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The Internet's Mall

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Transferencia de dominio, sepa como transferir dominios. La transferencia de un dominio es el proceso de transferir un dominio de un servicio de alojamiento web o hosting a otro. Este proceso no debe ser confundido con la redirección de un dominio, que simplemente significa redirigir el tráfico de un dominio a otro. Si decide tomar el servicio de un nuevo proveedor de alojamiento web entonces tendrá que transferir el dominio de su servidor web antiguo al nuevo proveedor. Este proceso es bastante sencillo siempre y cuando se sigan claramente las instrucciones que recibirá tanto del servidor donde se encuentra alojado su domino, como del nuevo servicio hosting donde piensa alojarlo. Pasos para Transferir un domino de un Hosting a otro Servidor de Alojamiento Web Delta Scan: The Future of Science and Technology, 2005-2055: Home - *** THIS FORUM IS ARCHIVED *** Welcome to the Delta Scan. This is a forum for scanning the science and technology horizon over the next 50 years. The forum contains a hundred outlook pages covering a wide range of scientific disciplines and technologies. These include topics associated with the future geography and structure of science. WHAT IS AN OUTLOOK?

Quick Facts 26 Fascinating Football Facts With the Super Bowl this weekend, we thought we’d do a “Football facts” roundup to help you impress your buddies with amazingly interesting Football knowledge. 891) Buffalo wings were invented sometime around the 1960s by either John Young or Frank and Teressa Bellissimo in Buffalo, New York. The spreading of this tasty appetizer was relatively slow until Football stepped in. […] Political Ideologies Described by Their Supporters (and Their Enemies) Login Search Memebase Channels Cheezburger Channels Upvoted Facebook Fight of The Day: Irish Cafe Declares War on Vegans, Hilarity Ensues

OCR online para convertir imágenes con caracteres japoneses a texto editable En otras ocasiones hemos tratado de aplicaciones OCR, con las que podemos convertir la escritura que aparece en las imágenes en texto editable, aunque en esta ocasión se trata de un OCR para el idioma japonés. Aunque supongo que la gran mayoría de vosotros no conocéis esta lengua oriental, podéis sacar provecho de esta aplicación online para satisfacer vuestra curiosidad. Únicamente debéis sacar una fotografía de un rótulo, documento o manual que incluya escritura en este idioma.

The Code of the Geeks v3.12 The Code of the Geeks v3.12 By: Robert A. Hayden <> The HTML version of the The Geek Code v3.12 has been formatted by Dylan Northrup. Last updated: March 5, 1996 all the latest vfx news in one place Bourbon Bait and Switch: What's Really in Your Glass? Bourbon, America's truly homegrown spirit, is in the middle of a renaissance. Bourbon makers' revenue is up more than 40 percent since 2009, and the number of brands has exploded. Lots of trends have been credited for bourbon's resurgence, from the popular TV series Mad Men (they drank a lot on that show), to the slowing popularity of vodka, to an increased interest in locally produced artisanal food and drink. More than any other spirit, bourbon is associated with being folksy and down-to-earth—and brands are going to great lengths to play up that image. Take Bulleit.

#Reinicia, desaprender para aprender a pensar la empresa de otra forma Hay libros que marcan un antes y un después cuando los lees. Que los consultas cada poco, que te hacen pensar. Que crees que no profundizan todo lo que te gustaría, pero que tampoco se quedan en una capa superficial y, por ello, te incentivan a que pongas de tu parte, a que uses la imaginación, a que madures y moldees las ideas hasta convertirlas en algo útil para ti mismo. 40 Remarkable Computer Desktop Mods Computer desktop is a very personal thing. Each of us has a personal preference how our desktop should looked like. Modding (customizing) a desktop can be as simple as changing the desktop wallpaper, or messing with the default icons. It can also go as far as tweaking the entire navigation as well as the look and feel. Here’s a showcase of 40 Remarkable Computer Desktop Mods (modifications) that highly represent each user’s personality together with explanations on the applications, icon sets used.

Pixels : Toute l'actualité sur Le
