4. MTU Tweaking FAQ
MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) will vary with connection type. Cable and non-PPPoE (Point to Point Protocol Over Ethernet) can use up to 1500. PPPoE connections (WinPoet, RASPPPOE, Enternet, etc.) can only use up to 1492. However, WinPoet and Enternet MTU must be set by hand in the registry. Others may use DRTCP to set MTU. Feedback received on this FAQ entry: BT recommend an MTU of 1492 for the VDSL2 (Infinity service). 2012-07-04 06:12:29 How does this relate to packet fragmentation? by Pinan edited by JMGullett last modified: 2007-02-21 16:07:46 The MTU setting controls the maximum ethernet packet size your PC will send (you did know the Internet works in packets, didn't you?). MTU and Windows and DefaultsUnless otherwise set, Windows defaults MTU to 1500, or a lower value of 576 for external networks. 1500 is OK unless you are running PPPoE, want to use IPSec (Secure VPNs) or both, then it's too big. 576 is not efficient for the broadband/Internet; it's too small. Linux users: by Pinan:
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SQL Server EncryptByKey cryptographic message description - SQL Server Security
Since the introduction of SQL Server 2008 extensible key management (EKM), new opportunities may arise to handle data encryption on the client while still making the plaintext data accessible to authorized users in SQL Server. One issue between SQL Server and third party clients has been already discussed in the SQL Server Security forum in the past: describing the cryptographic message elements used by the resulting ciphertext generated by EncryptByKey builtin. While we are in the process of finalizing our documentation regarding this subject matter, I would like to take this opportunity to bring you an early draft view of the information and to get your feedback.. Below I will explain each one of the parts of the message along with an example. CipherTextMessage := KeyGUID + EncryptionHeader + EncryptedMessage KeyGUID := {16 bytes} Key_guid. EncryptionHeader := Headerversion + ReservedBytes Headerversion := {1 byte} SQL Server encryption message version. Detailed analysis of each field:
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Attic rooms are usually the most appealing interiors in the whole house, even though we can not tell for sure what draws us to them so much. Some people unconsciously correlate them with secret rooms, or even with large playgrounds. Either way, they have a special charm, and a warm feel that seems to follow you around, even after you leave them. Designing such a space comes with its many challenges. That is why today we decided to try and make things easier for you. You could also begin by acknowledging the fact that the space just beneath the ceiling is extremely versatile.
Walden's Blog: Computing MD5 Hash of varbinary(max) in SQL Server CLR
SQL Server provides the HASHBYTES function which computes the MD5 hash value of the bytes passed to it with one problem... it only accepts the older (pre-2005) max length of 8000 bytes in a varbinary. That's useful, I suppose, if you're trying to get the MD5 hash of a password, or a name, but completely useless in a case like I had where we needed to compute the MD5 hash of a blob column -- and a blob colum where the max datalength is dozens if not hundreds of megabytes. I needed something different! Our first pass was to write a command line application that selected the filedata column (the blob) from the table and then just computed the MD5 from w/in c#. That made some sense since the point of this was to check an export we were doing of the file data from blobs to files in the file system but it just seemed wrong somehow. If you haven't played with them, SQL CLR functions allow you to code a static method in your .Net language of choice (C#!) OK, now there's a new problem.