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Related:  stories

Demonstration Videos - The Stories First Foundation These videos were hand-picked by Beniko Mason as a proper demonstration of what Story Listening looks like in class. They provide you with information about: language, language level, student population, setting, background information. Below the video you can see some comments from Dr. Mason what tools have been used from the SL tool kit and what makes these videos good SL demos. For your convenience they also come with the written text/ prompter and an audio recording of the reading. Videos, Readings and Audio can be provided to students for more input at home.

Ti Malice et Monplaisir 10-15 min Story Listening – Halloween edition! – TOWARD PROFICIENCY Looking for spooky stories to tell on Halloween week? The Stories First foundation has got you covered! Here is my selection for my Novice students. I will deliver these stories in my “one story a day” routine using Story Listening supplementation. Don’t speak French? Read on, all of these stories except the first one exist in English. 1. Who said ghost stories have to be spooky? Story listening in my classroom 2. Full story in English Adapted script in French (Thanks, Claire Walter!) A haunted house. Story listening in my classroom 3. Full story in English Adapted script in French An old lady find a big hairy toe in the forest. Story listening in my classroom 4. Adapted script in English Adapted script in French (Thanks, Claire Walter!) A young girl disobeys her aunt and suffers the consequences. Unfortunately the video stopped within 2 minutes and no one noticed. 5. Adapted script in French Jenny always wears her green ribbon and everyone is dying to know why she never takes it off. 6. 7.

LE COEUR REVELATEUR | Edgar Allan Poe f1 1920 1 jour 1 actu halloween. Le vampire et La dentiste Dracula va chez le dentiste - Ping Pong Story Listening? Oh yea! This post encourages you to try Story Listening, and responds to objections to it. Story Listening— SL— is a comprehensible input teaching technique developed by Beniko Mason, who taught English to Japanese Uni students, many of whom had failed first-year Uni English. Mason’s students— the “bad” ones— consistently outperformed their traditionally-taught peers, in many cases acquiring twice as quickly as other students. SL is very simple. SL does not involve homework, output, grammar (or other) “practice,” grammar instruction (other than the teacher answering student questions). SL is a “pure input” technique, and it works. Story Listening has many advantages: In my experience, it’s effective, easy and fun, and I regularly use it. Here in North America, lots of us want to use SL in our classes. English is a fairly phonetic language (unlike say Chinese). There have also been other comments. Today’s question: how do we deal with these problems and objections? 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 4. ). 5.

Simon Cowell's Golden Buzzer, Tyler... - America’s Got Talent Live - Resource: Tu veux sortir avec moi? Il y a un garçon qui s'appelle Olivier. Olivier est grand, jeune et très beau. Il y a aussi une fille qui s'appelle Sophie. Sophie aussi est grande, jeune et très belle. Olivier aime beaucoup Sophie et il pense qu'elle est très belle. Donc Olivier va à Sophie et il lui dit: "Bonjour Sophie. Olivier est très surpris. Olivier est très surpris (et un peu fâché). Olivier est très content.

Valentine's Day Date - Stem-changing preterite

je trouve ca grave drole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by abalma.jfy Feb 27
