Educational building blocks: how Minecraft is used in classrooms
With its open-ended nature and robust creation tools, Minecraft has been used to create some amazing things. And as one teacher learned, those very same elements that make the game so compelling also make it a great educational tool. Around two months ago, Joel Levin, a computer teacher at Manhattan's Columbia Grammar and Preparatory School, decided to start using the game to teach an entire unit to his first- and second-grade students. The lessons took place almost entirely in the world of Minecraft. And it was a huge hit.
Basic tasks in Excel 2010
In this article What is Excel? Excel is a spreadsheet program in the Microsoft Office system. You can use Excel to create and format workbooks (a collection of spreadsheets) in order to analyze data and make more informed business decisions. Specifically, you can use Excel to track data, build models for analyzing data, write formulas to perform calculations on that data, pivot the data in numerous ways, and present data in a variety of professional looking charts. Common scenarios for using Excel include:
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Briefing paper 1: MLEs and VLEs explained
This paper explains the terms now being used to describe the various components in which learners and tutors participate in the learning experience within the college or university environment. What are VLEs and MLEs? While recognising that the world at large will continue to use terminology in different and often ambiguous ways, the term Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is used to refer to the “online” interactions of various kinds which take place between learners and tutors. The JISC MLE Steering Group has said that VLE refers to the components in which learners and tutors participate in “online” interactions of various kinds, including online learning. The JISC MLE Steering Group has said that the term Managed Learning Environment (MLE) is used to include the whole range of information systems and processes of a college (including its VLE if it has one) that contribute directly, or indirectly, to learning and the management of that learning. What does a VLE do?
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Comment:5 average rating | Comments (4)Last Updated:20 February, 2014Section:Article Tom Bennett is a man who believes that the beginning of wisdom lies in understanding that you know nothing. In other words, he knows nothing, and he knows it.
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7 Ways To Get More Out Of Twitter
Twitter is one of the most powerful tools available to a modern educator, student, or administrator. It’s a free tool that connects you to some of the most innovative and useful ideas the world has to offer. You can communicate with just about anyone in brief messages. This is probably a good thing for the more verbose folks who need some guidance in keeping their messages under 140 characters. So how do users of all skill levels get more out of Twitter ? By using this simple visual guide I whipped up, of course!
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The future of libraries
This is the first in our Future Of series, where we analyze and dissect one facet of life that’s been impacted by digital technology. Today, we look at libraries. “You have no idea how eager I am to ensure that the notion of ‘library’ does not disappear – it’s too important.”- Vint Cerf, 2013
5 Awesome Things You Can Do With an IPad and an LCD Projector