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Talks about Storytelling

Talks about Storytelling

5 free apps for digital storytelling and sharing kids’ ideas Digital storytelling simply means using computer-based tools to tell stories. The 5 apps below are some of my favorites for allowing kids to create, illustrate, record, and share stories and ideas. Digital storytelling is easy to do with these apps, and can be done even if you don’t have access to much technology at school. Puppet Pals What it is: Puppet Pals lets kids choose their characters and backdrops and drag them to the puppet show stage. How to use it: This is a great app for practicing dialogue. See it in action: Toontastic What it is: Toontastic uses a “story arc” with characters, setting, plot, and a conclusion, so it’s perfect for kids who are learning the elements of fiction, as well as older kids who are exploring exposition, rising action, climax, and resolution. How to use it: Have students write and tell their own stories using the simple story arc. Voicethread What it is: Voicethread is my favorite digital storytelling app. Show Me See it in action: Sock Puppets

Car companies get their social media report card It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that social media can help companies connect with customers and move more merchandise, and that includes cars. The automotive industry has established a pretty significant online presence to create a digital version of brand loyalty. But is that really happening? Unmetric, a New York-based social media analysis company, just released a report rating car companies’ social media prowess. How Stories Change the Brain Ben’s dying. That’s what Ben’s father says to the camera as we see Ben play in the background. Ben is two years old and doesn’t know that a brain tumor will take his life in a matter of months. Ben’s father tells us how difficult it is to be joyful around Ben because the father knows what is coming. But in the end he resolves to find the strength to be genuinely happy for Ben’s sake, right up to Ben’s last breath. Everyone can relate to this story. A recent analysis identifies this “hero’s journey” story as the foundation for more than half of the movies that come out of Hollywood, and countless books of fiction and nonfiction. Why are we so attracted to stories? Why the brain loves stories The first part of the answer is that as social creatures who regularly affiliate with strangers, stories are an effective way to transmit important information and values from one individual or community to the next. Think of this as the “car accident effect.” What makes a story effective?

Votre Indicateur Du Vivre Mieux Comment va la vie ? La Norvège obtient de très bons résultats dans de nombreux indicateurs du bien-être comparé à la plupart des autres pays qui figurent dans l’Indicateur du vivre mieux. Le Norvège se positionne en première position pour la satisfaction à l’égard de la vie, la qualité de l’environnement et la sécurité et se positionne au-dessus de la moyenne dans les dimensions du logement, des liens sociaux, de l’engagement civique, de l’équilibre vie professionnelle-vie privée, de l’état de santé, de l’emploi et les salaires. S’il ne fait pas le bonheur, l’argent est tout de même important pour obtenir un meilleur niveau de vie. En Norvège, le revenu moyen disponible ajusté net des ménages par habitant est de 33 393 USD, soit plus que la moyenne de 29 016 USD des pays de l’OCDE. Mais un écart considérable sépare les plus aisés des plus modestes – les 20 % les mieux lotis touchent environ quatre fois le montant perçu par les 20 % les moins bien lotis.

The Poetry Society (Home Page) Narrative-Based Medicine: Potential, Pitfalls, and Practice THEOSONE National Storytelling Network
