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Search Engines
A number of specialized search engines and services have been set up to make finding OER easier. If your aim is to find resources to combine and mix with your own and with each other, it is important to understand the licensing implications. See Licensing and specifically Which License Should I Choose? and License Compatibility. ADRIANE Search and Indexation Tool[1]: Search among several prominent OER repositories including MERLOT[2], OER Commons[3] and ADRIANE[4]. Effective search with search engines If you are already familiar with different search engines and BOOLEAN search you can skip this section. For a normal search simply enter one or more keywords or a phrase into the search box of your favorite search engine and click on the "search" button for the results. Boolean search is a type of search that uses words to establish the relationship between search terms. AND: Use the AND operator to retrieve a set in which each citation contains all the search terms. Notes Source
Search Help Simple search - Type any term into the search box above to find resources containing that term. (More on this below). Specific search - By default, searches look for your terms in all of the information about resources. So a simple search for brown will find resources with that term in title, descriptions, keywords, authors, publishers, etc. You can also select a specific field that you wish to search within. Using filters - Use the filters on the right to narrow your search results. Ordering your search results - Use the order by drop-down menu above to select what order your search results are displayed by. Clear search - To clear all your search terms and filters, click the Clear Search link above. Phrase/Exact search - To search for a phrase, put " around your term. Broadening and narrowing your search: AND / OR - For search for resources covering two topics or about a specific topic and by a specific author, use an AND search. Close Help
Encyclopedia Britannica
Dashboard | EQUELLA
13 Super Useful jQuery Content Slider Scripts and Tutorials | Tutorials
629 shares 8 jQuery Plugins Worth Checking Out jQuery plugins certainly exist to make our life easier, and it’s always great to discover new ones that make it easy to add cool functionality to our projects. Read More 852 shares 6 jQuery Plugins for Scrolling Effects Last week we showcased a collection of websites that take scrolling to the next level.
Look no Further for OER Search Engines
Searching for Open Educational Resources, but not sure where to start looking? Use these OER search engines to find educational content in any field. 10 Great OER Search Engines ♦ Curriki Advanced Search: Search Curriki’s vast education resource repository. Advanced search allows you to specify subject, topic, grade level, media type and more! Refine your search to top-rated contributions to find the best Curriki has to offer. ♦ OpenCourseWare Finder collects a list of courses from some of the well-known open courseware sites, and organizes them into categories. ♦ Learning Objects can be used for quick instruction and/or incorporation into an online education curriculum. ♦ Google University Learning searches a collection of OER and OCW sites. ♦ OER Dynamic Search Engine directs your search to content from a host of top OER repositories. ♦ Federal Resources for Educational Excellence allows you to search learning resources from government agencies. What OER search engines do you use?
Stick Pick
Sharing Knowledge and Building Communities - OpenStax CNX
10 Excellent Open Source and Free Alternatives to Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop is a given in any designer’s wish list, and it comes with a host of features that allow for excellent and professional photo editing. The biggest obstacle to any designer who wants Photoshop is the price, which can be prohibitive. Fortunately there are a number of open source (and completely free) programs out there that do much of what Photoshop can, and sometimes more. In this collection, you will find 10 excellent examples of open source and free alternatives to Adobe Photoshop. This guest post for Six Revisions was written by Daniel Shain from LaptopLogic.com. GIMP stands for “GNU image manipulation program”, and it is one of the oldest and most well known alternatives to Photoshop in existence. If just having the feature set isn’t enough for you, there is an alternative based on GIMP known as GIMPShop. 2. Krita has been lauded for ease of use and won the Akademy Award for Best Application in 2006. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Your favorite open source/free image editor?
" XPERT (Xerte Public E-learning ReposiTory) project is a JISC funded rapid innovation project (summer 2009) to explore the potential of delivering and supporting a distributed repository of e-learning resources created and seamlessly published through the open source e-learning development tool called Xerte Online Toolkits. The aim of XPERT is to progress the vision of a distributed architecture of e-learning resources for sharing and re-use Learners and educators can use XPERT to search a growing database of open learning resources suitable for students at all levels of study in a wide range of different subjects" by macopa May 23