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Omnidrive: Free Online Storage, Sharing and Publishing Platform

Omnidrive: Free Online Storage, Sharing and Publishing Platform

IBackup Online Backup - Online Storage and Data Sharing Welcome to BitPim Sproutit: Sprout Home How do I upload my files using an FTP program? The following article explains how to upload your website to our servers through an FTP (File Transfer Protocal) program. There are a large number of programs you can choose from. The basic idea is to first establish a connection with our server and your computer and then upload the files. This will transfer your website to our servers so that others can view your site on the internet. Open the FTP program. Entering the above information should open a connection to your websites folder on our server. Navigate through the folder of your home machine to find your files. Note: in order for your site to show up when you type in your domain name or IP address into a web browser, the first page or the home page must be named one of these file names: If you require a different home page name (called a "default document"), you can update it through the Control Panel or we can accommodate your needs. Also, these documents carry an "order of precedence" as they are listed above.

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