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AbegoExtensions - TiddlyWiki macros, plugins and other extensions

AbegoExtensions - TiddlyWiki macros, plugins and other extensions

SidebarPluginVault - TiddlyWiki plugins and extensions MPTW - tiddlywiki powered up (2.5.3) About Bullet List Accordion Menu Bullet List Accordion Menu In this menu example, the menu headers are H3 tags, with each sub menu being UL tags that expand/ contract. A CSS class gets dynamically added to a header when it's expanded to style the expanded header. The headers are toggled via "click" of the mouse, and all headers can be collapsed. The previous expanded header (if any) is closed before expanding the current. Required external file (right click, and select "Save As"): ddaccordion.js Full HTML Source: The menu uses three images for the purpose of styling the menu (download by right clicking, and select "Save As"): See the frontpage of Accordion Content script for a full explanation of each setting inside the script. Bullet List Accordion Menu with nested levels The same menu as above, but this one illustrates how you would add a collapsible second level. The menu also uses three images for the purpose of styling the menu (download by right clicking, and select "Save As"):

TypeLink. Your own cloud-based wiki notepad, accessible anywhere TNW Quick Hit TypeLink (free) is a cloud-based personal wiki notepad. One types on an iOS device or the service’s site, and it syncs information entered across each device. Hits: Minimalist design, allowing one to organize information easily, share it with others and access it at any time. Misses: No Android app, yet. Overall: 4.5/5 The Details: For the most part it’s safe to assume we are all note takers in some form, composing them on sticky notes, paper, one’s hands, smartphones, computers, and now tablets. It’s also safe to assume, with the rise of e-mail, document sharing over e-mail has grown, with individuals e-mailing documents back and forth, back and forth, and so on, each time the document requires a revision or is lost by one of the parties. TypeLink, created by Joshua Justice, is a dead simple method of creating a personal, cloud-based, wiki with limitless potential. To begin, create a free account on TypeLink’s site, then download the free iPhone and iPad apps.

Small Tools for Big Ideas™ Call directly into TW core utility routines, define new functions, calculate values, add dynamically-generated TiddlyWiki-formatted output into tiddler content, or perform any other programmatic actions each time the tiddler is rendered. Documentation see InlineJavascriptPluginInfo Revisions 2010.12.15 1.9.6 allow (but ignore) type="..." syntax 2005.11.08 1.0.0 initial release Code Backward-compatibility for TW2.1.x and earlier if (typeof(wikifyPlainText)=="undefined") window.wikifyPlainText=function(text,limit,tiddler) { if(limit > 0) text = text.substr(0,limit); var wikifier = new Wikifier(text,formatter,null,tiddler); return wikifier.wikifyPlain(); } GLOBAL FUNCTION: $(...) — 'shorthand' convenience syntax for document.getElementById() if (typeof($)=='undefined') { function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id.replace(/^#/,'')); } }

Showcase - ZuluPad Wiki From ZuluPad Wiki Do you have a nifty ZuluPad file or web page to share? Post it here: (Of course, you can run ZuluPad Free examples in ZP Pro. ZuluPad Free Examples Personality Profile Test - - Self-scoring, even! ZuluPad Pro Examples (put your example here!) ZuluPad-Built Web Pages Personality Profile Test - - Personality Test file pulled into ZuluPad Pro and exported as HTML zuHelp - - "How to Zulu" file pulled into ZuluPad Pro and exported as HTML

TiddlyVault - An index of TiddlyWiki extensions from ZuluPad MonkeyPirateTiddlyWiki - some plugins and hacks for tiddlywiki (2.0.10) * A tiddler's tags are show ''above'' the tiddlers title (instead of in a right-floated box).\n* A tiddler's tagging list is shown ''below'' the tiddlers content (instead of in a left-floated box).\n* When editing a tiddler the tags edit box is above the tiddler content (instead of below).\nThese layout changes are done with small changes to ViewTemplate (See TagglyTaggingViewTempplate) and EditTemplate (see TagglyTaggingEditTemplate) and with some CSS from TagglyTaggingStyles.\n The default TW tagging macro is called "tagging". The "New Here" button is optional but very useful. This is also optional. TagglyTagging (also known as "TagglyWiki Style Tagging") is set of plugins, templates and styles you can install in your TiddlyWiki that let you use tagging in powerful and useful ways. Actually a lot less than there used to be since TiddlyWiki version 2.0! TagglyTagging lets you better utilise the power of tagging your TiddlyWiki data. See TagglyTaggingHistory. sdfdfg <<clock2 350>>

OutWiker - the tree notes organizer | Софт, исходники и фото Description OutWiker is designed to store notes in a tree. Such programs are called "outliner", personal wiki, or tree-like editors. OutWiker's main difference from the other similar programs is keeping the tree of notes in the form of directories on disk, and encouraging changing the base by external sources and programs. Also any number of files can be attached to the page. The program uses some sets of free icons taken from sites, and OutWiker distributed with source code under the GPL 3. Downloads Current version - 1.9 OutWiker for Windowsoutwiker_1.9_win.exe (installer, 19 МБ).outwiker_1.9_win.7z (7z archive, 19 МБ) (zip archive, 26 МБ). OutWiker for Windows with all (архив 7z, 30 МБ).outwiker_1.9_win_all_plugins.7z (архив 7z, 21 МБ). For Linux users created PPA-repository. sudo apt-add-repository ppa:outwiker-team/ppasudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install outwiker Screenshots 1.

twab - the tiddly wiki address book Trunk Notes November 22nd, 2010 at 10:23 pm by Dr. Drang I mentioned Trunk Notes, the iOS wiki system that uses Markdown formatting, in my post last month about the state of Markdown. I’d been alerted to it by reader Danstan’s comment on my MarkdownMail post and had visited its web site, but I hadn’t bought or used it. No TextExpander, no Dropbox, no thank you. But Trunk Notes did seem promising, so I started following its developer, Matthew Kennard, on Twitter, and earlier this month he tweeted this: Last reminder :o) Get Trunk Notes for just $0.99! Ninety-nine cents was irresistible, so I bought it before the price rise. Actually, note-taker is something of a misnomer, for although Trunk Notes definitely works as a note-taker, its emphasis on formatting and presentation makes it more of a note-reader. Contrast this with Elements, where the plain text view is the default and the formatted view—also via Markdown—is secondary. Compare that with the same note, formatted in Elements:

VisualTW - Wysiwyg, tabs, fields editor and encryption plugins On VisualTW, you will find several plugins for TiddlyWiki Wysiwyg edition EasyEdit, a lite and fully integrated solution.FCKEditor, a more powerful solution, but requires an external component (FCKeditor).Externalize, to edit tiddlers in your favorite application like html editor, text or word processor, javascript IDE, css editor, ...Externalize requires Firefox and it's All Text! Tabs, fields, encryption, ... Encrypted vault, protects a whole wiki with a single password.
