky often has the most color after the sun has set (the “afterglow”). Find A Foreground Pictures of just the sky can be boring so find a simple foreground to add depth and interest. Filters Watch for Clouds Clouds add magic to a sunset.

SCIENCEPICS BBC Human Planet | Photography by Timothy Allen Photography Tutorials. An Introduction to Exposure. We have taken a look at the creative or artistic bit of taking photographs, composition, if you read that bit, so now we will have a look at the science bit, exposure. Unsurprisingly, exposure simply means allowing light to strike your film. The tricky part is knowing how much light you need and how to control the amount of light reaching the film. The former is taken care of by a light meter, usually built in to the camera, and the latter is achieved by means of the aperture and shutter controls on your camera. Aperture and f-numbers. f 1.4; f 2; f 2.8; f 4; f5.6; f 8; f 11; f 16; f 22; f 32 There are smaller and larger f-numbers but the actual numbers used are always the same and will maintain a constant value over different lens focal lengths. Shutter and Shutter Speeds.The shutter prevents light from reaching the film until the moment of exposure, when it opens for a predetermined time allowing light passing through the lens aperture to reach the film. Table of contents Next

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Home « Rankin LA The Weakest Link William James once said “A chain is no stronger than its weakest link”. That statement applies to many things in life, including the area of ink jet printing. I can remember back to the days of the original Iris printers, and I still marvel at how those devices set the stage for both digital fine art and photographic print making. But, unlike previous technologies such as Lithography (a fancy word for offset printing) or Serigraphy ( a fancy word for silk screening), early inkjet printing wasn’t immediately welcomed into the world of limited edition art. No one could contest the visual quality of an Iris print. For those pioneering Iris printers, when it came to ligthfastness, the combination of both magenta and yellow inks were the weak link due to catalytic fading. Fast forward to today. But... you wouldn’t know that based on industry-sponsored print longevity test results.. The most well known of course is Henry Wilhelm at Wilhelm Imaging Research ( Bio:

Pizarra para dibujar y esbozar en linea Aplicación de dibujo en línea: Una pizarra graffity donde se puede dibujar en la web y hacer dibujos en línea y mandar a los amigos o familiares Dibujar online ¿Quieres participar en los cuentos rusos? Dibuja las viñetas de Por voluntad de lucio. Por favor, abstenerse de enviar mensajes escritos, contenido homófobo, racista o irrespetuoso con los demás, de carácter sexual o simplemente rayajos o estupideces. ¿Te gustaría aprender a dibujar un poco más antes de usar el cuaderno? ¿Quieres saber cuando se clasificarán los nuevos dibujos? Condiciones de uso del cuaderno de dibujo Versión móvil Condiciones de uso | ©2004/2015 - Daniel Martínez Bou - Todos los derechos reservados | Plantas Esta web utiliza 'cookies' para ofrecerte un mejor servicio. Aceptar | Más información

Dog Photographer, Pet Photographer, Ayrshire, Edinburgh dog photography, Glasgow, cat photographer Photography Tips and Techniques CWMSQQ-2058428522 Download Error We're sorry, but an error has occurred while downloading the video. Please refresh and try again. Digital Photography Techniques Color Correction Tutorial for PhotoShop by Mitch HazamHow Digital Photography Works by Brian RattyWhen to Use Digital Capture by Brian Ratty Basic Photography Techniques Seven Steps for Better Point and Shoot Pictures by Brian RattyUnderstanding the Sunny f16 Rule by Brian RattyWhat Makes A Postcard-Perfect Photography? Intermediate Photography Techniques Obtaining Correct Exposure by Chris GroenhoutPerspective Control by Dan HellerPhotographing Display Homes by Chris Groenhout Nature Photography Techniques Bird Photography - The Hardware by Nigel DennisChoosing the Right Aperture by Nigel DennisBird Photography - Fieldcraft by Nigel DennisGetting Really Sharp by Nigel DennisShooting Action by Nigel DennisEthics by Nigel DennisLight by Nigel DennisImage Stabilizer Technology by Nigel DennisFill Flash by Nigel DennisHides by Nigel Dennis

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