Give your résumé a face lift

After avoiding the 7 deadly sins of résumé design, you may be asking, “If I can’t use crazy colors, clip art, and other types of decoration, how do I make my résumé stand out from the crowd?” Like many things, the answer lies in the details. Even if you can’t hire a fancy designer and are stuck with Microsoft Word, a few tweaks can turn your blasé résumé into an elegant and functional showpiece. Update (Oct 25): As promised, here’s a template of the final résumé. Please credit this site, LifeClever, if you post it elsewhere. Thanks! Before starting your résumé makeover, first take a look at a typical one: Like most résumés, it was created in Microsoft Word. Pick a better typefaceRemove extra indentationsMake it easy to skimApply typographic detailing If you’re using Times New Roman, Word’s default typeface, change it now. At the same point size, Georgia appears larger than Times New Roman, so you’ll want to set the font size a point or two smaller. To do this in Word: Here’s the full page:
Street Smarts by Norm Brodsky
People assume that the high bid always wins, but -- when you look beneath the surface -- you may find that other factors are more important than money Habits play a far more important role in business than most people realize. I'm talking here about habits of mind, ways of thinking.
35 Interview Mistakes to Avoid - Life Lessons
After working in the recruitment industry for over 8 years and having interviewed hundreds of candidates face to face, over the phone and via Skype, I’ve noticed many common mistakes that candidates often make when it comes to the job interview. You can do all the right things in an interview – but it’s the wrong things, the slip of the tongue, that one little mistake or off comment, that can instantly ruin your chances of getting the job and throw all your good work and rapport out the window. By paying attention to the following interview mistakes, you can learn from the mistakes of tens of thousands of other people, and avoid making them in your next job interview.
The Best Answers to Tough Interview Questions
The Best Answers to Tough Interview Questions Tell me about yourself. This is really more of a request than a question. But these few words can put you on the spot in a way no question can. Many quickly lose control of the interview during the most critical time- the first five minutes.
The 10 Best Questions to Ask at a Job Interview
Karen Burns You’re interviewing for a job. After 20 or 30 minutes, you’re asked: “Do you have any questions?” The worst thing you can do is ask, “What is it your company does?”
General Interview Questions
As a job seeker, you may notice that there are some general interview questions in every job interview; therefore you must be prepared for them. Whether is the first or second job interview, you need to do your best to get the job. Here we provide you with a list of questions. Take a look at this section and practice for your coming job interview.
Investment Banking Interview Questions, Recruiting, Job Search, Resume and Cover Letter Tips - IBankingFAQ