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KompoZer - Easy web authoring 39 Web Apps and Tools We Use to Create Websites Probably not unlike you, we use a cadre of different tools to help us create websites and products we’re proud of. Every year it seems that this list morphs, evolves, shrinks and grows. So we thought, ‘Hey, it might be valuable to some people to get a look at how we build things and the tools that we use to get the job done.’ We looked at every step of our development process and highlighted our favorite technologies every step of the way. 39 Web Apps and Tools We Use to Create Websites Meeting, Brainstorming, Strategy Our initial planning phases are all about collaboration. Skype – Like many of you, our clients are in far-flung places. Whiteboard – It’s not digital, but there’s nothing more valuable than being able to sketch out quick flows, wire concepts and architectures. Google Docs – Emailing files back and forth, buying Microsoft Office and dealing with version control just isn’t for us. Basecamp – If your job is to ship, Basecamp is the lightweight tool to help you do that.

Silverback — guerrilla usability testing WebsiteBaker CMS | Open Source Content Management WebsiteBaker helpt u op een gebruiksvriendelijke manier websites te maken. Het is een gratis, eenvoudig te bedienen, veilig, flexibel en uitbreidbaar open source content management system (CMS). Maak nieuwe templates in zeer korte tijd - met de kracht van (X)HTML, CSS en jQuery. Met WebsiteBaker maakt u zoekmachinevriendelijke, toegankelijke sites die probleemloos werken volgens de richtlijnen van W3C. Gebruik modules en droplets - de nieuwe, revolutionaire manier om eenvoudig stukjes PHP-code (en daarmee functionaliteit) toe te voegen, waar u maar wilt. WebsiteBaker is de beste keus voor ontwerpers, ontwikkelaars en gebruikers. Kenmerken Gebuiksvriendelijk admin panel WYSIWYG-editors voor het beheer Mogelijkheid voor meertalige websites Overzichtelijk beheer van bestanden en media Aanpasbaar door het eenvoudige template-systeem Uitbreidbaar dankzij modules, droplets & snippets Op groepen gebaseerde toegangsrechten Meer kenmerken van WebsiteBaker...

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Formation vidéo pour apprendre l'informatique: Weecast 13 Excellent Open Source Tools for Web Designers Open source applications and tools are a great alternative for web designers on a budget. Many open source tools have comparable features to the expensive applications, and are also free. This makes it possible possible for a web designer to have all the tools and applications needed to complete everyday tasks without even spending a cent. In this article you will find 13 of the best open source tools for web designers. Text Editors Aptana Studio Aptana is a complete web development environment that combines powerful authoring tools for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, along with thousands of additional plugins created by the community. KompoZer KompoZer is a complete web authoring system that combines web file management and easy-to-use WYSIWYG web page editing. Notepad++ Notepad++ is a source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages. Firebug Firebug is a plugin for Firefox that allows you to edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page. jEdit Dia

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