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The Observer

The Observer

International Herald Tribune From the Editor By SERGE SCHMEMANN “Turning Points” is the theme of this year-end magazine as we gaze with equal measures of anticipation and alarm into 2014. opinionSpecial Report The Past in Our Future By ROGER COHEN The ghosts of repetition reside alongside the prophets of progress. Global Agenda In 2014 we’ll mostly be talking like pirates and growing mustaches. Our Compass Who are the moral leaders for these times? Cyber Subterfuge By MISHA GLENNY The Internet has lost its innocence: The virtual world is awash with espionage, malware and deception. Digital Passivity By JARON LANIER We have backed ourselves into a virtual corner. The World of Mars By JOHN GROTZINGER There are un-Earthly parallels between the exploration of the Grand Canyon 140 years ago and what is happening on Mars today. Power in 2030: The Roads We May Take By DANIEL YERGIN How we manage the balance between conventional energy sources – oil, natural gas and coal – and renewables will shape our future. Art and Technology Deep Cover

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