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20 Basic Rules For Digital Citizenship

20 Basic Rules For Digital Citizenship
The definition of digital citizenship has to do with the quality of behaviors that impact the quality of digital content and communities. To help clarify what that “quality” can look like, put together the following infographic framed around Dos and Don’ts. While seemingly written for a more general audience than students and educators, the thinking is sound, including “Treat others they way you want to be treated,” “Don’t forget the human behind the screen,” “Listen first, talk later,” and “Use proper grammar.” (Yes, please do.) Overall it’s a bit basic, but it does take the important step of moving beyond rhetoric to offer concrete tips to realize the idea. 20 Basic Rules For Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship Flashcards Another academic year is here and with it comes new clothes, lessons, and of course, new technologies. But are your child's digital citizenship skills back-to-school ready? If not, don't worry. To help them make the grade, download these flashcards to help them boost their online know-how. From safety and privacy to literacy and online responsibility, these cards cover digital citizenship basics and have conversation starters to get you and your child thinking and talking. You can reference just one, or download, print, and put together an entire flashcard deck to work through...check below for a DIY version! Want to start a conversation about all of the above?

Comment utiliser le cloud sans risque Stocker films, photos, musique et données en ligne, c'est pratique. Mais ça peut aussi être imprudent. Nos conseils pour profiter du cloud, sans nuages. Les chiffres donnent le vertige : fin 2014, il y avait environ 300 exabytes de données stockées dans le cloud au niveau mondial, soit 7% des données produites sur terre. Côté entreprises, le cloud permet de recourir à des logiciels en ligne, sans avoir à les installer sur l'ensemble des postes des utilisateurs. 1. Globalement, oui. 2. Le cloud n'étant pas infaillible, toute donnée potentiellement sensible ne devrait pas s'y trouver. 3. Dans d'immenses data centers répartis sur quatre continents. 4. Non, certains ont même démontré leur légèreté. 5. La plupart des banques proposent des clouds sécurisés, pour stocker principalement des documents administratifs que l'on souhaite conserver. 6. Si les pirates s'attaquent parfois aux serveurs, il y a très peu de risques qu'ils tentent d'intercepter vos données quand vous les partagez. 7. 8.

Before you post think Lúcia Ferreira | O meu e-portfolio “O que existe atrás de nós e o que existe à nossa frente são problemas menores, se comparados com o que existe dentro de nós.” Oliver W. Holmes “Não acredites nos que sabem tudo.Os que muito sabem, sabem que têm muito a aprender.A educação é do tamanho da vida.Não há começo, não há fim.Só travessia.” Rubem Alves Estudar não é só ler nos livros que há nas escolas. José Carlos Ary dos Santos Todos os finais de ano são altura de reflexão e compromisso… Que em 2012 cada um de nós saiba despir-se por dentro para cuidar dos outros com carinho e entrega, trabalhar com gosto e afinco, (re)aprender a amar a vida na sua plenitude… Só o amor nos torna humildes! Quando um Homem quiser (Ary dos Santos) Tu que dormes à noite na calçada do relento Numa cama de chuva com lençóis feitos de vento Tu que tens o Natal da solidão, do sofrimento És meu irmão amigo És meu irmão Ontem foi o último dia em que o grupo se reuniu. “Não haverá borboletas se a vida não passar por longas e silenciosas metamorfoses.”

Ethical understanding - Introduction In the Australian Curriculum, students develop ethical understanding as they identify and investigate the nature of ethical concepts, values and character traits, and understand how reasoning can assist ethical judgment. Ethical understanding involves students in building a strong personal and socially oriented ethical outlook that helps them to manage context, conflict and uncertainty, and to develop an awareness of the influence that their values and behaviour have on others. The Melbourne Declaration on Education Goals for Young Australians (MCEETYA 2008) recognises that ethical understanding assists students to become ‘confident and creative individuals and active and informed citizens’. It does this through fostering the development of ‘personal values and attributes such as honesty, resilience, empathy and respect for others’, and the capacity to act with ethical integrity (MCEETYA, pp. 8–9).
