Online Ukulele Tuner Use this free online ukulele tuner to tune your ukulele. This online tuner is special because you are able to change the notes to what you want, this is especially useful if you are using Alternate Ukulele Tunings. The default tuning is the standard GCEA ukulele tuning. If you have a Banjo Ukulele, then the tunings are still the same, so this will work. You will find presets for alternate tunings on the right side. If this tuner does not work for you check out our HTML5 Ukulele Tuner. Check out our old ukulele tuner. How to Use this Tuner: To the right there is an image that explains the numbering of the strings on an ukulele. Learn how to play: Now that you have your ukulele tuned, it is time to start playing it. The Hal Leonard Ukulele Method is a great resource for those who are beginning ukulele or experienced players who want to hone their skills.
Online Tuner How to Use the Tuner When you first load the tuner page, your browser should tell you that the applet is signed by Seventh String Limited and that the signature has been verified by a trusted source (Thawte in fact). You will need to click the "Run" or "Ok" or "Trust" button to allow the tuner to run. See "Security Issues" below if you want to know why this is necessary. You need to get the signal from your instrument into the computer of course. Notes are named as, for instance, "F# 4 -3 cents". This chromatic tuner is sensitive (it can get an accurate reading from a quiet sound) and robust (when a note is being played, it is not easily distracted by extraneous sounds). If you want to tune notes which remain totally steady for a long time then you will need to uncheck the "Hum cancellation" box, to prevent such very steady notes from being ignored. If you want a tuner which plays reference notes for you to tune to, then see the Seventh String Tuning Fork. The Tuner Controls In Detail