The 300 Ultimate Ab and Core Challenge Workout Guide With Pictures Taken from: She has not updated though... so I am going to keep posting my results! It's all very similar to P90X Ab Ripper, with some variations. In later posts I will adjust things to work better for me. Feel free to try them. You can do this routine anytime, before or after your workout. Do 25 repetitions of each move. Let’s get started. In-N-Outs. Straighten legs out (see above), hold for a beat, and bring your knees back into your chest. Bicycles. Reverse Bicycles. Crunchy Frog. This counts as one rep. Cross-Leg/Wide Leg Sit-Ups. Place one hand behind your head and bring your torso up to perform a standard sit-up movement (see above.) And slowly lay back down. Scissors. Alternate legs in a scissor motion, hold each switch for three seconds. Hip Butt Ups. I have no idea why my eyes are closed. Heels to the Heavens. Repeat this motion 25 times. Roll-Up V-Ups. Leg Climbers. Kayakers. Ahhh! Cobra Stretch.
16 Tips to Triple Your Workout Effectiveness Post written by Leo Babauta. You don’t want to spend long hours at the gym, but you want to get stronger, fitter, leaner, and just plain look good. It’s possible that you’re not getting the most out of your workout time. It’s possible to get a super-effective workout in 30 minutes, and only do a few workouts a week, if you maximize your workouts. Disclaimer: First, I’m not a certified trainer. These are tips I’ve read elsewhere that work well for me. And even if you have gotten checked out, or even if you don’t bother doing so, it’s still important to start out an exercise program slowly, until your body has the chance to adjust, or you will face burnout or injury. Don’t dive right into this program — it’s designed for people who have already been working out but want to see better results, quicker, and spend less time doing it. Limit your workouts to 30-40 minutes. The high-intensity cardio would be something you enjoy doing.
How to plan a round-the-world trip - travel tips and articles Itʼs the ultimate trip: circumnavigating the planet, and stopping off wherever takes your fancy. Great for travellers who want to see it all, or who are just plain indecisive. But booking a round-the-world (RTW) trip can be a complex business. Hereʼs our guide to getting started. How to do it The most economical way to circumnavigate is to buy a round-the-world air ticket that uses one airline alliance. There are rules: you must follow one global direction (east or west – no backtracking); you must start and finish in the same country; and you must book all your flights before departure, though you can change them later (which may incur extra charges). How long you need You could whip round the world in a weekend if you flew non-stop. When to go The weather will never be ideal in all your stops. Pin this image Image by Christian Steen Where to go The classic (and cheapest) RTW tickets flit between a few big cities, for example London – Bangkok – Singapore – Sydney – LA. Tips, tricks & pitfalls
The 5 People You Will Fall In Love With 1. The person who doesn’t fall back in love with you. This is just going to be brutal, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it to make it less so. 2. Whether it’s into another career path, another school, or another country, you are going to follow someone. 3. You just wake up one day and are fully grossed out by their presence in your bed. 4. It will be like loving a brick wall. 5. You will go into it thinking that you aren’t ready to fall in love.
A Beginner’s Guide to Getting Toned Congratulations on selecting the goal to get toned! Committing to this goal will make you leaner, stronger, and all-around healthier. But before we dive right in to working out, you should first have an understanding of what achieving the goal of “Get Toned” will entail. What “Get toned” really means: There are a lot of misconceptions about what it really means to get toned. Here are some mixed strength & cardio training plans to get you started: Transform Your Body: A 3-week long functional fitness workout plan that uses the barbell, bodyweight moves, and high-intensity conditioning. Lose the fat coat (conditioning): You can develop your muscles, and they can be the nicest, strongest, shapeliest muscles in the world, but it won’t matter if they are hidden by fat. Here are some cardio-focused training plans for you: Run your first 5k! Build those muscles (strength training): To get toned, you have to build muscle. Proper weights and reps: Like what you see?
TOP 5 FAVORITE AB MOVES & NUTRITION TIPS FOR A FLAT TUMMY! | Bikini Body Mommy “Mother’s Apron” … “Marsupial Pouch” … “Muffin Top” — BE GONE! As promised ladies, here are my TOP 5 FAVORITE AB MOVES & TOP 5 NUTRITION TIPS for BANISHING your MOMMY BELL Y an d Losing that NASTY Lower Ab-Flab … FOR GOOD! TOP 5 AB MOVES: Finish the series – then repeat, for a total of TWO Sets… 1.) 2.) 1.) 2.) *wrist issues? 1.) 2.) 1.) 2.) *wrist issues? 1.) 2.) TOP 5 BIKINI BODY MOMMY NUTRITION TIPS: For a FLAT STOMACH! #1: Take a Multivitamin & Liquid Fish Oil supplement REASON #1: The multivitamin is an insurance policy against nutrient deficiencies — Most clients come to me deficient in a bunch of vitamins, minerals, and omega 3’s… and if we fix that right out of the gate, we can really hit the ground running! REASON #2: The fish oil has plenty of data behind it that suggests that it has positive effects on the motivational centers of your brain (when taken in the dose I recommend), as well as increases FAT LOSS, and has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body. Why start here?
Catwoman's Anti-Inflammation Diet - YouBeauty If you were faced with the prospect of donning an unforgiving, figure-hugging Catwoman suit on the big screen, you might think about tightening up your eating habits. That’s exactly what actress Anne Hathaway did, who rocks a slim and toned physique in the new Batman film, “The Dark Knight Rises,” which premiers this Friday. To get in meow-worthy shape, Hathaway teamed up with nutrition coach Jackie Keller and her team at Nutrifit. Together, they developed a plan to help the already-slim star look leaner and more toned. MORE: Can Certain Foods Speed Up Weight Loss? “Anne came to us as a vegetarian who skewed towards vegan—besides meat, she doesn’t eat cheese, eggs or fish,” says Keller. But this was no celebrity starvation diet just so Hathaway could slip on the slinky suit. Shop Our Favorite Anti-Inflammatory Skincare at — Proven to Work! Reducing inflammation in your body can not only help keep you healthy, but can also give you a beauty boost. MORE: Going Meat-Free?
Top 40 Useful Sites To Learn New Skills The web is a powerful resource that can easily help you learn new skills. You just have to know where to look. Sure, you can use Google, Yahoo, or Bing to search for sites where you can learn new skills , but I figured I’d save you some time. Here are the top 40 sites I have personally used over the last few years when I want to learn something new. Hack a Day - Hack a Day serves up fresh hacks (short tutorials) every day from around the web and one in-depth ‘How-To hack’ guide each week.eHow - eHow is an online community dedicated to providing visitors the ability to research, share, and discuss solutions and tips for completing day-to-day tasks and projects.Wired How-To Wiki - Collaborate with Wired editors and help them build their extensive library of projects, hacks, tricks and tips.
Cómo reducir la cintura rápidamente This application requires JavaScript. Cuando nos ponemos a dieta y logramos bajar esos kilos de más, además de los beneficios para la salud es muy satisfactorio poder volver a usar prendas que antes nos ajustaban en las zonas de caderas, muslos y cintura. Pero a veces aunque bajemos de peso, comamos saludablemente y hagamos ejercicio, reducir la cintura y bajar el abdomen suelen ser de las partes más difíciles de tornear del cuerpo. Hoy te contamos trucos para modelar la cintura: sigue estos TipsiMujer en el video exclusivo que preparamos para ti y así podrás saber cómo reducir la cintura rápidamente y volver a usar tus prendas favoritas. ¡No te lo puedes perder! Jupiterimages/Goodshoot/Thinkstock Eliminar el azúcar y las grasas saturadas Para eliminar la grasa acumulada en la zona de la cintura, lo primero es eliminar todo lo que mantenga grasas saturadas y azúcar. Elimina la comida chatarra, los dulces y los panificados con azúcar. iStockphoto/Thinkstock Reducir hidratos de carbono
CrossFit Exercises List Photo Credit CrossFit Fever A CrossFit Exercises List for the enthusiastic CrossFitter! These CrossFit exercises are used in CrossFit training, workouts of the day (WODs), and will help you build insane strength. There are infinite variations of these CrossFit exercises, but the most common versions can be found on this list. Most exercises are linked to an instructional YouTube video, so you can check out the exact technique and movement of each CrossFit exercise. Clean: A weight lift starting from the ground that requires using the upwards momentum of a deadlift, jump, and front squat to bring the weight up to the shoulders. This list of CrossFit exercises is always growing! Olympic Weightlifting Starter Difficulty: Beginner to intermediate. Coach: Diane Fu from FuBarbell Price: $19.99 Workouts: 12 video tutorials on the Clean, Jerk, & Snatch Introduction to CrossFit Difficulty: Novices & beginners. Coach: Gina Gonella Price: Free Benchmark CrossFit WODs Coach: N/A Workouts: 24 Price: $14.99