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Innovating Pedagogy 2014 | Open University Innovations Report #3 This series of help sheets is designed for people who are trying out distance and online education for the first time, and for teachers who have already taught at a distance and want to try something new. Each help sheet outlines one approach to learning at a distance and provides guidance on how to put this into practice. All the help sheets are based on approaches covered in past Innovating Pedagogy reports and take into account that students may have only limited access to technology and the Internet. The latest report in our annual series explores new forms of teaching, learning and assessment for an interactive world, to guide teachers and policy makers in productive innovation. Download Innovating Pedagogy 2020 This eighth report, produced in collaboration with the National Institute for Digital Learning (NIDL), Dublin City University, Ireland, proposes ten innovations that are already in currency but have not yet had a profound influence on education in their current form.

Un regard sur les tendances autour de l’apprentissage et du numérique Lorsque l’on parle de MOOC avec les ingénieurs pédagogiques, les spécialistes du e-learning et autres passionnés d’innovation pédagogique et/ou numérique, nombreux sont ceux qui regrettent que le phénomène MOOC semble faire de l’ombre à d’autres options également intéressantes. À ce titre, l’édition de rapports plus synthétiques, comme « Innovating pedagogy 2013 » de l’Open University est particulièrement intéressante. Ce rapport a de plus l’avantage d’être annuel et donc de permettre de faire un suivi des tendances principales. Le fait qu’il soit dirigé par Mike Sharples, expert reconnu du domaine ne gâche rien à l’affaire. Ce rapport reconnaît ainsi l’impact fort des MOOC cette année (et de l’avoir sous estimé l’année dernière, ce qui confirme le sérieux et l’honnêteté intellectuelle des auteurs). L’apprentissage par le jeu a évidemment un champ d’action beaucoup plus large. La « Maker Culture » qui remet la réalisation d’objets au cœur des apprentissages. Like this: J'aime chargement…

Motivator: Create your own motivational posters! First time here? Welcome! We have a lot of fun stuff to play with like ourMotivational Poster maker, Magazine Cover maker, Pop Art poster, and much more! Play as much as you like—everything is free. We also sell awesome custom-printed products. Create, share, and buy your own customized motivational posters. Formation ouverte et à distance Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. La notion de formation ouverte et/ou à distance, (ODL - Open Distance Learning pour les anglophones) désigne les processus de formation initiale ou continue, individuels ou collectifs se faisant à distance. La notion de distance évoque l'éloignement géographique entre les participants à la formation : formateurs et apprenants. La formation est accessible où que l'on se trouve, en présence des autres participants ou pas. Histoire[modifier | modifier le code] Ce type d'enseignement est récent (apparu dans les années 1990). En France[modifier | modifier le code] Dans ce pays, la définition « officielle » de la formation ouverte et à distance (ou FOAD) a été donnée par la DGEFP dans la circulaire du 20 juillet 2001 : « Une formation ouverte et/ou à distance, est un dispositif souple de formation organisé en fonction de besoins individuels ou collectifs (individus, entreprises, territoires). Typologies[modifier | modifier le code] O = Open

50 Education Technology Tools Every Teacher Should Know About via Edudemic Technology and education are pretty intertwined these days and nearly every teacher has a few favorite tech tools that make doing his or her job and connecting with students a little bit easier and more fun for all involved. Yet as with anything related to technology, new tools are hitting the market constantly and older ones rising to prominence, broadening their scope, or just adding new features that make them better matches for education, which can make it hard to keep up with the newest and most useful tools even for the most tech-savvy teachers. Here, we’ve compiled a list of some of the tech tools, including some that are becoming increasingly popular and widely used, that should be part of any teacher’s tech tool arsenal this year, whether for their own personal use or as educational aids in the classroom. Social Learning These tools use the power of social media to help students learn and teachers connect. Learning Lesson Planning and Tools Useful Tools

ARIES lance la plateforme pédagogique SCOLA Le Groupe ARIES annonce le lancement de SCOLA, une plateforme pédagogique qui allie à la fois e-learning et serious game. Elle a pour objectif de s’adresser aux enseignants et aux élèves de Collèges et propose une utilisation inédite des jeux sérieux dans le cadre de l’apprentissage des #mathématiques et de leur histoire. Un serious game pour démystifier les mathématiquesLe premier jeu développé sur la plateforme SCOLA est axé sur les mathématiques et leur histoire. L’objectif étant de lever les freins sur l’apprentissage des maths, matière incontournable qui occupe une place importante dans notre société et qui » paralyse » souvent les élèves au collège.SCOLA leur permet d’appréhender la pratique des mathématiques à travers l’histoire et au sein de différentes cultures. A ce jour, la plateforme SCOLA a été testée par près de 5 000 utilisateurs (élèves de collèges) et peut supporter plusieurs centaines de milliers de connexions en simultané.

32 Innovative (Free!) Online Educational Tools to Try in 2015 Want to be a better student? There are literally thousands of apps for that. Not to mention a wide array of other online learning tools. They’re not all changing education — but a few innovative ones are. Noodle’s team of education experts investigated the vast array of online learning tools to create this list of the 32 best, most innovative online tools that we think will change the education space in 2015. We spoke with teachers, tutors, and leaders in the space. We have grouped these 32 selections based on how they are making a difference in student education. Without further ado, here are the tools that you’ll want to have on your computer, tablet, or smartphone this year... Classroom Connectors Clever What it is: Clever streamlines the process of logging into educational apps by letting students log into all of their tools with a single set of credentials (instead of dozens). Why it’s good: Clever saves time in the classroom. Edmodo Who would love it: Teachers, students, and parents.

A Web 2.0 Class Christopher Columbus was wrong when he reported to the King and Queen that the world is round. In fact, the world is flat and so are many of our classrooms in this great nation. For years, students learned within the parameters of a building, which then separated them into rooms. Students would attend class daily and the teacher would present the daily lesson. Students in Van Meter, Iowa, Burlington, Massachusetts, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania are experiencing education in a new room. A Flat Classroom Led by the efforts and collaboration of Patrick Larkin (1) , Principal of Burlington High School (2) , Shannon Miller (3) , Librarian at Van Meter High School (4) , and William Brannick (5) , Principal of Monsignor Bonner (6) & Archbishop Prendergast Catholic High School (7) these three schools are collaborating weekly through various technology mediums. Last year Mrs. The Virtual Classroom The critic in all of us may say this is simply using the tools and distracting from learning. Mr.
