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Facebook privacy and kids: Don’t post photos of your kids online

Facebook privacy and kids: Don’t post photos of your kids online
Photo by Hemera/Thinkstock I vividly remember the Facebook post. It was my friend’s 5-year-old daughter “Kate,” (a pseudonym) standing outside of her house in a bright yellow bikini, the street address clearly visible behind her on the front door. A caption read “Leaving for our annual Labor Day weekend at the beach,” and beneath it were more than 50 likes and comments from friends—including many “friends” that Kate’s mom barely knew. The picture had been uploaded to a Facebook album, and there were 114 shots just of Kate: freshly cleaned and swaddled on the day of her birth … giving her Labradoodle a kiss … playing on a swing set. I completely understood her parents’ desire to capture Kate’s everyday moments, because early childhood is so ephemeral. Last week, Facebook updated its privacy policy again. Six thousand respondents to Slate’s survey show a clear trend. The problem is that Facebook is only one site. That poses some obvious challenges for Kate’s future self. Related:  Online PrivacyYou may be in Danger

How to foil NSA sabotage: use a dead man's switch | Technology The more we learn about the breadth and depth of the NSA and GCHQ's programmes of spying on the general public, the more alarming it all becomes. The most recent stories about the deliberate sabotage of security technology are the full stop at the end of a sentence that started on 8 August, when the founder of Lavabit (the privacy oriented email provider used by whistleblower Edward Snowden) abruptly shut down, with its founder, Ladar Levison, obliquely implying that he'd been ordered to secretly subvert his own system to compromise his users' privacy. It doesn't really matter if you trust the "good" spies of America and the UK not to abuse their powers (though even the NSA now admits to routine abuse), you should still be wary of deliberately weakened security. It is laughable to suppose that the back doors that the NSA has secretly inserted into common technologies will only be exploited by the NSA. One important check against the NSA's war on security is transparency.

Rédiger des posts "parfaits" sur les réseaux sociaux #SMO | AUTOVEILLE | Logiciel de veille Bonjour tout le monde ! J’ai profité du calme de ce lundi matin pour effectuer ma veille informationnelle sur des infographies intéressantes. Mon logiciel de veille automatique m’a rapatrié une illustration super intéressante sur comment écrire des posts, des messages ou encore des articles parfaits sur les réseaux et médias sociaux ? Différentes plateformes sont présentées dans l’infographie : BlogsYouTubeFacebookTwitterPinterestGoogle+InstagramVineTumblr Il y a également les meilleurs et les pires moments de la journée qui sont présentés pour publier des informations sur tel ou tel réseau social (je vous prie de voir le tableau tout à la fin de l’infographie jointe). Si on doit retenir les informations les plus importantes, il faut, lors de la création d’un post, qu’il y ait : Un call-to-actionUn titre engageant avec des mots-clésUne description ou un texte informatif et intéressantDes images ou des vidéos qui correspondent au contenu de la pageDes hashtags J’adore cette infographie !

Climate change a clear threat U.S. President Donald Trump arrives for a working session with outreach countries and international organizations, at the G7 Summit, Saturday, May 27, 2017, in Taormina, Italy. AP Photo/Evan Vucci, Pool President Donald Trump's bombshell announcement that he was pulling the US out of the Paris Agreement was widely panned by environmental activists and scientists, as well as major business leaders such as Tesla CEO Elon Musk and billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban. But Trump's decision has also invited scrutiny from military and intelligence experts who believe a US withdrawal from the pact poses a unique threat to national security and the global order. The primary link between climate change and national security is instability, according to James Clapper, the former Director of National Intelligence. Climate change, which Clapper said significantly contributes to instability, can have a devastating impact on the availability of critical resources such as water, food, and energy.

30 Practical Tips About the Horrors of Raising a Baby That You Will Never Learn from Movies and TV By Dustin Rowles | Think Pieces | May 25, 2012 | Comments (0 View Two weeks ago, ahead of May's release of What to Expect When You're Expecting, Courtney -- who is now in her third trimester -- provided this helpful and hilarious piece on what movies and television didn't tell us about pregnancy. I have no intention of turning Pajiba into a parenting blog, but with Courtney and TK both expecting newborns in the next six weeks, I thought I would offer them -- and other soon-to-be parents -- some words of wisdom from a Dad who really doesn't know what the hell he's doing half the time, but has still somehow managed to be a parent to one wonderful child for nearly five years without killing him. So, I offer for new parents these 30 Practical Parenting Tips You Will Never Learn from Movies and Television. 1. 2. Corollary: If you use the Internet to search for symptoms, Yahoo Answers will invariably show up at the top of the search engine listings. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Mailpile: Let’s take email back! Comment comprendre le succès de Snapchat auprès des adolescents La guerre des images n’aura pas lieu Notre enquête a également révélé un type d’inquiétude moins conforme aux mises en garde des adultes, mais non moins agissante : c’est la crainte de perdre la face, au sens propre, en étant « affiché » - adjectif qui a dans le langage des ados une connotation très négative. Bien qu’elle s’appuie rarement sur des expériences vécues, la hantise est réelle de voir exposées sur Facebook des images de soi dévalorisantes, que les adolescents désignent par la formule très usitée, de Lisieux à Strasbourg en passant par Aulnay-sous-Bois, de « photos dossier ». Se livrer et ... se soustraire à la tyrannie des regards On saisit mieux alors la fonction libératrice pour les adolescents des images sans contraintes échangées par Snapchat qui est parvenu à soustraire la fabrique des images aux rapports de pouvoirs s’exerçant sous la surface apparemment lénifiante des murs de Facebook. Regardez, il n’y a rien à voir : nouvelles « images d’ambiance » Des émoticon vivants

The Airport Lawyers Who Stood Up to Trump Are Under Attack The Airport Lawyers Who Stood Up to [...] Demonstrators pass a volunteer immigration attorney as they march in support of a ruling by a federal judge in Seattle that grants a nationwide temporary restraining order against the presidential order to ban travel to the United States from seven Muslim-majority countries, at Tom Bradley International Terminal at Los Angeles International Airport on Feb. 4, 2017. (Photo by David McNew/Getty Images) This post originally appeared at The Nation. While the country has been fixated on President Trump’s firings, leaks and outbursts involving the Department of Justice, that agency has itself been stealthily attacking our democracy by telling good lawyers to stop representing people. Last week, NWIRP filed a lawsuit to defend itself against the DoJ’s order—and on Wednesday, a judge granted a restraining order. Before I explain more, let’s step back for the context: You have no right to counsel in immigration proceedings.

The First Time My Daughter Told Me She Hated Me, I Bought Her a Cake The best cake I've ever purchased, hands down. Two summers ago, my daughter crossed a milestone: She told me she hated me for the first time. She was 15 years old -- nearly 16 -- and we were arguing about her boyfriend at the time. He’s still a minor, so I’m not going to use his real name. I asked Kiddo for a substitute, but all her suggestions were unfit for print. I’m going to call him “Dick”, because it’s a name, and it’s the closest to the names that Kiddo chose for him. So we were arguing about Dick, who really was a dick, although my daughter didn’t know it at the time, and the argument wasn’t going well. We aren’t a shouting-match sort of family, but things got out of hand and culminated with my daughter storming out the door, shouting, “You’re a fucking bitch, I hate you!” It’s one of those major leaps, like cutting teeth or taking your first steps: Her Very First “I Hate You.” My husband and I stood in the kitchen and tried to decide what to do next. “Hello?” “You’re serious?”

Hushmail – Free Email with Privacy 12 vidéos didactiques sur les réseaux sociaux et le numérique La firme Orange via le blog Le Collectif a eu la bonne idée de mettre à disposition des internautes et mobinautes des vidéos courtes didactiques et avec un brin d’humour sur des services en ligne (Twitter, Pinterest, Klout, Foursquare, Google Plus…) et notions de l’Internet (cloud computing…) et du monde connecté (TV connectée, voiture connectée…) d’aujourd’hui afin de mieux les comprendre et les appréhender. Appréhender, comprendre, apprendre En moins de 2 minutes, l’ensemble de ces vidéos intitulées 60 secondes présentent de petits films d’animation pour mieux visualiser ce que recouvrent les outils en ligne et les pratiques qui sont le sujet de ces médias ; une voix off fournissant des explications et d’actions pour ces différents thèmes évoqués. Ces vidéos peuvent être utiles à des néophytes de l’informatique, de l’internet, des smartphones ou à des personnes qui souhaitent découvrir l’utilité de pratiques ou services numériques. Liste des 12 vidéos courtes didactiques 60 secondes
