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a TiddlySpace TiddlyWiki: Free Wiki In Your Browser blog before you think!: TiddlyWiki Mania Jeremy Ruston's absolutely fabulous TiddlyWiki triggered quite a few interventions recently. Here is a list of wikis I stumbled upon that adapt/extend/enhance/build upon it: ZiddlyWiki by Tim Morgan [ZiddlyWiki] provides server-side storage of the wiki (tiddler) content by combining the power of TiddlyWiki with Zope.ZiddlyWiki is unique from other TW adaptations (I think) since it doesn't modify any of the TiddlyWiki code; it just overrides specific JavaScript functions to achieve the desired result. Zope is an open source content management framework based on Python, so an average dummy webhost might not support it (mine doesn't), but if yours does: ZiddlyWiki has a some more cool features: OnDemandLoading - Tiddlers are only fetched on demand rather than all-at-onceTiddlerRevisions - the last 15 revisions of the tiddler can be restoredImportExport - ZiddlyWiki can be exported to and imported from a TiddlyWiki file (hybrid online/offline setup) TiddlyWikiRemote by Dan Phiffer

TiddlyWiki in Action - A showcase of TiddlyWikis used creatively around the world tbGTD - desk Whining, Blue Smoke & the Mechanics of Getting Unstuck I've been working on a bunch of (non-43 Folders-related) stuff lately, but I started feeling that hankering to come back and write something new here. To get the engine started, I went through some old posts and turned up a few (oddly self-inspiring) ideas that I want to re-share. The topic? "Getting unstuck." Hack your way out of writer's block - "Literally. I guess all I'd add -- since it's on my mind today -- is that I'm learning how much it pays to listen whenever you hear yourself mentally whining. First off, even when it's yourself, nobody likes a whiner. But, second, and perhaps more importantly, that whining should be telling you something. Once you pinpoint where that whine's coming from, that's the perfect opportunity to decide what the hell the hang-up is. And once that obstacle is identified and out there, ample methods exist for helping you execute in a way that's sane and sensible. Put automotively? As for me?

TiddlyWiki - Wiki Un simple fichier HTML (avec une pincée de CSS et un gros morceau de javascript dedans tout de même), voilà le drôle de « jeu de puces » [1] que Jeremy Ruston a déposé sur le Web en septembre 2004. C’est avant tout un wiki personnel. Pour l’utiliser, il faut juste un navigateur Web moderne [2], supportant les CSS, avec javascript activé. Pas d’installation compliquée (en fait pas d’installation du tout !), tout se passe dans votre navigateur en local, que votre unique fichier HTML soit sur internet ou dans votre disque dur. L’édition du contenu est typique d’un wiki, avec la création très simple de nouvelles entrées par l’utilisation de MotsWiki servant d’hyperliens. C’est ici qu’intervient la véritable nouveauté du procédé de navigation : le lecteur choisit les entrées qu’il veut voir affichées et il construit littéralement sa page, exactement selon ses besoins, dans l’ordre qui lui convient, de manière non linéaire par rapport à la création, en sautant d’entrée en entrée.

Top 10 Essential DIY Skills That Aren't as Hard as You Think I think it depends on your definition of "maintenance." I wouldn't hesitate to change my own oil or something like that but I wouldn't dream of replacing a radiator myself. That isn't my idea of "maintenance." That's fixing something. Sorry you are afraid of doing that stuff, but even a complete engine rebuild is easy to do, and no you don't need "special tools" unless you call things beyond a hammer and screwdriver "special" I can do a front end alignment on a car in my driveway with a tape measure and a couple of carpenters squares along with the wrenches most people would have. Also if you do buy the cheap but special tools you can replace your own tires and balance them better than the "laser computerized" balance machine at the tire place. In fact the only expensive special tools I need are a Crane and engine run stand. Danger? This is why I don't take my cars to the dealer for any routine maintenance. Aside from that, dealers are inconvenient.

MPTW - tiddlywiki powered up (2.7.3) List of applications This article is a general list of applications sorted by category, as a reference for those looking for packages. Many sections are split between console and graphical applications. Tip:This page exists primarily to make it easier to search for alternatives to an application that you do not know under which section has been added. Note: Applications listed in "Console" sections can have graphical front-ends. Internet Network connection Network managers See Network configuration#Network managers. VPN clients Bitmask — Secured and encrypted communication using various service providers || bitmaskAUR Libreswan — A free software implementation of the most widely supported and standarized VPN protocol based on ("IPsec") and the Internet Key Exchange ("IKE"). || libreswanAUR NetworkManager — Supports a variety of protocols (e.g. || networkmanager OpenConnect — Supports Cisco and Juniper VPNs. Proxy servers

mGSD - mGSD 100 Websites You Should Know and Use In the spring of 2007, Julius Wiedemann, editor in charge at Taschen GmbH, gave a legendary TED University talk: an ultra-fast-moving ride through the “100 websites you should know and use.” Six years later, it remains one of the most viewed TED blog posts ever. Time for an update? To see the original list, click here. And now, the original list from 2007, created by Julius Wiedemann, editor in charge at Taschen GmbH.
