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Virtual private network

Virtual private network
VPN connectivity overview A virtual private network connection across the Internet is similar to a wide area network (WAN) link between sites. From a user perspective, the extended network resources are accessed in the same way as resources available within the private network.[2] VPNs allow employees to securely access their company's intranet while traveling outside the office. Similarly, VPNs securely connect geographically disparate offices of an organization, creating one cohesive network. Types[edit] Early data networks allowed VPN-style remote connectivity through dial-up modems or through leased line connections utilizing Frame Relay and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) virtual circuits, provisioned through a network owned and operated by telecommunication carriers. VPNs can be either remote-access (connecting an individual computer to a network) or site-to-site (connecting two networks together). VPN systems may be classified by: Security mechanisms[edit] Authentication[edit]

Information Warfare Monitor The Information Warfare Monitor (IWM) was an advanced research activity tracking the emergence of cyberspace as a strategic domain. It closed January 2012. It was a public-private venture between two Canadian institutions: The SecDev Group, an operational think tank based in Ottawa (Canada), and the Citizen Lab at the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto. The Principal Investigators and co-founders of the Information Warfare Monitor are Rafal Rohozinski (The Secdev Group) and Ronald Deibert (Citizen Lab). The Information Warfare Monitor is part of the Citizen Lab’s network of advanced research projects, which include the OpenNet Initiative, the Fusion Methodology Centre, and PsiLab. It was an independent research effort and its stated mission was to build and broaden the evidence base available to scholars, policy makers, and others. History[edit] Activities[edit] The Information Warfare Monitor engages in three primary activities Case studies. Field-based investigations.

IMI: Los beneficios de una herramienta World Class y una rápida implementación con SAP y TFC « TFC Soluciones Controlar todo el negocio, en sus diferentes áreas, capacidad a la que es posible acceder a través de un ERP, fueron las razones que llevaron a IMI a implementar un sistema de este tipo. La solución llegó de la mano de SAP Business One y la compañía implementadora TFC, elegidas principalmente por las características World Class de esta herramienta y la eficiente metodología de implantación del proveedor. Al respecto, profundiza Jean Pierre Segovia, Administrador General de IMI. Ingeniería y Mantenimiento Industrial (IMI) se vio enfrentada a la necesidad de llevar un control más exhaustivo de su negocio, más allá de limitarse sólo a ámbito contable, pudiendo contar, por ejemplo, con detalles de los productos o materiales adquiridos, a qué proveedor corresponden y su precio. La velocidad de implementación fue otro de los factores que llevaron a la firma a escoger esta propuesta, pues el proveedor TFC cuenta con una metodología propietaria que destaca por esta característica. Volver

Researchers Discover Twitter-Controlled Bitcoin Bot F-Secure has discovered a bot that commands Twitter accounts to help in the generation of Bitcoins. Security firm F-Secure has discovered a bot that compromises Twitter accounts to help in the generation of Bitcoins. Bitcoin is a decentralized virtual currency that was formed by programmers in 2009, and is generated by programming computers to calculate highly complex math problems. The more computing power you have, the faster you can create Bitcoins; this is why Bitcoin rigs often look like massive sculptures of connected servers. According to an F-Secure blog post, the Twitter-based command below generates a bot that can control the Twitter user's computer and add it to a bitcoin mining rig. Last month Symantec blogged about the potential of creating botnets used to mine bitcoins, without the computer owner ever knowing. Bitcoin has found fans in libertarians, hackers of all shades, computer programmers, and more. For more, see "Which Bitcoin Exchange Can You Trust?"

CIO. Chief Information Officer Introducción Las organizaciones, desde el punto de vista de la teoría de los sistemas, puede ser considerara como un sistema abierto y por esta razón , la organización estará expuesta a los diversos cambios que se producen el medio ambiente que la rodea. El éxito o fracaso de una organización, cualquiera sea su rubro, dependerá de la capacidad que tenga la misma para adaptarse a tales cambios. Teniendo en cuenta el concepto anterior, podemos afirmar que existen diversas empresas que ante la necesidad de un cambio o adaptación en el área de informática (manejo de tecnología e información), han implementado un nuevo encuadre para el líder de la tecnología de información, es decir un cambio en la visión y misión que traen durante una larga trayectoria los profesionales de sistemas(en particular los gerentes del centro de cómputos). En este resumen, se detallara esa nueva visión y como consecuencia el surgimiento de un cargo denominado CIO. ¿ Cómo nace el termino CIO? El Papel Que cambia

Heroku | Cloud Application Platform RFID Chile | Radio Frequency Identification Amazon Web Services The Open Source Initiative | Open Source Initiative Channel Master CM3000A - Channel Master CM 3000 Suburban Outdoor Amplified Omnidirectional HDTV Channel Master CM 3000 Suburban Outdoor Amplified Omnidirectional HDTV Channel Master CM 3000 Suburban Outdoor Amplified Omnidirectional HDTV Channel Master CM3000 SMARTenna antenna represents the continued advancement of TV reception equipment that customers have come to expect from Channel Master. A unique feature of the SMARTenna TV antenna is its versatility. The antenna provides excellent reception of UHF and VHF television channels when mounted on roofs, walls, chimneys and even inside attics. Features of the Channel Master CM 3000 Suburban Outdoor Amplified Omnidirectional HDTV Specifications for the Channel Master CM 3000 Suburban Outdoor Amplified Omnidirectional HDTV Bandpass 54-806 MHz FM trap (fixed) Attenuates 88-108 MHz Amplifier gain 20 dB Impedance 75 ohm Power required 117 VAC 60 Hz, 4 watts Weatherproof housing UV protected copolymer Box size: L 22.5" H 22" W 2.75" Mounting type Round mast up to 11/2” O.D.

ACTI Object-oriented programming Overview[edit] Rather than structure programs as code and data, an object-oriented system integrates the two using the concept of an "object". An object has state (data) and behavior (code). Objects correspond to things found in the real world. So for example, a graphics program will have objects such as circle, square, menu. The goals of object-oriented programming are: Increased understanding.Ease of maintenance.Ease of evolution. The overall understanding of the system is increased because the semantic gap—the distance between the language spoken by developers and that spoken by users—is lessened. Object-orientation takes this to the next step. In addition to providing ease of maintenance, encapsulation and information hiding provide ease of evolution as well. An object-oriented program usually contains different types of objects, each corresponding to a real-world object or concept such as a bank account, a hockey player, or a bulldozer. History[edit] A survey by Deborah J.

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