HORROR ILLUSTRATED Lil'Fie on the WEB(縮小営業中) 未だに「羌瘣 同人 新刊」等で検索してC79エントリをご訪問される方が多くいらっしゃるコレはホンキでDLショップとかで販売を考えるべきなのか?しかしあのコピー本のままでDLショップに登録なんて無理無理 と言うわけでC79のスヒンダム&C80の改に描き足しC84の瘣貂スヒンダムにも描き足し総集編スヒンダム大回転(仮)をやってみようかと考慮しています実本でやるのは無理なのでダウンロード専用版として今年中の上梓を目標に進めてみようかな~と新たなラフ画をボチボチやってます 需要があるか分からないので確定ではないですが~出来るならば全Pフル彩色までやってみたいトコロ 全っ然信じてないけどホントに出すなら購入を考えてあげるわっという奇特なお方がおられましたらコメントしてね~ん白黒で安い方がイイっ とか エロ部分充実させろっ とかリクエストおよびハゲ増しのお便りも歓迎よ? ざっと色変換&うっすら彩色してみた Lauren Gregg 100 Illustrated Horror Film Posters: Part 1 For some, Halloween means costume parties and drunken debauchery. That’s never really been my style. Personally, I like to spend my Halloween evenings eating candy and watching scary movies. This Halloween season has had me reminiscing of the brilliant horror and sci-fi movie posters of years past. Since there were so many amazing posters to showcase, I have split this post into two parts. Creature from Black Lake The Kindred Fright Night Tarantula! Death Race 2000 Silent Running The Thing Forbidden Planet House Planet of the Vampires Tales of Terror Kingdom of the Spiders Day of the Dead The Winged Serpent The Island of Dr. Road Games Equinox Nosferatu Alligator The Alpha Incident Up From the Depths Zardoz Dracula Robinson Crusoe on Mars The Changeling Invaders From Mars The Giant Spider Invasion Plan 9 From Outer Space Mortuary Fantastic Voyage Dawn of the Mummy Marooned Destination Inner Space Garden of the Dead Piranha The Shape of Things to Come The Day It Came to Earth Burial Ground Orca Mission Mars The Blob Atragon
Lines and Colors :: a blog about drawing, painting, illustration, comics, concept art and other visual arts Oren Haskins - Blog L'ACCUEIL - … - ERWIN PALE Vers l'Autre Citadelle ANNURÊVE - LES ROYAUMES D'ÂMERÔDE Galeries Graphiques - Fantasy Arts (cliquez sur la bannière pour entrez dans les Rêves Immortels) A voir également le Book Virtuel cliquez sur l'image pour découvrir le book Bonne visite Par Adûnä Faël - Publié dans : L'ACCUEIL 0 Character Design | Artist Interviews Rafael Grampá illus 6 The Surreal Paintings of Vladimir Kush posted by Damian M. under Photography on Mar 21st, 2010 with 32 Comments 21 Mar 0 Share 23 Photos Of... said Feb 4th, 2012 Love the city skylines in pics 2 and 3, amazing! Michael Plus Rebecca Burford said Dec 13th, 2011 Vladimir has a new iPad app showcasing his work! RouLitO said Nov 26th, 2011 These are absolutely beautiful pieces of art. Ayisha Papiya said Sep 14th, 2011 Wow unbelievable nice painting you are absolutely brilliant painter thanks a lot for sharing !!!! Coach Purses said Jun 18th, 2011 Nice to see this picture Coach Sneakers Lindsay Marie said May 17th, 2011 Love these, So Creative! brux said Jun 30th, 2010 estan muy bonitas las imagenes, me gusta mucho.. saludillos jeje Designer Handbags said Jun 28th, 2010 These are all very clever ideas and a lot of them are really funny. Coach Purses said Jun 27th, 2010 Great picture ever in my life. sir jorge said Jun 26th, 2010 definitely amazing
THE ART CENTER / Sharing Ideas And Tips From Artist To Artist Kevin Nowlan Illustrators, Illustrators' Agents, Illustration Agency, Art Rep, Artists' Representatives, London, New York, Shianghai, Paris, Hamburg, Singapore,- illustrationweb.com Gurney Journey