The Primacy of Consciousness | Documentary Heaven | Watch Free Documentaries Online The Primacy of Consciousness The fundamental nature of reality is actually consciousness. In his documentary Peter Russell explores the reasons why consciousness may be the fundamental essence of the Universe. Many have made such claims from metaphysical perspectives, but the possibility has always been ignored by the scientific community. This documentary basically seeks answers for these questions: What is consciousness? Report: The Primacy of Consciousness Processing your request, Please wait.... Share: The Primacy of Consciousness Related Documentaries From The Web
PJA Radio video ARMES MICRO-ONDES A HAUTES FREQUENCES - ondes, armes, micro Description : démonstration de ces armes dans la trés vielles et trés sérieuse émissions " 60 minutes" méme si vous ne parlez pas l'anglais , les images suffisent. Vidéo ajoutée le : 03-06-2008 14:54:01 Catégories : Education Actualités Télévision Mots-clés : ondes armes micro hautes fréquences Langue : Anglais Lieu de tournage : n/a Adresse de la vidéo : Ajouter cette vidéo sur votre blog ou site web (Copiez/collez le texte HTML ci-dessous) : A Marketer’s Guide to Content Curation There is an elephant in the online marketing “room,” and the elephant’s name is Curation. Curation is the most important part of online marketing that no one is talking about. With the rise of inbound marketing, content has become front and center in the minds of marketers. First, content creation is difficult. Applying Curation to Our Problems As marketers, how do we solve these two problems? Curation has become a fixture for many successful news blogs on the web today. Examples of Curation Some of the most popular posts on this blog have been from curated content. 3 Rules for Great Curation 1. 2. 3. Integrating Curation Into the Content Mix Curation has many applications. How do you use curation for your inbound marketing efforts? Photo Credit: joyosity
The Slow Poisoning of India The Slow Poisoning of India is a 26-minute documentary film directed by Ramesh Menon and produced by the New Delhi-based The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI). It deals with the dangers of excessive use of pesticide in agriculture. India is one of the largest users of pesticide in Asia and also one of the largest manufactures. The film showcases startling case studies from Kerala where villagers in Kasaragod district are paying a heavy price as it has been exposed to pesticide spraying for many years. But some farmers are bouncing back into better practices, and this is a silver lining shown towards the end. Watch the full documentary now Content Curation: Why Is The Content Curator The Key Emerging Online Editorial Role Of The Future? What is content curation and why is it so important for the future of web content publishers? The content curator is the next emerging disruptive role in the content creation and distribution chain. In a world submerged by a flood of information, content curators may provide in the coming months and years a new, tremendously valuable service to anyone looking for quality information online: a personalized, qualified selection of the best and most relevant content and resources on a very specific topic or theme. Photo credit: Luna Vandoorne Vallejo In other words, a content curator is someone "who continually finds, groups, organizes and shares the best and most relevant content on a specific issue online". This is how marketing expert Rohit Bhargava defines what he thinks is one of the key emerging online editorial roles of the future. I have written and discussed at length of something very similar since 2004, when I started writing about the concept of newsradars and newsmastering:
Graham Hill Explains How Less Stuff Leads to More Freedom at TED TreeHugger Founder Graham Hill stopped by the TED Conference recently to outline his LifeEdited project—and explain why a keen ability to edit will be the most important skill of the next century. Watch a video of the talk below:Watch the Video in Full Screen at In the end, the goal of the LifeEdited project was not to strip everything away—rather, it was to cut down to the essential in order to open more opportunities with less space and fewer things. And moving into a sub-500 square foot apartment is not necessary. Read more about LifeEdited:Help Design, Build an Ultra-Low Footprint Apartment: The LifeEdited ProjectWinners Selected in LifeEdited Competition To Design New York ApartmentLifeEdited: What We Can Learn From Camping Equipment
CURATING THE FUTURE | Nation Performing Arts Convention Like e-mail in the ‘90s and the web at the dawn of the new millennium, artists and organizations—as a matter of business—have had to adapt to these new modes of communication and integrate these tools into their operations. Web 2.0 and social platforms like Digg and Delicious, YouTube, Flickr, and Facebook have pushed the electronic envelope even further up the learning curve. Along comes Twitter, and the real-time revolution is on—just as mobile technologies have gone viral. The speed of new development presents challenges—for technologists and luddites alike. But whether you’re a traditionalist or a ‘new mediaist,’ [1] future audiences are growing up with these technologies, [2] and eventually, the arts, like every living thing, must adapt or die. Social media is where the jobs will be. New jobs mean new roles and new responsibilities. “Managing communities is much more complex than traditional outreach,” Levy added. You can Retweet, favorite, or copy urls, but it’s not the same.
Rennes vue du ciel pendant 24 heures Benjamin Keltz , journaliste, est également photographe et observateur de la ville. Il nous livre " Rennes, vue du ciel pendant 24 heures ", une vidéo réalisée en stop motion à partir de photographies prises toutes les 5 minutes. Je trouve toujours ce genre de vidéo des plus parlantes : nous y voyons les flux d'activités au cours de la journée et de la nuit, avec la composante cruciale de la lumière (sans parler de la qualité des photos, cela va de soi). J'ai déjà eu l'occasion de parler de la photo et de la vidéo comme outil d'observation, d'investigation ou encore de visualisation des villes. Le projet a été mené sur (1) sur Rennes, (2) par Benjamin et (3) sur les flux urbains.